Chapter 192 You are so beautiful!

"Good thing!" Shi Yuan didn't hold back at all, and immediately caught the fish.

It's not just ayu on this day.

This Emperor Butterfly is very easy to use, Shi Yuan followed the Emperor Butterfly and found a strain of elixir.

These elixir are precious things, relatively rare and valuable.

This time, Shi Yuan had gained a lot, and he had a satisfied smile on his face.

All of this is due to Emperor Butterfly's credit. Little Emperor Butterfly is very smart and is very familiar with the breath of elixir.

In some prohibitions and formations, Xiaomondie also has extraordinary ability.

"This little guy is not bad." Shi Yuan secretly said in his heart.

He took the emperor butterfly and searched all the way. During this period, he encountered many dangers, but he was not afraid, but was very excited.

This Luohuangling is the ancestral land of the Rain Clan, there are many ferocious beasts, and there are some peerless monsters, but under the leadership of Xiaohuangdie, they all avoided.

The most important thing is that he discovered a nightshade flower, which is a kind of magic medicine, which can be used to repair the primordial spirit and is an important material for refining the healing pill.

Naturally, Shi Yuan was not polite and picked these elixir.


Suddenly, a thunderous sound resounded in all directions in the distance, and then immediately saw a terrifying ferocious bird flying with its wings, very fast, like a flash of lightning.

This is a fire crow, with red eyes, feathers as bright as blood, and a terrifying might of flames permeating its body.

"What a powerful fire attribute power!" Shi Yuan's eyes lit up, staring at the fire crow.

The fire crow's speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed in front of Shi Yuan and the others, opened its mouth and spit out hot flames, burning the void.

"Looking for death!" Shi Yuan snorted coldly and punched out.

The blazing flame was instantly shattered, and the Fire Crow let out a whimper and was killed.

Shi Yuan took out the core and put it away.

The core of this fire crow contains a strong fire attribute power, which is suitable for refining and absorption.


Suddenly, a tiger roar came, which was deafening, followed by a black shadow.

This is a black tiger, with a pitch-black body and a huge body. It is covered with black scales, fangs are thick, and claws are shining brightly.

Shi Yuan snorted softly, his body jumped into the air, and he punched it.


A loud noise spread throughout Luohuangling, and the black tiger wailed, and its body exploded.

Shi Yuan and the others obtained a lot of elixir.

At this moment, Shi Yuan felt that someone was talking.

Shi Yuan immediately calmed down and listened carefully.

"It must be caught. It is rare to see one of these creatures for many years. It is rarer than dozens of spiritual medicines combined. It is a priceless treasure. I have already reported it to the top of the clan and must be caught. it!"

There were various shouts and shouts in Luohuangling, and all the masters were in action, catching something everywhere.

"It seems that some strange creature was born, what is it, it seems to be a holy medicine, and the people of the Rain Clan guarding here seem to be very excited, and they are going crazy." Big Red Bird muttered.

Luohuangling was in chaos, and all the masters were dispatched to capture the fetish, making a riot, and there was no peace.

Little Budian, Erbald, and the like are like a hundred claws scratching their hearts.

"You can't let it go. The King of Rain passed down an order that no matter what method we use, we must catch it and offer it up. He will be of great use!" an old man shouted.

"This kind of creature is rare in the world. You haven't seen one for hundreds of years, and now there is only one in the royal family."

Shi Yuan was surprised in his heart, what kind of creature could make the people of the Rain Clan so excited.

Since King Yu wants to get it, it means that this creature must be precious.

"Since you're here, you can't go back empty-handed!"

Shi Yuan laughed.

Shi Yuan immediately followed.

At this moment, Shi Yuan saw that a group of people were chasing a chicken, and the chicken suddenly ran towards Shi Yuan's direction.

Shi Yuan was shocked when he saw the chicken.

I saw that the chicken was golden all over, with five golden feathers growing on the top of its head, as if made of gold, very bright and dazzling, especially the tail, which was like a golden spear, extremely sharp.

It has a mid-parted hair, and it should not be scattered, and it looks like a mid-part.

"cluck. cluck"

"Chicken you are so beautiful."

Suddenly, the chicken ran wildly.

"Grab it, it's Bazhen Chicken!"

A group of people shouted.

Shi Yuan looked at the Bazhen Chicken rushing over, Shi Yuan knew that this was a good thing, and immediately waved his hand, a powerful force flew towards the Bazhen Chicken.


In an instant, the Bazhen Chicken was slapped flying by Shi Yuan's palm and fell to the ground.

Shi Yuan reached out and grabbed the Bazhen chicken and lifted it up. The chicken struggled a few times, but found that it couldn't break free from Shi Yuan's hand, and immediately settled down and stopped resisting.

Shi Yuan picked up a spirit fruit and handed it to it, saying, "Don't move, or you will be stewed."

Bazhenji pecked Shi Yuan's arm, indicating that he did not dare to move.

"Hey, you're quite polite, you are considered to be acquainted." Shi Yuan grinned and threw the Bazhen Chicken into the Qiankun bag, which is a good thing.

At this moment, I saw that the people of the Rain Clan had already caught up and surrounded Shi Yuan.

"Boy, hurry up and hand over that chicken, we will spare you!" A member of the Rain Clan immediately looked at Shi Yuan and shouted angrily.

"Yes, we have been chasing this chicken for two and a half years. If you don't hand it over, don't blame us for being rude!"

Another Rain Clan roared.

"Why should I give it to you?" Shi Yuan asked indifferently.

"By what? Because we are members of the Rain Clan, this is the territory of our Rain Clan!"

"Oh, really?" Shi Yuan said disdainfully.

"Since you have the skills, come and grab it!" Shi Yuan laughed.

After Shi Yuan finished speaking, his body exuded a tyrannical aura, like a god of war, looking down on the heroes.

"Brothers, kill him and take Bazhen Chicken!"


A group of people roared and killed Shi Yuan.

"Clang!" Shi Yuan drew his sword out of the sheath, the cold light was piercing, and strands of killing intent spread, and a snow-white sword light slashed out.


With just one move, a strong man of the Rain Clan screamed and was cut off in the middle, blood spilled, and the body fell to the cliff.


The expressions of the remaining Rain Clan experts changed slightly, revealing disbelief.

"You" they were horrified.

"how is this possible?"

"Since the shot is made, then let's all die!" Shi Yuan said coldly.

For the Rain Clan, Shi Yuan did not hold back.

I saw Shi Yuan kill him in an instant, and beside Shi Yuan, endless sword intent, he killed him in an instant.

chirp chirp-

I saw sword intent flying, and a sound of sword cries.

Rain Clan cultivators kept falling at Shi Yuan's feet.

(End of this chapter)

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