In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 249 Killing the Descendants of the Sea God!

Chapter 249 Killing the Descendants of the Sea God!
At this moment, I saw that the gap on the Kunpeng's nest was getting bigger and bigger.

"Kunpeng's Nest is about to open!"

someone shouted.

Shi Yuan also saw this scene, he looked at the descendant of the Sea God, and he had to end the battle quickly.

At this time, I saw Shi Yuan's body, a powerful force burst out.

He cast a secret technique, blood mist overflowed from the pores all over his body, and he used the most powerful attack to completely eliminate Mo Shang.

Suddenly, in front of Shi Yuan, a powerful sword intent appeared instantly.

"Clanging", a broken sword appeared in his hand. It was a severing blade with dense runes on it, shining brightly, as if an immortal island was hanging in the sky.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, everything was too fast, the broken blade glowed, and a huge sword qi fell down like a galaxy, slashing towards Mo Shang.


"Nine Tribulations Suppressing Prison Sword!"

Shi Yuan directly used the swordsmanship he learned from Xiaota, and instantly slashed with a sword.

Mo Shang looked at the sword in front of him in shock and couldn't believe it.

"how is this possible?"

Immediately, he was seen screaming.

This sword from Shi Yuan actually came from the small tower, which is unbelievable. He actually mastered this invincible sword skill!

Mo Shang shouted angrily and tried his best to resist, but he couldn't.

If it wasn't for his armor that was exceptionally strong and shattered long ago, this sword would have been enough for him to shatter his body, and even so, he was severely injured.

"No?!" Mo Shang yelled.

"Boy, you dare!"

At this moment, I saw countless sea clan creatures rushing up, trying to block Shi Yuan.

However, they were simply too late.

"Suffer to death!"

Shi Yuan sneered.

When he was talking, he saw the broken sword in Shi Yuan's hand, slashing down towards Mo Shang.

A sword qi fell like a waterfall, and a terrifying aura came over the sky and drowned the sea.

This was a catastrophe, and Mo Shang had no choice but to regret it.


A bright ray of light was drawn across the land, this time he was cut in half, blood splashed, and the corpse fell down.

"Ah..." He roared, his voice full of unwillingness, but to no avail, he was cut into two sections.

A generation of Tianjiao has fallen and died!

Shi Yuan stood proudly on the sea, holding a broken sword, looking down at the world, like a king, looking down at the eight wastes.

"My clan god son died and was killed by someone!"

"No, it's all because of him!"

"Kill him and avenge the Son of God!"

The sea people were angry and murderous.


A group of creatures rushed forward, sacrificing weapons, and wanted to kill Shi Yuan, but as soon as they approached, a huge light shrouded the place, blocking everyone.

"Kill!" The sea clan powerhouse yelled.

At this moment, the sky suddenly collapsed, the blue sea rolled back, the islands and reefs trembled, and the golden Kunpeng's nest cracked. It was extremely fast, and the gap was amazing!
"Open, completely opened!" People exclaimed, their attention was diverted, from the two young Tianjiao to the majestic ancient nest.

The golden god's nest was torn apart, blooming like petals, revealing the dazzling dojo in it.

At this moment, as if returning to the ancient times, the gods sang, the voice of the gods pierced the ears, the mysterious symbols were endless, and they were born from the void.

Kunpeng's Nest was completely opened, and the inner dojo was full of brilliance, attracting everyone's attention. They couldn't bear it any longer, and Zhu Qiang rushed forward together.

Shi Yuan immediately flew out, grabbed Mo Shang's body, looted Mo Shang's treasure, and then flew towards the huge Kunpeng Nest.

Seeing this, the rest of the powerhouses followed suit and competed for the ownership of the Kunpeng Nest.


On the periphery of Kunpeng's Nest, thunder bursts, symbols are densely packed, intertwined into a net, blocking many masters, and it is difficult for anyone to break through.


Suddenly, Shi Yuan snorted coldly, and the whole sky seemed to explode. He held the broken sword and suddenly swung it out.


A thick bolt of lightning appeared, dancing like dragons and snakes, tearing apart the sky in an instant and slashing at those runes.

What kind of power is this, those lightnings are roaring like a real dragon, and they are like a catastrophe.


This world is boiling, this scene is too terrifying, all those strong people were overturned, and even turned to ashes.

The first group of people who rushed in were unharmed and entered the dojo. They stepped on the golden light road for a day, like entering a fairyland.

Seeing this, everyone no longer hesitated, and the rest of the people also moved, swarmed in, and entered the Taikoo cave.

"Sacred liquid, there is a pool of divine liquid here!" Kunpeng's dojo is an ordinary place. As soon as he broke into it, someone discovered the divine pool, causing a war.

In the end, the ancestors of the Great Sect, the various princes, and the venerables could not sit still. Seeing that there was no abnormality, it was not a killing situation, they all jumped up and rushed in.

Shi Yuan and Shi Hao both rushed in.

In the depths of Kunpeng's Nest, a stone platform stands, with three stone tablets on it, exuding a faint divine luster, with scriptures and pictures recorded on it.

Under the stele, there are three coffins, all of which are crystal clear and black, reflecting the vicissitudes of time.

"Sure enough, there is something good, grab it!"

The disciples of several major sects shouted and all rushed over.

Immediately, the formation was triggered, and a strong light shattered all those disciples.

Shi Hao also broke in, showing his power in the cave, knocking back a group of people, taking out the jade bottle, and taking the last dozen or so drops of juice from the Shenchi.

This is a sea spirit liquid, not a real divine liquid. It cannot be compared with the Fountain of Youth, but it is equally valuable. It is as blue as chalcedony, and it is formed by the condensed essence of the sea.

It can be used as medicine and can also be refined, second only to the real divine liquid.

Shi Yuan harvested quite a lot. He picked more than a dozen drops at once, which is more than 20 catties. This is an extremely appalling amount, and it is definitely a priceless treasure.


Someone screamed, the body exploded, and was swept away by a strange wave, the body collapsed, the primordial spirit was annihilated, and the body and spirit were destroyed.

Although there are many treasures in this Kunpeng Nest, it is also very dangerous.

"There is Kunpeng Cave on the bottom of the sea, where the gods hide!"

A group of people shouted, and the terrestrial creatures also woke up, all jumped up and rushed into the golden sea of ​​​​divine.

"Let's go too!"

Shi Yuan's whole body glowed like a god, and he also killed him.

Shi Hao nodded and followed behind Shi Yuan.

After arriving at the bottom of the sea, I finally saw a more magnificent cave mansion, and I went straight in, but there was no water in it.

As soon as he stepped in, endless runes rushed in from all directions, and the murderous intent shook the bottom of the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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