Chapter 251 Shi Hao's Power!

"Holy medicine, since ancient times, it has been immortal after endless years, and it is absolutely valuable."

Many people's eyes were hot, and they rushed to kill before, and they reached out their big hands, trying to grab it.However, no one can succeed. There are too many masters here, and they are all vying for it. Treasures are flying. Many people scream, vomit blood and retreat.

"Idiot, that flower is not medicine at all, it's very common." An old man shouted.

As for some princes, their eyes were already glowing, and they were staring at the vase from beginning to end, not the bunch of flowers.

Finally, Zhu Qiang realized that it was the bottle, not the bouquet, that was precious. It was an amazing treasure to keep a bunch of ordinary flowers immortal.

"Yujing bottle... This is exactly the same as Xiaoxitian's treasure. It's so terrifying. Kunpeng just used it to arrange flowers and put it on the stone table."

Finally, someone recognized that this bottle with the breath of life and moisturizing body was the same as the Noble Phantasm of Xiaoxitian. It was too similar.

Four or five princes appeared and fought there to compete for the jade bottle. When they made a move, it was like moving mountains and reclaiming the sea. Rune riots and terror were boundless.


Someone screamed, the beaten bones were broken, and they flew out and fell to the ground.

There was a loud bang, and the stormy sea broke out here. Someone sacrificed a golden mirror, shining a golden light, blocking everyone.

Everyone was shocked, the mirror was so terrifying, it seemed to be able to pierce the illusory, penetrating the universe, and the runes were wiped out one after another.

The man was smashed into pieces and turned into blood mud.

On this side of the little one, I saw everyone fighting for a futon.

Soon, some pure-blooded creatures from the Primordial Divine Mountain also appeared. These people were all powerful and unparalleled. They stared at the futon and joined the battlefield.

At first, there was nothing special about this futon, and it looked simple and unadorned, but when people competed for it, when there were treasures falling on it, it suddenly changed.

It began to glow, and the whole body was crystal clear, revealing its body. It was made up of tender tree stalks, green and glittering, like a jade heart, exuding a peaceful atmosphere.

In an instant, some venerables were also alerted and participated in the battle. With a bang, the treasure art shook the world, the sound of the Tao rumbled loudly, and Shi Hao slammed a palm, and could not help but frown and retreat.

This is the futon used by Taikoo Kunpeng to rest occasionally and meditate here, but now that his true face is revealed, the Venerable can't sit still, and he wants to fight bloody here.


The bear child was very ferocious. As soon as the ten caves came out, the gods were surging and the blazing rays of light were soaring to the sky, and the spiritual body of a Venerable was shaken and staggered away.

With a "swipe", Shi Hao was surprised. This futon was heavy, weighing more than [-] kilograms. Compared with its size, it was simply unimaginable, surpassing many divine irons.


That venerable was extremely angry, how could he be reconciled to being robbed of a futon by this hairy boy, this is a great shame.


He urged the treasure mirror, and strands of order runes flowed from the mirror, shooting out a dazzling brilliance, blocking this place and suppressing Shi Hao.

"You are courting death!" Shi Hao shouted coldly, his body burst into a monstrous light, like a round of sun rising into the sky, illuminating the entire palace, punching out, slamming into the mirror.


This kind of sound is sour, the treasure mirror was cracked, this is a quasi-emperor-level weapon, and it can't stand his fist style?

Shi Hao's fist was shining brightly, as if it was made of gold. His fist was like a vajra god and demon.


Shi Hao stretched out his hand, took it in his hand, and then threw it into the Qiankun bag.


The Venerable cursed, the loss of such a treasure made his flesh hurt.

"Let's kill him together!"

"Kill him and take the treasure box."

The crowd besieged Shi Hao, not only princes, but also venerables. This was an extremely terrifying coercion that made people tremble and did not dare to contend.

However, Shi Hao was at ease and fearless. Although his realm was not as good as everyone else's, he was still brave.


A stone tablet appeared, smashed down, and smashed towards Shi Hao.

Shi Hao kicked out and smashed the stone tablet. At the same time, he rose into the air, avoiding the sword energy.

There is great chaos here, and the strong people of all ethnic groups are fighting, because the pattern imprinted on the stone tablet is very amazing, it is a scripture.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt fell from afar, hitting a tower and shattering it.

This was an imperial army, and it was destroyed like this.

Shi Hao's heart skipped a beat, it was a young man with his hands on his back, arrogantly looking at the sky, he looked in all directions, took one step and descended here.

The so-called princes and venerables were eclipsed in front of him, like ants, vulnerable and easily killed.


A sword light swept across, and with a puff, a Venerable was beheaded, the primordial spirit exploded, the body and spirit were destroyed, and disappeared completely, the place was silent.


The young man glanced at them indifferently and said, "A bunch of trash!"

His words were flat, but full of contempt, as if looking down at everyone, not taking everything to heart.

Shi Hao shouted loudly, his murderous aura surged, and he used the divine rings formed by the Ten Great Cave Heavens to actuate, and with a humming sound, it turned into a black light and swept across the front.

At this moment, there is no sound, no noise, no dazzling light, only a black light covers everything.

Time seemed to stagnate, the void seemed to be shattered, the brief moment seemed to be as long as eternity, everything was frozen, and finally there was a soft sound.

The man was shrouded, his clothes were torn, his body cracked, and a deep pit appeared on his chest, red and dripping.

Everyone's color changed. It was unbelievable that such a powerful person was hit hard by a single move.

The man coughed, blood spilled out of the corners of his mouth, he staggered, shook and nearly fell.

Everyone gasped, it was terrible, who was he?Such a strong force, he could kill a Venerable with just a few steps of his hand, effortlessly.

"Who is this?" someone whispered, with horror.

It was only a teenager, so terrifying, he actually injured a Venerable, which made everyone wonder.

With a flash of light, it was as bright as a morning glow, and the green futon was submerged in Shi Hao's Qiankun bag and was put away by him.

This is a futon made from the branches of Kunmu wood. In the future, sitting cross-legged to practice, there will be many wonderful things, which will make him happy.

Shi Hao immediately took away the futon that Kunpeng had an epiphany, and flew out immediately.

Everyone was shocked and wished they could kill this kid, but their realm was suppressed, they were not Shi Hao's opponents.

Shi Hao immediately escaped and fled far away in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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