In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 237 Invincible in the world, invincible!

Chapter 237 Invincible in the world, invincible!
At this moment, suddenly, the Kunpeng Nest, huge and majestic, was located on the island reef, filled with chaos.

It is changing. At first, it is simple and dull, but after a closer look, it is found that it gradually brightens, the whole body is bright, and it turns into golden yellow, until it turns black again after a long time.

This kind of change is dizzying and extremely mysterious. This dojo is full of mist, bearing the imprint of the unparalleled powerhouse of the ancient generation.

Countless people gathered here, all wanting to go in and compete for the legendary supernatural power. The powerhouses of all races fought fiercely, leaving corpses one after another, but no one succeeded.

"Hey, what is that?" Someone exclaimed, and at the entrance of Kunpeng's Nest, a treasure light was emitted and a huge wave was released.

"The entrance is cracked, oh my God, someone opened this dojo and is about to enter." Many creatures shouted, causing a chaos.

Kunpeng's Nest is bigger than the surrounding islands. I don't know what kind of ancient trees it is made of.

Now the sealed entrance was cracked open, a gap appeared, and the chaotic mist surged outwards.

A group of powerhouses gathered there, apparently belonging to a top-level power, and they were creatures from the land. They held a cracked bone block, exuding mysterious brilliance.

The bone looked very ordinary, but once it was activated, the golden light suddenly became like a surging wave, and then black runes filled it, and all kinds of light patterns gurgled like water.

"That's... the remnant bones of Kunpeng!" Someone exclaimed, recognizing what the artifact was.

When everyone heard the words, they were all in a daze. The bones of one of the ten ancient villains were still preserved in the world. No wonder they were going to open this ancient nest, and they actually possessed this kind of thing.


After a short silence, the screams of killing were loud.The group of heroes rose together, all of them were red-eyed, and they rushed to the entrance together. If you miss this opportunity, you don't know if there is any more. The treasure art is in the nest, how can you miss it.

Of course Shi Yuan couldn't miss such an opportunity, he waved his hand.

"Don't get in the way!" Shi Yuan said coldly.

Broken Sword suddenly emitted a black light, slashing towards the descendant of the Sea God.


A loud bang.

The descendants of the Sea God were shocked and vomited blood and flew upside down.

Shi Yuan immediately put away Kunmu, then strode forward, and flew towards the Kunpeng Nest.

For a while, there was a lot of slaughter, the strong fell in pieces, and the blood and bones bloomed, which could not hide the temptation of Kunpeng's magic.People gave up their lives and forgot to die, urging their Noble Phantasms to rush forward.

It only took a moment, there was a layer of corpses on the ground, and the bones at the entrance of the ancient nest were piled up into a hill, and there were creatures of all races.


People shouted, urging the Noble Phantasm, and the bones and inscriptions were densely packed. This place became an asura field. There were too many dead creatures, and the blood pooled into a small river.

Shi Yuan and Shi Hao were both scattered, and each went to one side.

Shi Yuan looked at the person in front of him and didn't hold back at all.

He is not a kind person, and those who stand in his way will have to die.

The broken sword in his hand exudes divine light, and it is cut out with one sword.


A loud bang.

The black light erupted, and the billowing black gas slashed forward in an instant.

Shi Yuan's strength is extremely powerful, and he can easily crush Zhu Xiong.

He drove straight in, encountering gods and killing gods, encountering Buddhas and killing Buddhas along the way.


In the end, his sword light soared, cutting a monk into two sections.


Shi Yuan rushed forward all the way, he seemed to have turned into a black light, and he quickly chased after him.

With a "hum", behind him, the golden disc appeared, covering his body, and his whole person was hazy, as if he had transformed into a demon god.


Shi Yuan swung his broken sword, slashing a strong man, then quickly left and ran forward.

This place is in chaos, many strong people are fighting, and blood is splashing.

Shi Yuan swept all the way, he was invincible and could not resist at all, no matter who he was, he would die tragically.

Kunpeng Nest, although there is a breath of sacred majesty circulating, it is also accompanied by danger.

Shi Yuan's strength is extremely powerful, and he can easily crush Zhu Xiong.

He drove straight in, encountering gods and killing gods, encountering Buddhas and killing Buddhas along the way.


In the end, his sword light soared, cutting a monk into two sections.


Shi Yuan rushed forward all the way, he seemed to have turned into a black light, and he quickly chased after him.

With a "hum", behind him, the golden disc appeared, covering his body, and his whole person was hazy, as if he had transformed into a demon god.


Shi Yuan swung his broken sword, slashing a strong man, then quickly left and ran forward.

This place is in chaos, many strong people are fighting, and blood is splashing.

Shi Yuan swept all the way, he was invincible and could not resist at all, no matter who he was, he would die tragically.

Kunpeng Nest, although there is a breath of sacred majesty circulating, it is also accompanied by danger.


The screams continued, blood spattered, and an old man was hacked to death on the spot.

"You dare?" Someone scolded, this is a prince from the sea clan, with strong strength.


Shi Yuan shot, the broken sword swept across, like mowing grass, the man's head was thrown high, blood spurted, dyed the earth, he smashed his head with one foot, and then rushed out, ignoring those people.

With a humming sound, the Kunpeng's nest suddenly trembled, and a flaming beam of light burst out from the inside. The entire sea area was dazzling and dazzling.

Everyone stopped fighting, looked shocked, and looked forward, where Ruixia was surging, fairy light lingered, as if there was an immortal palace emerging.

"It's the end!" Many people exclaimed and rushed forward.

Shi Yuan naturally followed and rushed forward. His speed was extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning, and he came to the front in the blink of an eye.

At this time, in the front, there appeared a door, which was slowly opening. It was a huge door with strange patterns of flowers, birds, fish and insects engraved on it.

Inside the Kunpeng's nest, there are wisps of auspicious clouds floating out and steaming, this scene makes people fascinated.

Across the door, he felt a terrifying aura, as if there was endless killing intent.

His body was tense, and he stared vigilantly around, not daring to take it lightly. There is a big murder in this place, so be careful.

A pair of huge stone gates blocked the way. Next to the stone gates, there was an ancient tree. It was the ancient tree where Kunpeng built a nest. It was like a wall, blocking the front, and the stone gate became the only path.

"Shouldn't we be approaching the real entrance to the lair?"

Although everyone had already come in, they didn't see the ancient trees that built their nests at first. People had reason to suspect that they were really close to the core now.

A sea beast appeared, with a length of several dozen feet. It was a sea whale. It turned into a half-human body and pushed the stone door violently, but it didn't move.

Some living beings wanted to dig up those ancient trees and cut a path from those places, but the talisman light poured down like water, shaking them all away.

A silver violent ape appeared, very irritable, and had long waited impatiently. He quickly sacrificed his Noble Phantasm and hit the pair of huge stone gates, trying to crack it.


The sound is too loud, if there is a thunder in nine days.In Kunpeng's nest, the Shimen glowed, the crowd screamed in surprise, and a huge wave swept across the ten directions, making people palpitate.

(End of this chapter)

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