Chapter 229 Distress at sea!


The golden war fighter waved, with a dazzling beam of light, cutting the void, and a sharp breath filled the air, shocking people.

They were stunned. Before they entered Kunpeng's nest, they encountered such waves of crises, strange and terrifying.

"Hey, no, everything is sealed here. Have we come to the sea of ​​magic? Can't summon the Lord to come, or is it close to Kunpeng's ancient nest?"


The golden battle daggers came, splitting the sky, the entire animal skin was cut in half, and a small half was even torn apart, a group of people screamed, and their bodies burst.

Hurry up, you have to die if you stay, this is the saint who died in the sea in ancient times, and the killing intent is immortal! "Don't talk about others, even the servants of the gods are discolored, far from being opponents.

"Woooo..." One of the old god servants took out a beast horn, which was a treasure. When it was blown, it made a whining sound, and the ripples spread, hitting the headless knight.

And the others, all sacrificed their Noble Phantasm, rushed in all directions, and fled separately, otherwise they would all be wiped out, and they would all die here.


Everyone rode the magic weapon and quickly fled towards the bottom of the sea, avoiding the terrifying fluctuation.

This place is truly terrifying, they all know that it is not simple, there must be extraordinary creatures living here.

Soon after, they stopped moving forward. This area is too vast, endless, boundless, without end, and there are many maelstroms, which are unfathomable.

"What is this, why there are so many maelstroms is not accidental." Everyone exclaimed.

Everyone watched carefully, there were too many vortexes, some were dark and dark, some were dark green, and some were purple and red, all of which were filled with terrifying aura.

"This is the burial place." Someone whispered, reminding them not to intrude.

In the depths of those maelstroms, there is a huge island floating, hazy mist transpiring, like a fairy palace, shrouded in the waves, hazy and trembling.

"Are we going to land on the island, this place is too strange, I'm afraid there will be problems." An elder frowned.

Only a few divine servants holding ancient beast horns escaped the catastrophe and fled wildly.

"Run away!"

Others changed their color even more and rushed in all directions. This was a great escape, not an order of magnitude with the other party. If they fought hard, they would definitely die.

The sea is boundless, the real vastness, everyone scattered and fled, and many people still perished. With a wave of the golden battle, the sky was directly cut open, and blood splashed in the distance.

Purple-clothed girls, young-haired teenagers, etc. are the ones who are mainly guarded by the servants of the gods.

However, they were also attacked. The headless saint chased after them. With a flash of battle, the golden light skyrocketed, and the two divine servants who sacrificed their lives immediately burst into pieces.

They can't be as powerful as they are. If they are forcibly blocked, they can only die.

This is a truly invincible gesture, but it is such a powerful saint who also died in the ancient years and fell into this sea.

"Go to the sea area where Kunpeng's lair is located, and everyone escapes separately!"

Shi Yuan took Xiao Budian and immediately fled towards the front.

A few hours later, in the depths of the sea, everyone gathered, looked at each other silently, and their faces were full of sadness.

Now there are only the purple-clothed girl, the silver-haired girl, the red-haired boy, Shi Yuan, Shi Hao, and the young-haired boy who was hostile to him.
"Miss, you actually perished, how can I explain to the master!" A god servant cried, he was covered in blood, a pure-blooded creature, a beautiful girl, withered beside him.

"How could this be? If you haven't entered Kunpeng's Nest, it's no different from falling into the Demon Land."

There is a miserable wind and rain here, and many people are crying. The creatures as powerful as the ancient sacred mountain are not invincible, and they will encounter obstacles after entering the ocean.

"Can we succeed?" the silver-haired girl asked, her name was Yinxue, her face was sad, and the little sister with deep feelings was withered here, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"We've come this far, we're approaching Kunpeng's lair, and we can't give up halfway." The red-haired boy said.

"You must get the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, the most powerful and tenth evil of the ancient times, the unparalleled magical power, and it cannot be left aside. It is so powerful that it can affect the balance of power in the wasteland." The young-haired boy said coldly, his name is Qingyun, and his eyes are a bit cold.

Several god servants are sighing, the road ahead is dangerous, but can they retreat?With so many people dead, it would be too much of a failure to turn around and leave.

However, it was not good to be a teacher, so many people died before reaching the destination, so that a shadow appeared in the hearts of every living being.

At this time, only six divine servants survived. They frowned and discussed seriously.

They continued on and encountered many dangers along the way.

This is an ancient battlefield. There was once a god race powerhouse who fell here. They dared not approach it, but just searched on the periphery.

Suddenly, several people were surprised. They saw a big boat with white bones lying across the sea. Although it had been a long time, it still radiated black light, like a treasure.

"What a strong breath!" They were surprised.

Several god servants showed solemn expressions, and they sensed a monstrous aura coming from the sky, as if an unparalleled murderous thing had awakened and was recovering.


Suddenly, the ancient ship shook violently, and the rays of light shone from the inside, illuminating the sea water, forming a huge wave that swept toward the shore.

"No, hurry up and escape!"

Several god servants were frightened and quickly stepped back. They were all masters. They sensed something bad earlier and responded immediately, otherwise they would most likely be drowned in the sea.

The Forbidden Sea is quiet, even lifeless, as long as they don't speak, the silence here is maddening, and there is not a single wave on the sea.

The water mist curled up, the mist was transpiring, and it became more and more hazy. The sun was almost invisible, and it was extremely dim.

"Hey, that's..."

Suddenly, someone was surprised and pointed to the front, where there was a faint light, a hull as large as a mountain was torn apart, the runes flashed, and it floated on the sea.

"This is the battleship of the Southern Meteorite Mountain, I have seen it before!" Chihuo said.

"Yes, I have seen it too!" Yinxue nodded.

They all came from the Primordial Sacred Mountain, and they walked among each other. They had seen some disciples and children of the same-level great powers, and knew about this outstanding huge warship.

Obviously, the people of the Southern Meteorite Mountain were attacked, and the treasure ship was destroyed here. I don't know if any living creatures survived.

This made them all nervous for a while. This Dead Sea is also full of unknowns and dangers. If you are not careful, you may be buried here.

The haze was heavier, and they kept moving forward, and the seascape was indistinguishable, indistinct, hazy.

"There is a boat..."

Someone exclaimed, pointing into the distance, and through the thick fog, vaguely saw some boats sailing slowly, some as big as mountains, some only ten feet long, and they were far apart from each other.

(End of this chapter)

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