Chapter 187 The Fire Emperor takes action!

I saw someone blocking the front, trying to stop them.

There are terrible powerhouses blocking the way in many directions, things are not as simple as imagined, and the situation is still critical.

"It's just a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam, and they dare to block my way?!" The King of War was quite powerful, rushing past, defeating a group of strong men, and leading the crowd to break through.


Lei Zumuyan released a ball of lightning from another direction, and when even a piece of the strong man flew, turned into coke, and then shattered in the air.

This is a terrifying battlefield. The people in the Butian Pavilion fought against the strong men of the ten directions. After breaking out of the siege, they found that there were still creatures, and they could only fight bloody all the way.


"Don't let them go!"


The ten directions are fighting, and the killing is boiling, but everyone who has a grudge against the Butian Pavilion will take action today. The most terrifying thing is that the ancient sacred mountains such as Yishan have expressed their attitude and sent out the golden beasts. This is a disaster. s consequence.

This is a place of chaos, shouting to kill the sky, blood stained the earth.

Shi Yuan was also like a god of war, bearing the brunt and killing him.

In this case, any Xeon needs to be cautious, not rash, and must fight steadily, avoid encountering more enemies, and break through as soon as possible.

This is a chaotic area, the fog is full, everything is blurred, and you can't see anything at all.

Shi Yuan and others were in deep danger. They were trapped in a large formation. In front of them was a huge tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, reaching a height of hundreds of feet. The trunk was as thick as a bucket, and there were many corpses hanging on the branches.

This giant tree is too huge, covering the sky and the sun, and it is densely packed with corpses, including monsters, humans, and even monks.

This is a conspiracy against the lineage of the Butian Pavilion, and there is a terrible presence in the town, otherwise it would not be so fanciful.


A big star smashed and collapsed half of the sky, and a stone the size of a grinding disc slammed into a large bluestone, crushing the entire rock and breaking it into pieces.

This is an amazing handwriting, absolutely domineering and terrible.

With a "pop", Shi Yuan coughed up blood and flew out. His sternum was broken and his face was pale. He was hit so hard that he didn't know how many bones were broken.

"Ling Yuan, you can't run away!" An indifferent voice came, and a man sat on the back of a vicious bird.

This is a young man, his eyes are as bright as electricity, and there is a flame pattern between his eyebrows, as if there is a fire burning, which is breathtaking.

These are the people of the four major families.

Ling Yuan killed so many people from their four major families, they naturally wanted to kill Ling Yuan.

Even if the remnants of the Butian Pavilion cannot be eradicated today, Ling Yuan and the others must be killed.

I saw that man instantly kill Shi Yuan towards me.


A crimson knife slashed down, and the blazing sword light ripped apart the void, like waves hitting the shore, sweeping in, terrifying unparalleled, as if to split Shi Yuan in two.

Shi Yuan was fearless and his eyes were cold.


Shi Yuan spit out a word, and suddenly, Shi Yuan slashed out with a sword.

In the void, a monstrous sword light, carrying endless flames, was instantly beheaded.

This sword is the Lihuo Sword Intent that evolved from the Suzaku Treasure Technique.

"Boom", the flames rushed into the sky, the two collided, and a splendid brilliance erupted, dazzling like a torch.

With one blow, the void trembled, and the nearby mountains collapsed.


Shi Yuan's feet stomped abruptly, like a gigantic Shenyue falling down, and it collapsed directly.

With a "bang", the man screamed and fell from the back of the fierce bird.

Shi Yuan jumped up, slapped him with a palm, and killed him.


He stepped on the man's chest, and suddenly his sternum was broken dozens of times, and all his internal organs were cracked, and then he punched and shattered his head.

With a "puff", the man's body exploded and fell completely.


This was a brutal and bloody battle. The people in the Butian Pavilion fought bloody battles and slaughtered violently. Although they were not weak, they couldn't stand the crowd.

Shi Yuan's precious appearance is solemn, holding a willow leaf sword, his hair is flying, like a god of war, very powerful.

His eyes were sharp, and he directly killed the person who blocked him.

At this moment, the war king saw Shi Yuan's killing.

Immediately shouted: "Okay!"

"Who is this kid?" The War King asked while fighting.

Liu Lao replied immediately: "Ling Yuan!"

"Hahahaha. It turns out that this son is Ling Yuan, this son is indeed something that can be made!" The King of War praised.

Saying that, I saw that the War King also exuded divine power, and one after another powerful force was beheaded.

Shi Yuan did not stop, and continued to kill.

This is a place of chaos, shouting to kill the sky, blood stained the earth.

Shi Yuan rushed to kill, until he was boiling, and he was covered in blood, smashing through the crowd.

Now, he has lost sight of the direction, and fled with a group of brothers and sisters, all the way through customs and battles.

At this time, on a mountain in the distance, there was a luminous ancient chariot next to it, staying there.

That chariot exuded divine light, auspicious aura lingered, and there was a stream of sacred fluctuations, with a majestic majesty, like the arrival of an emperor.

This is a heroic and heroic man, with a hazy fairy glow all over his body, and his skin is crystal clear, as if carved from divine jade.

When his eyes opened and closed, there was a dazzling glow, and there was a vast and unpredictable majesty, like a real dragon reviving.


A woman in red immediately shouted at the man.

"Is he the Ling Yuan you said?"

The man asked slowly.

Huo Ling'er nodded immediately.

"Sure enough!" The man said slowly.

"Father, save my brothers and sisters." Huo Linger immediately begged.

"Okay, you have been baptized here successfully. After all, you have also worshipped under the door of the Butian Pavilion. I owe them a favor. I will save the people on this side."

In the chariot, there was a majestic voice.

The next moment, the ancient chariot glowed like a sun, and there were endless runes lit up densely, illuminating the universe, and the terrifying aura was as mighty as the ocean.

The ancestors of the Tuoba family were all shocked when they chased and killed them.

But the leader of the Butian Pavilion was covered in blood, fighting to the point of madness, his body was about to shatter, and he was about to perish.

At this moment, the chariot glowed and enveloped the place, ending the battle. The voice was grand and majestic, and said, "Tuoba Clan, please step back."

"Human Sovereign, you shouldn't interfere in this matter!" an ancestor of the Tuoba clan said loudly.

"I want to take care of this!" There were only these words in the ancient chariot.


The people of the Tuoba clan were furious, but they were also very afraid.

With a sound of "hum", the chariot glowed, with golden runes forming a light curtain, which directly enveloped all the disciples of the Heaven-Bending Pavilion. They disappeared from the spot and were sent out more than ten miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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