Chapter 166 Two wives!

Shi Yuan Xiaodian brought Qingfeng and Xiao Tian, ​​a young man in silver robe, to pick up the dead seed. After peeling and washing it, he directly set it on the fire and began to barbecue.

The movements were too quick, and by the time everyone finished their bad breath, the meat was already fragrant.

This is a leftover seed, it was roasted like this, do you really want to eat it?

"Junior Brother, are we really... eating it here?" A group of people swallowed and were a little scared.

"What's this? When I was in Baiduan Mountain, I had to eat several heads at a time. You're welcome, let's eat together." Little Budian greeted everyone.

"is this okay?"

Everyone hesitated, how could they eat the leftover seed with this bear child, this is too crazy.

"It doesn't matter, everyone eat, try Big Brother Shi Yuan's craftsmanship, it tastes pretty good."

After all, he took out a piece of meat, put it directly into his mouth and chewed it a few times, swallowed it, and then showed a look of intoxication.

Everyone was speechless, this bear boy was so calm, or he was used to it.

"Well, the taste is not bad." Xiaobudian ate it with relish and was full of praise.

Tuoba Chuan was resentful. He was a genius of a generation, but he was treated like this. What a humiliation.

This bear child is too sturdy, and he is actually roasting meat and praising it while eating, which makes others wonder whether to laugh or cry.

However, Tuoba Chuan not only did not stop him, but instead discouraged him, not to annoy this little ancestor, otherwise he would be dealt with miserably.

In the end, they didn't rush forward, because they all knew that this was a little devil who dared to beat his brother's face, who would dare to provoke him.

I saw Shi Yuan, the little one, Xiao Tian and the others, all of them eating their mouths full of oil.

"Well, this meat is very tender, melts in your mouth, and is extremely delicious." Xiao Tian said.

Xiao Budian also nodded, this relic is indeed a great tonic, after eating it, the whole body is warm, and there is a warm current that spreads, nourishing the limbs and bones, making people comfortable.

Everyone looked at it, dumbfounded. These people were too extravagant to eat it on the spot, and they were still evaluating it, as if they were eating with relish.

In the distance, Tuoba Chuan's nose was bruised and his face was bruised. His bones were broken. Seeing this scene, he passed out with anger, and he was out of sight and out of mind.

A group of people gathered around, and soon they started eating here. The meat was fragrant. For these young men and women who are "law-abiding" and "very duty" on weekdays, there is a novelty that seems to be doing bad things. Feel, feel very happy.

"What are you doing?" A very pleasant voice came from a woman in white.

The white dress fluttered, she had black hair and black pupils, and she was beautiful. She looked like a water lotus, her skin was white and delicate, her eyes were as bright as stars, and her face was full of surprise.

"Ah, it's Senior Sister Youyu." A group of geniuses quickly lowered their heads and hurriedly swallowed the last mouthful of the golden barbecue.

When Xia Youyu saw Shi Yuan, her face was a little blushing.

"Ling Lingyuan!" Xia Youyu shouted slightly.

Next to Xia Youyu, there was a woman with golden light all over her body, wearing golden armor, tall and full of breasts. Although she had armor on her body, she still couldn't hide her proud demeanor.

This is the goddess of war from Zhulu Academy, standing next to Xia Youyu, she is equally beautiful, her golden armor glows, and she has an alternative style.

One is pure and beautiful, with fluttering white clothes, like a fairy descending from the Moon Palace, and the other is a splendid golden armor with a slender figure, like a goddess. Both are extremely beautiful, making it difficult to take your eyes off.

At this time, Ling Yuan saw the two women and immediately said: "Two wives, come and eat barbecue, it's delicious!"

At this time, Xia Youyu and the goddess of war both looked at Shi Yuan, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Stinky rascal, who is your wife!"

The goddess of war was instantly angry.

This Ling Yuan was too shameless to call them both "wife", it was shameless and shameful, how could they marry this arrogant child.

Shi Yuan laughed weirdly, looking like he was beaten, and said, "Senior Sister Youyu, have you forgotten what you said that day? Why did you turn around and deny the account in a blink of an eye? This is not acceptable!"

Xia Youyu's pretty face blushed, and she shut up and didn't speak.

And behind them, there are some young men and women, watching the group of people in the Butian Pavilion feasting there, they are all in a daze.

"Why do I think that the roasted golden beast looks like the mount of Junior Brother Tuoba?"

"I feel a little bit like that too."

These people are completely stupid and can't believe it.

Is there a mistake, a group of people blocked the door, grilled the guests' mounts, and ate them in the open air. This is too cruel.

A group of people in the deer academy are in a daze, what the hell is going on?They were a little bewildered.

"Junior Brother!" A female disciple exclaimed and ran forward to help Tuoba Chuan, who was covered in blood, and then a group of people from Zhulu Academy gathered around.

"It hurts to death!" Tuoba Chuan woke up, feeling that at least a dozen bones were broken, the pain was piercing, and when he saw the bear child in the distance eating his mouth full of oil, he blinked at him, almost out of breath again go.

"You..." He glared to the side.

"You want to eat it too, Xiao Tian will send him a piece." Xiao Budian said.

This is too unkind, the silver-robed boy glared at him, turned around, and silently ate the golden meat in his hand, ignoring it.

"We want an explanation, why is this happening, the Butian Pavilion is too deceiving!" The disciple of Zhulu Academy quit on the spot, and a hot-tempered senior scolded.

"Junior Sister Xia, do you have such poor meals at Butian Pavilion on weekdays? Why are these teenagers like reincarnations of starving ghosts, blocking our door to eat the dead seed." The goddess of war said, her whole body glowing, even her hair was covered with gold The armor was dyed with a pale golden brilliance.

Xia Youyu was also speechless. This group of junior brothers and sisters were too daring, their eyes wandered, and said, "They are still young and act absurdly, just smile and pass."

Can this be laughed off? It's too short!In the distance, the eyes of Tuoba Chuan and the others were spitting fire. It was a dignified immemorial relic, which was invaluable, so it was eaten like that.

At this moment, the female god of war looked at Shi Yuan coldly and said, "Little hooligan, this is the mount of my Deer Chasing Academy, I am coming to your Butian Pavilion, and it is your guest. You ate the guests' mounts. Don't you give us an explanation?"

At this time, Shi Yuan smiled and said: "Wife, why are you so stingy, didn't you just eat one of your mounts?"


"Boy, don't talk nonsense!" The female god of war snarled.

"Hahaha!" A group of people around laughed.

"Kid, die!" The goddess of war said, and immediately killed Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan immediately said: "Wife, you are so fierce, but no one wants it!"

(End of this chapter)

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