Chapter 271 Two fairies!

"This..." The woman in red on the stage hesitated. The hammer had already dropped just now, indicating that the auction was over, but the identity of the person in front of her was too unusual. She was one of the contenders for the next emperor, with a bright future.

"Here she is." In another VIP room, a woman with a shocking appearance and a national beauty said to herself, with big eyes and water, with a posture that turned all living beings upside down, and there were a few snow-white fox tails behind her.

"Well, what she likes should be unusual, how can she make her wishful." This fox girl, whose face is enough to cause trouble for a country, smiled tenderly.With a sweet voice, he said, "I want to bid too."

Her bare lotus arms were crystal white and her skin was supple, looking out from the room.Showing a bright and moving, suffocating pretty face, black hair is loose, and eyes are piercing.Bright red lips.

This caused people to talk, and a commotion.Isn't it just a black villain with a high fist? Why would it cause two peerless beauties to compete.

"I said, this thing was auctioned off by me. It's illegal for you to be like this." Shi Yuan said.

The woman with the veil on her face sighed, touching her heart, which made people feel a sense of regret, and suddenly felt her lost mood.

This can't help but wake up some strong people, this woman is too powerful, at least her spiritual power is extraordinary, and a normal sigh can affect people's mood.

Hearing the words, the nineteenth prince stepped forward, and said calmly, "Whether this brother can give up his love, I am willing to buy it at ten times the price."

"Little brother, you can consider selling it to me to keep you satisfied." The Tianhu Clan woman smiled.

Everyone was astonished, what the hell was going on? A battle puppet has caused two beauties to compete, and one of them was accompanied by the nineteenth prince, and his identity was amazing.

Not to mention the other woman, with a snow-white fox tail, a beautiful face, and an unbearable charm. She must be the Tianhu of the ancient mountain.

At this time, Shi Yuan immediately understood their identities.

The woman following the Nineteenth Prince should be Fairy Yuechan.

And that day, Fairy Fox was naturally a witch.

Unexpectedly, I met these two beauties here. Shi Yuan smiled and said: "Sorry, I have already photographed this battle puppet. I think the auction house will not break its own rules!"

At this moment, I saw the host slowly said: "Sorry, this battle puppet has been photographed by this little brother!"

The two beauties looked at Shi Yuan and said, "So, can you sell it to me?"

"Sorry, I like this battle puppet, and I won't sell it!" Shi Yuan refused.

"Little brother, if you want to sell it, you can come and find your sister at any time." The Tianhu clan girl's eyes were intoxicating and charming. The lotus steps retreated, and the ivory-white body exuded a fragrance that made people tremble. .

Next, the auction will continue.

A bead the size of a fist was put out and the auction started.

This bead is inconspicuous, only the size of a baby's fist, but it exudes a faint halo, surrounded by clouds, it looks mysterious and powerful, and it is shocking.

"What is this? Why does it feel unusual?"

"Could it be a holy magic weapon!"

Many people were surprised, because the pressure from this bead was so terrifying, it made people tremble all over, as if they had fallen into an ice hole.

Shi Yuan's heart skipped a beat, this bead was very terrifying, no wonder it was put up for auction.

There are black bloodstains and many cracks on the surface of this bead. After starting, it is cold and gloomy, giving people an ominous feeling.

Xiaota recognized that it was an eyeball, belonging to the ancient gods and people, but mistakenly thought that it was stained with the blood of demons and had been petrified.

In fact, it is just a layer of blood scars, and it is difficult for demon blood to stain this sacred object, and there is an eyeball inside.

It originated from a heavy pupil!
Not to mention other things, just the word "double pupil" is enough to make Shi Yuan shake. He was calm on the surface, but his heart was ups and downs, and finally he bid with all his strength.

Because Shi Yuan knew that the heavy pupil was an invincible road, if he could realize some magical powers from the heavy pupil, he would definitely be invincible.

Shi Yuan put this eyeball into the storage bag, he knew that he might be able to comprehend a little mystery.

No matter what, the double pupil is a heaven-defying thing. If he can understand the Tao, it will be of great help to his future.

As soon as the auction ended, he got up and wanted to leave here. This time the harvest was huge, and he needed to digest it slowly.

"Brother, please stay." The nineteenth prince said, still very euphemistically expressing that he wanted to buy the little black man, his eyes were bright, and he looked at Shi Yuan.

"I'm sorry, I really can't buy this thing, I just want to study it myself." Shi Yuan shook his head and refused.

Next to it, the woman who covered her face with a light veil, her body had a fragrant fragrance, her eyes were covered with a layer of mist, blurred and moving, she lightly opened her cherry lips, and said, "It's okay, a gentleman does not take people's love."

She laughed. Although there was a layer of gauze, the brilliance and beauty seemed to come through all at once, her eyes were very smart, she looked at Shi Yuan, and invited him to a party.

"You must participate, when the time comes, my sister will also go, it's good for us to go together!" A fragrant wind wafted, and the Tianhu clan girl appeared, her eyes were watery, and she was tempted.

At this time, Shi Yuan smiled slightly and said, "The two fairies invite each other, how can I refuse? It will definitely arrive by then!"

However, Shi Hao next to him muttered: "What's so funny about the invitation of the fat woman, I have to go back to practice!"

Shi Yuan almost sprayed when he heard it, it seems that in Xiao Budian's eyes, everyone is a fat woman.

The woman with the veil covering her face nodded at the fox girl and was about to leave.

"Sister, why do you always cover your face, don't I and other ordinary people have the qualifications to watch it?" The fox girl smiled brightly, her beauty was alluring, and her skin was like cream.Blow the bomb.

A gust of wind swept out, blowing towards the opponent's veil, she lightly stepped forward to take off the opponent's veil, and at the same time, with a stroke of her jade hand, the rune turned.

The masked woman raised her right hand, the rune was brilliant, like a fairy light, collided with the opponent's jade hand.There seems to be a piece of crystal shattered here, and the crystal splashes everywhere.

"Sister, you're so fierce, how can you refuse people thousands of miles away? Do you have to be indifferent to say hello?" The Tianhu clan girl smiled.

While speaking, she flicked her jade fingers, and the runes bloomed like a fairy flower after another.Colorful and dazzling, it constantly touched the fingers of the masked woman.

"Hmph." The masked woman snorted lightly, her fingers changed, and symbols flew out, intertwined with the girls of the Tianhu clan, bursting with dazzling brilliance, shocking people's hearts.


Both trembled.

Suddenly, the Tianhu clan girl gave a light drink and patted her palms together, like a phoenix spreading its wings, extremely gorgeous.

No loud explosions.There are no terrible fluctuations, only a kind of Dao rhyme is spreading, like throwing stones in the lake of God, swaying wisps of ripples.

(End of this chapter)

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