Chapter 202 Appear!

"Hey, Young Master Chiyun is here." Someone was surprised.

Young Master Chiyun has a great reputation in the high-level cave, and is an amazing young master!
He is a member of the four major families, and his Red Feather Treasure Fan was left here two years ago.At first, his younger brother Chifeng held his palm and wanted to kill Xiaodian and steal his treasured bones, which angered the bear child, strongly opposed the suppression, and even led to the subsequent looting of the four major families.

"It's going to be lively now!" Everyone looked forward with excitement.

"Hey, it seems to be the eldest sons of the Tuoba clan. It's really undisguised, the real body is here."

A group of people appeared, and there were thirteen young people. All of them were as rich as jade, with extraordinary temperament, like the reincarnation of immortals. As soon as they appeared, the surroundings were extremely noisy.

"These people are really amazing, especially that Young Master Tuoba, who is said to have cultivated to the realm of transforming spirits."

"And that Young Master Chiyun, it's not easy!"

The appearance of these people suddenly caused a huge wave in the field, and people from all major forces looked sideways.

A few people came, all of them in their twenties, with extraordinary temperament, stern expressions, and silent words. They were the great heroes of the ancient family.

Soon, Master Jingbi and Master Bird were surrounded by people, and a large group of people with high status appeared here, and their backgrounds were not small.

On the other hand, the spectators were unable to come forward, and were blocked by some masters, leaving a large space there, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Obviously, there are strong people from all religions, and their identities are not low. In the face of those two bad old men, they have to ask a result.

"Nothing to discuss, the old man who should say it has already said that the precious blood of the ancient relics is traded, or the rare primitive rune bones are exchanged!"

"Really want to exchange precious blood?" A middle-aged man asked blankly, his eyes flashing cold.

"Not bad!"

"Okay, as long as the news is true, we are willing to come out!" The middle-aged man sneered, killing intent filled, and placed a jade pot on the stone table, with purple light shining in it.

The jar was filled with purple blood, reflecting the jade wares crystal clear, the purple haze surging, like life, the dense purple mist flowing.

"It really is precious blood. It is extremely rare and precious." People were surprised.

"Tell me, tell the truth." The middle-aged man said, he is a member of the four major families.

"Tell you one person, who else will trade with precious blood?" Master Jingbi said calmly.

"Are you kidding me?!" The middle-aged man was furious.

"No, there are so many of you here, each of the major sects has a bottle of precious blood, and put it on the stone table together, and then I will tell you." Bird said.

When everyone heard the words, they all gasped. This is too dark-hearted. It's just a piece of news. If you want so many bottles of precious blood, is there anything more lucrative than this?

You must know that a jar of precious blood of the ancient relics is priceless, enough to make people fight fiercely and sacrifice their lives for each other, but they want a bunch of them.

"If you want to get the news, go forward, but if you don't want to, step back." Master Jingbi said, and then added, "It adds up to at least fifteen jars of the precious blood of the ancient relics, otherwise we won't talk about it."

He is a lion's big mouth, a pot of precious blood is enough for a master to baptize several times, and if used properly, it will play a vital role and affect his life.

"There are so many people here. If you are sincere, one person and one can can be piled into a hill here." Bird Lord said.

Although he exaggerated his words, he also had a bit of truth. All the sects had masters coming. If one sect had one pot, it would be quite impressive.

Everyone sneered and felt that the two bad old men were playing a big game. If this goes on, we will see how they end up. If there is no real news, it will definitely cause public outrage, and they will attack in groups.

"Old man, don't set yourself on fire." A young man sneered, then took out a jade pot and placed it on the stone table. The blue light flashed inside, and the liquid was translucent and flowing.

"Count me in too." Young Master Chiyun said calmly, took out a jar and placed it on the stone table. There was red liquid in it, and Chixia shot out one after another.

At this time, I saw those people and could only hand over their precious blood obediently.

If you let them know that all this was directed and acted by Ling Yuan and Xiao Budian, I wonder if they would vomit blood in anger.

Shi Yuan and Xiao Bu Dian hid behind the scenes.

At this time, they looked at these people who rushed up.

"They are all the people who slaughtered our Butian Pavilion!" Shi Yuan murmured.

At this moment, Little Bit also clenched his fists.

Shi Yuan's plan, from beginning to end, has two purposes.

One is to cheat them, and the other, Shi Yuan and the others know that the person who wants to know their news must be their enemy.

In this way, they can lead them out and catch them all in one go!
Everyone put down the precious blood, and then took a few steps back.

In the end, the number of jade pots on the stone table exceeded fifteen, and they were piled up together.

Then, they looked at Lord Bird and Lord Jingbi coldly and said coldly, "Tell me, where are Ling Yuan and Xiao Budian?"

"Don't ask them, we are here!"

Suddenly, a voice came out.

At this moment, I saw Shi Yuan and Xiao Budian walking out step by step.

I saw Shi Yuan wearing a white robe, like a graceful son, walking out step by step.

The place was boiling, and everyone stood up and looked at the two.

"It's really Ling Yuan and the bear boy!"

At this time, Xiao Budian directly rushed over, he broke through the extreme realm, and was almost invincible here, jumped up directly, and fell from the sky.

Then, with a single stroke, he took the precious blood jars on a table into his arms, and shouted, "My, my, all mine!"

Xiao Budian moved quickly, spread out a piece of animal skin, wrapped a pile of crystal clear jade pots, and quickly carried it behind his back, almost dazzling people.

"you dare!"

Someone was angry, and when they raised their hand, it was a piece of star sand, which quickly turned into stars, rumbled and moved, and the big stars turned one after another, surrounding the place.

Everyone was stunned, what a powerful character this is, to bring such a treasure and directly set up a magic array, which will trap the enemy.

Little was not surprised, and felt a huge pressure, but he was not afraid, and the rays of light floated all over his body. A pair of Kunpeng wings appeared behind him, and he was shocked immediately, and a blazing light erupted.


Divine Wing shook, a big star exploded, then rushed forward, flapped its wings again, and the surrounding rumbling exploded, and the rotating big stars were cracked and defeated directly.

Everyone was shocked, what a powerful treasure this is, and it directly destroyed a powerful treasure, destroying the dead!
At the same time, various runes fell, densely packed like raindrops, and at the same time very dazzling, like a sacred spell manifesting words in the void.

With a squeak, Xiao Budian left an afterimage and was not hit. The Kunpeng wings behind him spread out, so that his feet did not touch the ground, and he swept hundreds of feet. The speed was too fast, and he rushed out of the encirclement.

"bad boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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