Chapter 214 The Flesh Becomes a Spirit!

At this time, the people present were extremely shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Ling Yuan, so strong!"

"One person destroys a family, if this Ling Yuan grows up, I'm afraid it will be difficult to have a rival!"

"This kind of talent, I'm afraid that Shi Yi can't compare!"

The people present, one by one, commented in shock.

"As expected of Ling Yuan, his strength is truly invincible!" A purple-haired girl said slowly.

The purple-haired girl is very beautiful, her skin is snow-white and crystal clear, she has a pair of rare purple eyes, glittering coquettish luster, as deep as sea water, and her purple hair pours down like a waterfall.

Beautiful and flawless, with radiant skin and a graceful figure.

This is an extremely beautiful girl, tall and curvaceous, her skin is snow-white and crystal clear, she is wearing a white dress, her body is slender and graceful, her skin is frosty and Sai Xue, a pair of green eyes is calm, indifferent, and awesome .

She stood there, as if there was an inexplicable coercion that made people tremble.

"Miss seems to value this Ling Yuan very much?"

Next to her, an old man spoke slowly.

The purple-haired girl smiled and said, "Can someone who can open up ten caves make me not pay attention?"

next to.

I saw a red-haired woman, also watching the battle.

The red-haired woman is extremely beautiful, her skin is better than snow, her eyebrows are curved, her eyelashes are long, her eyes are black and translucent, her nose is straight and her lips are slightly open, she is very beautiful, like a fiery red rose.

She is wearing a fiery red battle uniform, which outlines a seductive and delicate body, plump buttocks, round and full, skin that can be broken by blowing, black and shiny, a pretty face like a creamy white jade, and red lips are delicate and dripping, as if they have just been taken off. Cherry-like.


She snorted softly, and said with some resentment, "Ling Yuan is worthy of being the person that Ben Gong likes, and it didn't disappoint me!"

At this time, the war finally ended, and all the members of the Rain Clan were suppressed by Shi Yuan.

Either they all died, or they all fled here.

No one dares to stay here anymore.

Shi Yuan wore a killing god and opened up ten caves, even the rain god's decree could not do anything about him.

Then, Shi Yuan is an invincible existence here.

With such an existence, who would dare to fight him?
However, there were foreign objects flickering in the sky, and God seemed to have heard their shouts, and a light group landed and appeared beside Shi Yuan.

At the same time, a stone tablet floated up, with crystal characters on it, flashing rays of light, this is the record tablet of the False God Realm.

At this time, everyone was stunned, is this going to piss them off?Unreasonable, so unreasonable, Ling Yuan actually set another record!

The heroes were also surprised for a while, this guy is going to set a record again?

But after thinking about it, they were relieved. The fierce battle just now is definitely worth remembering.

Ling Yuan stretched out his hand and entered the light group, the light curtain broke with a bang, and two bronze pieces appeared in his hand, which turned out to be the ancient gods, and two fragments appeared at once.

"Is it the ancient divine book again?"

"It's three dollars now!"

Beside him, Xiao Budian looked at Shi Yuan with an envious expression and said, "Brother, you got three slices at once, when will you let me show it too!"

Shi Yuan looked at Xiao Budian and said, "Isn't there another Tuoba family here? I'll leave it to you!"


Little excited.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Are these two little bullies really going to be invincible here? ? ?

After Shi Yuan did all this, he directly occupied the Yu Clan's mansion, kicked out the Rain Clan's sect and changed it to "Ling Yuan Mansion"!
Around, people were dumbfounded. This newly established force was simple and rude, and it was directly named Lingyuan Mansion. This behavior was infuriating.

However, no one dared to make a move, because the experts of the Rain Clan had all been killed and wounded, and the remaining people could not resist the offensive of Ling Yuan and Xiao Budian.

They can only swallow their anger, and even dare not show their resentment for fear of revenge.

The place is boiling and everyone is having a heated discussion.

This time, Ling Yuan made a big killing spree, showing his terrifying combat power. He wiped out the entire Rain Clan by one person. This incident caused a huge sensation.

What's going on here?
Many people are concerned about this.

Today, news came out.

It turned out that there used to be a rain god sitting here, and there was a spiritual sense left behind to guard this area, and Shi Yuan actually blew up the place and destroyed the temple.

In this battle, Shi Yuan showed his strength against the sky, and the killing of one person turned the world upside down, making everyone here shudder.

A few days later, Shi Yuan's strength became even more terrifying. He exuded golden brilliance, like a blazing scorching sun, shrouded in golden light, and a terrifying divine might gushed out from his gestures, shocking all directions.

On this day, he broke through and reached the realm of the flesh becoming a spirit.

The Spirit Transformation Realm is divided into three stages. The first is to transform the body into a spirit, the second is to reshape the true self spiritually, and the third is to raise the spirit in the cave.

Now Shi Yuan has reached the first stage.

This means that his physical body has been completely transformed, and his spiritual power has also increased to an astonishing level.

Now, his physical body is already incomparably powerful, even if it is small, it is not comparable. Once it is used, it can easily crush a warrior of the same level.

This is the ultimate power!
And the physical body is even more terrifying, with a punch, the mountain collapses and the ground cracks, and the power is unparalleled.

Before Shi Yuan's physical body did not practice, it was no different from ordinary people in the 21st century, but after practicing, Ye Chen's physical body improved much faster than Shi Hao.

He didn't know what his physique was, but what he knew was that this kind of physique that even Liu Shen had never seen before was very terrifying.

At this time, Xiao Budian also went to attack the Tuoba clan alone.

I saw Big Brother Shi Yuan behave like this.

Of course the little ones can't be left behind.

Shi Yuan didn't make a move, he just watched the battle from the side, he just wanted to prevent Xiaodian from being seriously injured.

However, with Xiaobudian's strength, it is not easy for him to be seriously injured.

I saw Xiao Budian kill out, like a huge Kunpeng, instantly killing the people of the Tuoba clan.

The members of the Tuoba clan were terrified.


The Tuoba family screamed, turned around and ran, not daring to stop at all.

Xiao Budian's speed is too fast, like a fierce beast slaughtering, how could they be able to stop it, and can only run wildly.

However, Xiao Budian's speed was too fast, and in a few breaths, the Tuoba clan was completely beheaded.

The Tuoba clan was exterminated, and only a few young clansmen remained, crying and kneeling on the ground, begging for forgiveness.

Little Budian sneered: "You Tuoba clan, you deserve to be killed!"


The voice fell, several heads flew up, blood splashed, and the Tuoba clan was wiped out!
"I'm going, this bear child is so cruel?" Someone gasped.

"The bear boy is Ling Yuan's younger brother. He has a similar personality and is ruthless. He likes to cause trouble since he was a child. I thought Ling Yuan was extremely powerful, but I didn't expect this bear boy to be so ruthless!"

"Which clan do they come from, and they will definitely be a clan double supreme in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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