Chapter 266 Undercurrent is surging!

"Brother, who's in the mansion, which fox girl you fancy, tell me, and I'll send you to the mansion immediately." The alluring woman smiled coquettishly.

Shi Hao looked inward, and saw that the fox girls had snow-white skin, good-looking, very charming, watery eyes, and a pair of snow-white fox ears, which looked a little different.

"I'm not interested in fat women!" Shi Hao muttered.

The coquettish woman had very sensitive ears, and when she heard his words, she gave him a sideways glance, and said, "Why don't you come here if you don't buy it? If you don't buy it, pull it down, but it's true, the hair hasn't grown yet!"

Speaking of this, she giggled, and even touched Shi Hao's underside, which made the brat, who had seen the big scene and fought with the Venerable, suddenly panicked and fled.

"Haha..." A group of people laughed.

The coquettish proprietress even said loudly: "I was wrong, you are already full grown."

In a hall, there is a ten-year-old girl who is naturally charming and charming, and she is extremely beautiful. I am afraid that there are not many of them in an ancient country.

Behind it, there are several snow-white fox tails, which are crystal clear and shimmering. If a strong person is here, they will definitely exclaim, this is a powerful descendant of the nine-tailed fox lineage!

"Is Ling Yuan here?!" the charming girl laughed.

"Miss, do you value Ling Yuan so much?" the proprietress asked.

"That's right, because of that person, he will definitely be the overlord of the wasteland in the future!" Although the charming woman's eyes are watery and her beauty is almost charming, she is very serious at this time, and solemnly urged.

"What?" The proprietress was surprised.

The fox spirit is beautiful and fragrant, wearing white clothes, her body is undulating, and her body is as white as ivory. She stared at a jade jade in her hand and said, "The divine jade lit up when he appeared."

The proprietress was shocked, then bowed and stepped back.

She knew what kind of terrifying power the fox girl represented. The wasteland was going to be chaotic, and that organization was preparing in advance. This was to choose a hegemon in response to the disaster.

"The wasteland is not barren, there are still creatures of the heavenly pride."

The girl in white was talking to herself, her lotus arms were exposed, she was white and crystal clear, her eyes were watery and intoxicating.

"The other party's organization has already visited the Emperor of the Stone Kingdom. We should also go on a mission on our side. We will go to see you. Although the wasteland is going to be chaotic, this is a country after all."

This stunning vixen muttered to himself, and anyone here would be shocked if they heard it.

Shi Hao walked around all the way, without deliberately inquiring, but only learned about the recent changes in the imperial capital of Shi Kingdom from the conversations and discussions of everyone.

"The creatures of the ancient sacred mountain are really powerful. I heard that some of them are going to enter the imperial capital!"

"Hush, keep your voice down, you can't say these words indiscriminately."

"I'm not talking about the big ones, I'm talking about the small ones."


Along the way, Shi Hao gained a lot, and heard a lot of news that the emperor's birthday is approaching, and some creatures from the ancient sacred mountain may come.

This is a lucky birthday, the princes and princesses who are studying and practicing abroad will come back, and the sons of the princes and princes will also come to celebrate their birthdays.

It is rumored that someone worshiped at the gate of the ancient god mountain and is about to return.

This time, Shi Guohuang will gather together, Yingjie will come to congratulate, and all elites will show up together.

"The geniuses of each family are coming back, there must be a good show to watch, especially those princes who are at odds with each other, the battle of geniuses is inevitable in the imperial capital."

"It's a pity that Shi Yi is not here, otherwise it would be even more lively. Once the double pupil comes out, there are not many people who can compete with him!"

"Not necessarily. There are many talented people in the Stone Kingdom. Some geniuses have been cultivating outside, and even a few people have worshiped the ancient sacred mountain and have never returned. God knows how strong it is. In addition, it is the first time for the Stone Emperor to celebrate his birthday. There are also a large number of strong people from other ancient countries to congratulate , we must send some geniuses here, and there will inevitably be a battle between dragons and tigers, and a big showdown."

"I've heard that there is a space crack in the ruins of Butian Pavilion, and Shi Yi is probably about to come out!"

"In this way, this grand banquet in the imperial capital is destined to be difficult. Talents from all races will compete on stage. No matter who they are, they will shine in the imperial capital and leave their names in history!"

In the imperial capital, many people were very excited, looking forward to that day.

Shi Yuan and Shi Hao naturally got the news.

"Those people are here, and to participate in the imperial ceremony held that year, not only the geniuses of all ethnic groups will come, but also the geniuses of other forces in the imperial capital will also appear, and it will be extraordinarily lively." Shi Hao said.

"Well, it's true. Over the years, the atmosphere on that day is extraordinary, and it will attract all the attention!" Shi Yuan nodded.

At this time, Shi Hao's mood was complicated and it was difficult to calm down. He was thinking, if his parents were alive, what kind of happiness it would be, everything was worth it, his heart was full of hope, and he longed to set foot in the imperial city as soon as possible.

The Imperial City, located on the East China Sea, covers a vast area, magnificent and vast, like a fairyland.

The scale of the imperial city is far greater than that of the stone village. The city walls are tall and strong, and the runes are shining, exuding a pale golden brilliance.

This city, condensed from endless runes, is extremely terrifying, even if it is far away, it is still frightening.

In the imperial capital, there are a total of 650 buildings in different shapes, all of which carry coercion, standing here.

Shi Hao has been in the Imperial Capital for two days, he stayed here, and did not go to Prince Wu's Mansion, because he learned something, his grandfather might have left.

This filled him with regret!

Although it can't be completely confirmed, it is no secret in the imperial capital that all kinds of gossip are coming out, and the great demon god has not appeared these days.

Rumors said that the Venerable Demon Spirit Lake came and entered the imperial capital to seek an explanation, and even had a fight with the royal family, forcing the Great Demon God to leave his hometown.

It is said that even the King of Rain and the King of Martial Arts are attacking together, and the Great Demon God is no match.

This news is really amazing, but no one can confirm it, no monk has seen that battle.

There is another theory that the ancient magic spider descended powerfully and aimed at Lord Fifteen, but in the end the Human Emperor took shelter, but now it just kept a low profile, saying that Lord Fifteen was actually still in the imperial capital.

Most people are skeptical and find it inaccurate.

According to another theory, the emperor told Shi Ziling where Shi Ziling was, and the fifteenth master had traveled far away to find his heirs and left this huge city.

It is felt that this statement is very likely to be true.


Shi Hao clenched his fists, he didn't know if his grandfather was still here, even if he was, meeting like this might cause big problems.

"Don't worry, your grandpa will be fine!"

Shi Yuan said.

Shi Yuan has read the original book, so he naturally knows that there will be no problems with the Great Demon God.

Xiao BuDian looked at Shi Yuan, finally nodded and said: "Grandpa is so powerful, it will definitely be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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