Chapter 268 Auction!

"What?" Many people were shocked, how did Hou Tianhou come to the imperial capital of the Shi Kingdom.

"Haha... Well everyone." Hou Tianhou laughed, his voice resounding like thunder throughout the Bone Gu auction house.

A lot of people were surprised, the cultivation of this godless prince was so amazing that it was terrifying.

His eyes were sharp and compelling, and he didn't hide his strength at all, scanning the audience.

"Huntian Hou, although he is only 25 years old, he is already a Marquis of one side, guarding the frontier, fighting against the Mu people, and has repeatedly made outstanding achievements." Someone whispered.

This is a very young prince with great military exploits, and his surname is Shi.

"Don't let me down, I'm here specifically for that bloody ruler." He strode into the Bone Gu auction house, walking like a tiger.Bring a gust of wind.

It is naturally surprising that such big figures from the frontier enter the imperial capital.

"Maybe it's for the emperor's birthday." Someone whispered.

Shi Hao stood in front of the auction house, not in a hurry to go in, but watched here, listened to people's discussions, and met many famous people.

Flowers and rain are flying, all of them are crystal clear and fragrant, and the streets are covered with fragrance.Pulled by several Swiss birds, it was obvious that the identity of the person who came was not simple, causing everyone to exclaim.

"The Sixteenth Princess is here!" Everyone looked around.

This princess is deeply loved by the emperor, and is well-known in the emperor. She is slim and attractive, with bright eyes and white teeth. Accompanied by several women, she entered the Bone Gu auction house.

Next, groups of people arrived.

Identity is not ordinary.

In the end, the auction house was full of people, lively and noisy, and everyone was extremely excited.

Because tonight's main event is about to start.

Shi Yuan brought Shi Hao to the VIP seat.

The house is very luxurious, and the ornaments made of various rare jades are shining brightly, but compared with the sea blue pith, it looks vulgar.

There is an empty wall in the house. After pulling up the picture scroll, it faces the auction hall, where you can clearly see everything there, which is convenient for guests to bid.

Soon, the auction started. It was co-hosted by an old man and a charming woman. The first item caught Shi Yuan's attention as soon as it came out.

This is a remnant bone, not complete, and missing a lot.

"This is a strange bone. Its hardness is rare in the world. It cannot be destroyed by any means. It may be a heavenly bone after being determined," said the old man on the stage.

"What, Heavenly Bone!" There was a sensation in the auction hall, and everyone looked forward attentively. At this moment, their eyes flickered, like a lot of lightning flashes.

"Is it really heavenly bones, if so, I will pay no matter how high the price is, and it will be decided!" A woman's voice came, although a little domineering, but her voice was like the sound of nature, which made people tremble. .

Shi Yuanda looked at the bone, and Shi Yuan naturally knew that the bone was not simple, so he had to photograph it.

"I'll give you a hundred fine jade." Someone raised a placard and made an offer.

"I will give out five hundred fine jade!"

"I will give out a thousand fine gems!"

Although there is no rune, this special material still attracts the interest of many people, and they have to bid for it.Take it back and study it.

The so-called "fine jade" is a kind of jade, which contains the essence of heaven and earth, and can be used for cultivation. This kind of thing is very precious.

"I'll give you three thousand fine jades!" Suddenly, a loud voice came.

Everyone was stunned, where did this local tyrant come from?It actually increased the price by [-] in one go!

"Who are you?" Someone asked, and many people's faces sank, looking very angry.

This kind of auction method is very strange, isn't it OK, buy it now?How come a lunatic jumped out now and raised the price of five thousand fine jade all at once!

"I'm a messenger."

People were startled, this prince was indeed very powerful, and he actually called himself the Lord of Huntian. This name is too scary. He is a hero who has left a splendid record in the history of the Shi Kingdom.

Marquis of Huntian's fame can be traced back to the early days of Shi Guo, and he was once a warrior.

"I want this piece of heaven, and whoever robs me will chop it up and feed it to the dog." Hun Tianhou was very direct, his voice was loud and frightening, and many people gasped.

This is a cruel man!
"I'm very interested in this bone, and I want to get it." The voice of the girl who sounded like nature sounded again earlier, also from a VIP room.

She asked someone to take out a rune bone and handed it over. It was purple and glowing, and it was clear that the value of this bone was amazing.

Many people are surprised that this bone can be used in formations, and it can also be sacrificed into a very powerful treasure. It is a primitive treasure bone of an adult immemorial relic.

At this moment, Shi Yuan smiled slightly and muttered, "I will produce a piece of sea blue marrow!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience became silent and looked in the direction of Shi Yuan.

I saw Shi Yuan's hand holding a piece of sea marrow blue.

There was a loud noise in the auction house. What is the sea blue marrow itself is not hard, and adding a little bit to the refining tool can effectively improve the quality of the treasure.extremely rare.

This kind of thing can improve the rank of the magic weapon, and it is the real treasure of heaven and earth.

It can be said that this sea marrow blue is a priceless treasure.

However, Shi Yuan owns a lot of this stuff, which can be used as a fine wall.

It can be said that this sea marrow blue is a priceless treasure.

However, Shi Yuan owns a lot of this stuff, which can be used as a fine wall.

"I'll make a dragon iron bone!" The girl seemed to be out of anger and took out a piece of divine iron from her knuckles.

"What?" the crowd exclaimed.

What is the keel iron? The material used by the saints is nothing but the same. According to legend, it is the divine material formed by the death of a real dragon in the iron ore.

Although it is only the size of a knuckle, it is still amazing and invaluable. As long as it is melted into a weapon, it will inevitably become an amazing Noble Phantasm.

"Three pieces of sea marrow blue!" Shi Yuan murmured.

The auction house was quiet, and no one dared to bid, because everyone knew that sea blue marrow was too precious, and it was definitely the best choice for refining Noble Phantasm.


A humming sound came from the VIP room, and a young girl glanced here.Dissatisfied, she finally gave up.

The price of three pieces of sea marrow blue to buy one bone is really not worth it.

Therefore, he can only stop loss.

When people saw his real face, they felt their heart beat faster. This woman was very beautiful and amazing. She looked ten years old, dressed in blue, with crystal clear skin, and she was pure and beautiful.

When the younger generation of the imperial capital saw her, they felt their heart beat faster, and immediately knew who she was.Looking at her with hot eyes.

"Pearl of the Thunder Clan, she's back too!"

The eldest lady of the Thunder Clan has the appearance of a closed moon and a shy flower. She is known as one of the most beautiful women in the imperial capital. Many people in the younger generation admire her, but they all hit a wall.

(End of this chapter)

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