Chapter 217 Two Ten Cave Heavens!
Ten caves are open, he stands on the top of the mountain, he can look down on this field, and he can push the Quartet horizontally!
I don't know how long it took, Xiao Budian opened his eyes, like two lightning bolts piercing the void, the whole dense forest was bright and shocking!

It was not until this moment that this transformation was completely over. He was completely different from the past, and he could really look down on the Quartet and disdain the heroes.

The ten caves all converged, slowly retreated, hidden in the void, and all disappeared.

In the mountains and forests, the terrifying fluctuations left like a tide, and slowly calmed down, no longer oppressive, no longer intimidating, and some are just a kind of tranquility.

When everything was over, all kinds of ferocious beasts in the mountains stopped trembling, got up quickly, and fled away, as if they were relieved, and there was no need to worship the Supreme here.

Little Budian stood up, without any ill-will, his eyes were clear, peaceful and quiet, his whole body was introverted and full of auspiciousness, and he was full of energy.

At this moment, Xiao Budian opened his eyes and immediately said, "That's great, I've opened the tenth hole too!!"

The little one immediately exclaimed.

"Congratulations, little one!" Shi Yuan smiled.

"However, this is not the extreme state. I want to be like Big Brother Shi Yuan, to combine the ten caves into one, that is the extreme state!" Xiao Budian said firmly.

"Since the breakthrough has been made, then let's even sweep the four major families together!" Shi Yuan suggested.

Little nodded.

Shi Yuan and Xiao Bu Dian went out respectively.

Now Xiaobudian has also opened up ten caves, and the two of them, here, are invincible existences.


Xiao Budian let out a long howl, and his whole body shone brightly. With a wave of his palm, dozens of boulders flew out and smashed several low mountains. The scene was extremely terrifying.


On the other side, Shi Yuan was also extremely powerful. He had golden symbols circulating all over his body, dazzling like a round of the sun. With his fists, he blew up a mountain range, shocking the eight deserts.

The two pushed away all the way, and encountered several groups of monks who tried to intercept them, but they were all killed in the end.

First, the pure land of the Kun clan was destroyed, then the pure land of the Li clan was turned into ruins... Finally, the pure land of the Yuan clan was also razed to the ground. re-exist.

Shi Yuan and the others harvested a lot. They got a pile of treasure bones and some blood of the left seed, and left.

His movements were too fast, and it was only at this moment that the news began to spread, and everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it. It was such a news that the bear child was not only not dead, but also began to cause chaos in all directions!
Of course, there are some people who don't know, because Shi Yuan and the others are rushing like thunder, pulling up the pure land one after another.

In the end, he broke several ancient teachings, looted the place and turned the pure land into scorched earth, and the news really spread.

The great earthquake in the False God Realm, people can't believe all this, how long has it been, the pure land of all religions has been destroyed in one day, and it is invincible. It is really a young god who came into the world!
Shi Yuan and Xiao Budian both exude divine might, and at this moment, they are simply the overlords of the False God Realm.

Of course, they did not stop there, but continued to take action to wipe out the remaining major families, including the Li clan, etc. At this time, everyone was numb, and even sympathized with the major families.

Who let them mess with the bear children? !

In one day, the four major families were all wiped out, swept away, and no longer existed!
This kind of record was so sturdy that it shocked the entire False God Realm.

"how so?!"

"My God, the Li family was wiped out, how terrifying are those two children?"

People were amazed and couldn't believe their eyes.

Just two children, unexpectedly broke into such a catastrophic catastrophe and made a mess of the world.

On this day, both the False God Realm and the real world were full of commotion. When people got the news, they were almost stunned. This was too wild.

There are many ancient lands, many great teachers, miserable and miserable, being killed by a young man to this step, beyond common sense, two people swept the world's enemies, outrageous and unbelievable!
Several ancient countries, endless powerhouses were all shocked, many princes, many sect masters, etc., were all alarmed, and walked out of the retreat to learn more about the situation from the clansmen.

Even several human emperors were surprised, and opened their eyes in the roar of the avenue, as if looking through the endless void, looking at a certain position in the virtual god realm.

On this day, the wasteland was shaken. The news was like a hurricane, sweeping the ten directions, and everyone shuddered. Some people who survived the Butian Pavilion were so excited that they shivered, their blood surged, and they couldn't help crying, looking up to the sky. Yell.

There is no need to worry anymore, even if the Butian Pavilion is completely destroyed, and only Xiaobudian and Ling Yuan are left, it will be enough to create a brilliant great sect and open a pure land again!It brought them relief, joy, and tears.

This is a big happy event, which cheered everyone up, especially the disciples of the Butian Pavilion, who couldn't help crying.

Seeing the achievements of Ling Yuan and Xiao Budian, it means that the new students will rise again. This is hope, it is dawn, which illuminates the dark night sky.

At this moment, Huo Linger appeared.

Huo Ling'er was wearing a red dress, her skin was crystal clear, and the black and beautiful blue silk dangled softly. She was beautiful and delicate, with a kind of heroic attitude.

She stood in front of Ling Yuan and Xiao Budian with her hips on her back.

She looked at Shi Yuan and Xiao Budian, and said, "Ling Yuan, bear boy, my father wants to see you!"

"The Fire Emperor wants to see us?"

A little surprised.

"Yes, he values ​​you very much, and it seems that he has something important to tell you!" Huo Ling'er continued.

Shi Yuan nodded and said, "Okay!"

However, at this moment, a slender figure appeared, beautiful out of the world, covered with a layer of divine brilliance, a purple robe fluttering, like a fairy in the world, beyond the world.

There is an old man next to him, shrouded in mist, mysterious and terrifying, standing there, but it seems to be in the sky, it is difficult to sense.

The purple-clothed girl is light and airy, with a thin layer of cloud and smoke shrouding her, her robe fluttering, and the holy brilliance is scattered, like a fairy in Guanghan.

Her skin is crystal clear, her facial features are beautiful, her eyes are full of waves, and her eyes are full of indifference, which makes the surrounding flowers pale, but her face is very cold. After looking at Ling Yuan and the others, she turned her head and walked forward. , a look that doesn't want to talk much.

It was none other than Yun Xi.

"Isn't this Yun Xi's wife? Did you miss me today? You even took time to see me!" Ling Yuan immediately looked at Yun Xi and said.

"Rogue, don't talk nonsense!"

In front of the old man, upon hearing Ling Yuan's words, Yun Xiying's white and pretty face was full of anger. She couldn't bear it. Every time she saw each other, she was called a beast.

The purple-clothed girl's bright eyes flickered astonishingly, and she glared at him with her bright red lips biting her teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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