Chapter 210 Massacre of the Rain Clan!

"Then let's start with your Rain Clan!" Shi Yuan said coldly.

As soon as he said this, he saw movement everywhere.

Everyone was shocked.

"What? Ling Yuan wants to fight the Rain Clan alone?"

"This is too arrogant!"

"Even if he is invincible, the Rain Clan is still a clan!"

One by one, the monks said immediately.

In the rear, countless people appeared, and all the heroes followed. They wanted to watch a battle between dragons and tigers. Some people didn't believe in Ling Yuan's strength, and some people thought that the Rain Clan was going to have bad luck.

All the attention, the Quartet boiling.

The members of the Rain Clan had a gloomy face. No matter what the result was, they were no longer the winners. They were very dissatisfied that they were gathered here to watch the battle.

"Arrangement, as long as he dares to attack, he will be destroyed in body and spirit, and even his real body will die!" An old man said indifferently.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, he can still destroy our Rain Clan!"

"As long as he dares to come, he must die without a place to be buried!"

In the Pure Land, the people of the Rain Clan were talking a lot.

At this moment, Shi Yuan flew up and came to the sky.

He stood on the spot and slowly drew his sword. It turned out to be a black broken sword, and he violently slashed towards the pure land of the Rain Clan.


The thick sword ray shot straight into the sky, extremely dazzling, like a star river, slashing towards the vast Pure Land of the Rain Clan!
The sword energy was like a sea, and there was a vast expanse. There were stars falling, and the red sun was sinking. The scene was unbelievable.

During this process, fog spreads, there are lightning and thunder, and this magnificent scene is like the era of opening the sky, which is awe-inspiring and heart palpitating.

"not good!"

The members of the Rain Clan quickly retreated, fearful in their hearts. They sensed the power of this sword, which cannot be shaken, and it is difficult to fight against it.

Everyone rushed to both sides and quickly fled for their lives. The huge sword qi fell in the middle and slashed on the central axis of this pure land, with a bang, like a galaxy falling down.

It can be clearly seen that the sun, moon and stars fell, and the sword energy shot into the sky, splitting the building complex in half, and a huge black abyss appeared.


In the ground, treasure bones appeared one after another, and then cracks appeared, like flowers withered, falling petal after petal, and finally turned into pieces.

This sword made many strong men terrified, it was simply earth-shattering!
"So strong, what kind of realm is this, he can condense such a terrifying sword glow."

Everyone was trembling and felt a great pressure.

Shi Yuan's sword made them all horrified, as if a Gadai ferocious demon had descended here and looked down upon the world.

The pure land of the Rain Clan was split open. It was a gap that was a hundred feet long, as if it had been split by a divine weapon. The scene was scary.

With a sound of "Boom", the sword beam shattered and turned into a monstrous flame that drowned the Pure Land and burned everything.

"How strong is this boy?"

People were surprised, Shi Yuan's performance just now was too terrifying.

"You dare to attack!" came an angry shout.

A middle-aged man appeared, wearing a silver robe, his eyes flashed with cold electricity, and he slapped it out with a slap. Thunder flashed, like a galloping dragon, with boundless majesty and a terrifying breath.

Shi Yuan raised his hand and grabbed the Jiaolong, tearing it down, blood dripping, and the screams were extremely shrill.


The people around were gasping for breath, this was too domineering, and it directly tore apart a strong man who had opened up the eight-hole sky.


An old man in the Rain Clan shouted loudly, his eyes were dark, his face was blue, and his killing intent was like a tide. He hated Shi Yuan thoroughly, and this blow alone caused great harm to their pure land.

In the rain clan, all kinds of lights danced, and the symbols lit up in pieces.

"Boom", the core of the earth seemed to explode, and the runes spewed like magma, all of which hit Ling Yuan, too vast and dense to be invincible.

I saw Ling Yuan was not afraid at all, holding the broken sword, sneered: "Dang it!"

With that said, Ling Yuan spread his wings like a Dapeng and flew out instantly.


With a light sound, Shi Yuan's speed was extremely fast, like a stream of light piercing the void, bringing up a piece of snow-white training, and the runes all over the sky were intercepted and shattered in an instant.

"Ah..." A group of elders from the Rain Clan screamed, their treasure arts were disintegrated, their bodies exploded, and blood sputtered, dyeing the sky red.


This scene stunned the nearby monks, all of them were dumbfounded. How strong is this young man?This is the Rain Clan, a behemoth with a long history of inheritance, yet to be slaughtered like this?

"It's too strong, it's indomitable, and it is brave to conquer the world. What kind of swordsmanship is this, it's amazing."

This was a catastrophe, the Rain Clan was robbed, one strong man fell after another, was cut off by Shi Yuan, and the corpse fell from the sky, shocking.


The silver light was shining and dazzling, and a huge animal skin appeared in the Pure Land of the Rain Clan, and finally turned into a fierce beast.

It has a wide mouth, fangs, and a single horn on its head. It looks like a wolf, but it has a crocodile tail and two wings.

"Well, the Rain Clan used extremely powerful treasures. This animal skin is definitely rare in the Primordial Relic, and it's amazing!" Many people were surprised.


This Silver Sky Wolf rushed in, with a violent aura, and everyone joined forces to sacrifice this Noble Phantasm, exerting its peak combat power, and turning the silver animal skin into the true body of the year.

I saw that Shi Yuan was not afraid at all, and the broken sword in his hand was cut out so calmly.

That sword, extremely powerful, cut across the moat.

Like a galaxy, it falls from the nine heavens.

The sword intent is monstrous, as if to destroy the world and shock the Eight Desolations and Six Harmonies!
This is a terrifying picture. Sword beams swept across the four fields, mountains exploded, palace towers collapsed one after another, and smoke and dust filled the air.

Everyone gasped, it was a real Heavenly Wolf, it was cut in half by this sword, and a lot of blood was spilled, staining the ground red.

With a "bang", Shi Yuan jumped up and stepped into the depths of the Rain Clan's Pure Land, bursting with endless brilliance, sending all the Rain Clan members flying.

"Puff puff"

Blood splattered, and these Rain Clan disciples were all cracked, chopped into several pieces, and killed.


Someone screamed, a head was thrown flying, and blood gurgled.

Shi Yuan bathed in the blood of the enemy, like a juvenile god, rolling over all the way, unstoppable, destroying the dead.

His aura is getting stronger and stronger, like a demon king, chasing the children of the Rain Clan, killing them!
"Puff puff"

There was a wailing in the Pure Land of the Rain Clan, blood splashed, and I don't know how many people died. This is a bloody picture.

"Damn, this kid is too strong!!"

"Arrangement, kill him!"

In the pure land of the Rain Clan, a group of old men shouted, the whole treasure land was covered in gray, shrouded in mist, and the runes lit up, and they started an infinite killing formation.

This is a killing array, the power is super terrifying, the runes are intertwined, turned into a sharp blade, overwhelming the sky and cutting the sky.

With a "chuck" sound, Shi Yuan was trapped in it.

Shi Yuan was not afraid, only to see him rise into the air, breaking the sword in his hand and bursting with divine light, the sun, moon, and stars were spinning in the sword energy, so huge that it was like falling from a vast sea of ​​stars.

(End of this chapter)

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