Chapter 247 Kunpeng's Nest Splits!
Holding the broken sword, he did not stop, but approached with great strides.

At this moment, Shi Yuan's momentum skyrocketed, and his eyes were deep, like a bottomless black hole, with a breathtaking brilliance.

The two are five hundred feet apart, which is a very safe distance.


He pulled out the broken sword, and at this moment, Shi Yuan's aura became stronger.


The broken sword pierced through the void, like a celestial saber, slashing towards Mo Shang's eyebrows. This scene was too amazing. A sword qi surged into the sky, as if it pierced through nine heavens and ten places.

This was an extremely terrifying aura that made everyone tremble.

This kind of power transcends the so-called emperor in the mortal world. It is like a king of Gadai descending, overlooking the heroes, with an invincible style.

This is a kind of power, shocking all the heroes, making everyone hairy, and involuntarily retreating back.


Mo Shang's body glowed, and the clouds rushed into the sky. He was resisting and blocking this blow.


The center of his eyebrows glowed, and the runes between his eyebrows were dazzling, turning into a golden beam of light to greet him.

Shi Yuan held the Broken Sword, slashed out with one sword, and shook it hard. A splendid divine light erupted between the two, shaking violently.


Shi Yuan took a step back, while Mo Shang staggered back, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"What, that kid actually has the upper hand!"

"This is impossible!"

The people around were shocked. Shi Yuan was too strong, and he injured Mo Shang with only his physical strength, which made them horrified.

Mo Shang's brow mark was dim, like a gap, and his face was extremely pale.

"So strong!"

Everyone was amazed that Shi Yuan's fighting power was too scary.


At this moment, Shi Yuan's eyebrows glowed, and the runes flew out, suppressing the past and blocking the area.


A dull sound came out, Mo Shang's body glowed, his eyebrows glowed, and a tripod-shaped magic weapon even evolved, colliding with Shi Yuan's rune.

With a sound of "clang", the tripod shattered, turning into a rain of light and rain.

Mo Shang coughed up blood and his face was pale.

"This tripod..."

Shi Yuan's pupils shrank, this is a treasure, and it is not simple. It was torn apart by Shi Yuan's blow, showing how terrifying the stone tablet is.


He shot, slaughtered forward, punched out, densely covered with runes, turned into one light group after another, and charged forward. This is a kind of secret technique.

With a sound of "clanging", Mo Shang squeezed the magic formula, condensed a mountain, resonated with him, and collided with Shi Yuan.

With a "bang", the mountains exploded and turned into powder.

Shi Yuan's attacking power was still invincible, he once again slashed a broken sword, slashed forward, and took him by the throat.


Mo Shang was frightened, his body glowed like a scorching hot sun, blazing brightly, a terrifying power revived in his body, like a divine furnace burning, to spew out the most splendid sparks.


Shi Yuan swung his sword and collided with the scorching sun in that round of flames. In an instant, sparks shot in all directions, and this scene was frightening.

Both of their bodies trembled, and the flame beside Mo Shang went out.

Shi Yuan was hunting in clothes, his eyes were indifferent, holding the broken sword in his hand, he stepped forward, and he went forward and chopped forward.


The sword light was shocking, and his whole body exuded a hazy brilliance. At this time, he was like an immortal, with a formidable aura.

Shi Yuan's swordsmanship is unparalleled. This is an extremely profound secret technique.


Mo Shang moved sideways and avoided the blow. Although he avoided the key point, a piece of skin was still cut off from his shoulder, and the blood dripped down.

This made him extremely angry. This battle was destined to have one side shedding blood, and wisps of crimson blood rose from his body, and the whole person seemed to be bathed in blood.


Mo Shang roared, holding the bronze halberd and slashing forward, the symbol between his eyebrows flickered, and the rune was jumping, as if to show a pattern.


The broken sword glowed, and Shi Yuan's swordsmanship was divine, destroying all the way, forcing Mo Shang to retreat.

He slashed all the way, and each sword was like a comet slicing across the sky, bringing up a string of blood mist. The bronze halberd was bent, and a gap appeared on it, which was cut off.


Mo Shang shouted loudly, and the runes between his eyebrows became more and more flaming, as if he was about to rush out, one after another, the runes emerged, lingering around his body, turning into flames one after another.

This is a kind of secret technique. Mo Shang has cultivated some kind of magical power, which has pushed his physique to a new peak, and he is activating the potential in his body.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang"...

Shi Yuan stepped forward one step at a time, stepping on the bloody mud. Every footstep left a footprint. He took it easy, as if he was patrolling the territory, leaving a trail of blood everywhere he passed.

Everyone was shocked, his fighting spirit was terrifying, and endless killing intent burst out in his eyes, he was about to go crazy, and he had to completely get rid of this person.


Shi Yuan swung his sword again, and the sword glowed to the sky, as if he was about to sever the sky.

With a "bang", a rune exploded, and the void was illuminated. Mo Shang's body was slashed, and half of his body was almost cut off, and his robes were stained red with blood.

This was a decisive battle, which attracted everyone's attention. No matter what the result was, Shi Yuan rose up in the sea. The battle was able to seriously injure Mo Shang, enough to shake the Quartet.

This sea area is destined to boil, and all sea clan creatures will firmly remember this name.


Suddenly, a terrifying voice came out, the blue sea shook violently, the waves were heavy, and there was an indescribable fluctuation between the heaven and the earth, like the resurrection of the Supreme Being.

"Cracked, Kunpeng's Nest will be completely cracked!" The heroes shouted, all exclaiming.

On the island reef, the huge black ancient nest began to glow, the whole body was bright, and it turned into golden yellow. It really cracked completely with the rumbling sound.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger, and finally it will be torn apart!
The black lair is huge and boundless, like an ancient magic mountain towering, and now it has turned golden yellow, and there are huge cracks one after another.

It has stood for eternity and will not fall. It is located on the island and reef of the blue sea. No one can break it. Now it is about to be completely opened, which makes the heroes tremble with excitement.

Why did everyone come, isn't it because of the supreme treasure technique that shook the past and the present?

In just a moment, the sea area was full of people, and all the creatures couldn't sit still. One by one, the blood was boiling, ready to break in at any time and start a battle.

Even the creatures who had been forced to stand in the distance earlier were also fearless and rushed over. For a time, the sea was densely packed with figures everywhere.

All kinds of powerful creatures appeared, murderous aura swept the blue sea, and even the invincible Venerable also appeared, no longer hiding, a war is coming!
The Kunpeng's nest did not break open, and the gap became larger and larger.

However, it finally lasted to a certain extent, and the ancient nest temporarily stabilized, and there was a rumbling sound inside, as if a supreme being was awakening, and the way of heaven resonated with it.

(End of this chapter)

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