Shi Yuan suddenly burst out with a more terrifying aura, and ten caves emerged, each of which was dazzling and intimidating.

Fairy Yuechan changed color for the first time, took a breath, and said, "In the wasteland, someone has opened up ten caves."

At this moment, her expression was extremely solemn, her jade hand swiped, and light and rain flew in the sky, shrouding her, making her even more holy, and at the same time, mouth after mouth lit up around her body, and it was actually ten mouths!
Seeing that Yuechan is also ten caves, Shi Yuan is not afraid at all.

The two fought in an instant.

This was a fierce battle. One was like a god and demon, the other was like an exiled immortal. The mighty and beautiful coexisted. One after another splendid brilliance erupted between the two.

Shi Yuan did not dare to be careless. Although he had the confidence to defeat Yuechan, he would not be careless. After all, the other party was a saint of the fairy gate who had passed down through the ages, with many trump cards.

Shi Yuan was indeed strong, and his ten caves came out all at once, suppressed them, and enveloped Yuechan.

However, Fairy Yuechan not only did not retreat, but instead confronted her. She had been waiting, and now she finally got this opportunity, it was impossible to retreat.

Fairy Yuechan raised her hand, and a sword light slashed out, like a galaxy hanging across the sky, shining in all directions, shattering the vacuum, severing the sky, smashing the golden rain of light that filled the sky, and drowning Shi Yuan.


Shi Yuan interrupted the sword with his hand to resist, and suddenly golden light shot out, making a harsh collision sound at this moment.

The battle between the two intensified, and in the end, their speed was too fast, it was blurred, and they couldn't see clearly at all. They could only see the two silhouettes constantly intertwined, splashing out a dazzling rain of light.

At this time, Fairy Yuechan turned around, and a fairy sword appeared, her whole body was hazy, like a round of divine moon hanging above her head, emitting a soft and white light.


She swept down with a sword, as if a round of silver moon fell, with vast mana, swept up, and slashed towards Shi Yuan.

The expression on Shi Yuan's face became serious. This was the first time he had encountered a master of this level, but he was not flustered. He had already expected that Yuechan was not simple. , soaring into the air, dodging.

Their battle went beyond ordinary battles, and the sight was terrifying.Shi Yuan performed the Kunpeng method, turning his body into a big bird, soaring up to [-] miles.

"You can't escape." Fairy Yuechan said indifferently, the divine sword in her hand sent out hundreds of millions of strands of Shen Xi, slashing down.

A sharp sword intent is chilling.

"Clang Clang"

The two people's Noble Phantasms collided, the mountains and rivers here were cracked, the earth veins spewed out a monstrous mist, and the scene was extremely terrifying, as if the entire mountain was about to collapse.

Shi Yuan's heart is awe-inspiring, this is a formidable enemy, and the opponent's strength is very strong, which is by taking advantage of the terrain and talent here.


Suddenly, Fairy Yuechan sacrificed a precious bell, the whole body was crystal clear and transparent, like a piece of jasper cast, the fluctuations made people tremble.

This treasure is a forbidden weapon, which can imprison people, make them incapacitated, and be trapped in place.

This treasure is too precious to be called a rare treasure.

Shi Yuan's figure flashed, avoiding the divine bell. He raised his eyebrows and said, "As expected of a saint, she is really powerful. No wonder she can occupy a cave here."

Fairy Yuechan did not speak, but urged the Jasper Divine Bell to smash forward to suppress Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan's eyes lit up, staring at the treasure bell, and said: "Good thing, this is a rare treasure bell, and it contains many secrets. Unfortunately, I am not interested in this."

He is tall and straight, with a dashing appearance, black hair fluttering all over his head, and sharp beams of light from his eyes.


He punched, collided with the Jasper Divine Bell, and a majestic force shook out, sweeping the world, causing the place to boil, the mountain peaks shattered, the mountains trembled, the earth collapsed, and the magma rolled and flowed out.

This scene stunned several young men and women nearby, all of them were extremely shocked.

They stay away from this place and dare not approach, for fear of being hurt by the aftermath.


Fairy Yuechan's other hand stretched out, her fingers spread out, and a group of divine light permeated, quickly spread, enveloped forward, turned into a cage, and enveloped Shi Yuan in it.

"Boom", "Boom"

Shi Yuan took a step, and the ground he stepped on shook violently.

The broken sword in his hand suddenly radiated thousands of sword shadows. This was a kind of peerless killing technique. In an instant, hundreds of sword lights appeared, making a clanging sound that was deafening.

This kind of fluctuation is too terrifying, and it makes several young men and women in the vicinity show different colors. How can this young man have such strength?Who is he and where did he come from? !

Hundreds of sword lights slashed out, collided with the beam, and bursts of brilliance erupted.

The place was boiling, and the fluctuations between the two became more and more violent, causing the surrounding mountains to resonate. Many rocks exploded, giant trees were broken, and the place became ruins.

"How is it possible, how can there be people with such strength in the wasteland?" Yuechan was surprised.

Fairy Yuechan recited the incantation, her whole body glowing, and a palm as white as jade was patted out, with a power of incantation, which was extremely sacred.

Shi Yuan sneered, and said, "The mere curse technique can't help me. I have Kunpeng wings, and my curse technique is too weak."

He stretched his wings, ascended to the Immortal, with auspicious aura, he rushed up to the sky, cracked those curses, and the place returned to peace again.


Fairy Yuechan's robes fluttered, her eyes were cold, and she shot again, her methods came out one after another, she sacrificed a seal, which was a star, radiating divine brilliance, suppressed it, and wanted to seal Shiyuan.

"This is a treasure, it is very valuable!" Shi Yuan exclaimed, at this moment he was serious, this female cultivator is very powerful.


His wings spread out, and behind him there were one after another of divine rings blooming. He looked down at this vast world like a Kunpeng in the dust, raising his fists to meet him.

His physical body is unparalleled and has great potential. Among people in this realm, he is considered powerful.


The divine light between the two is surging, like the ocean pouring down, the world of the fight shakes, the sky is turned upside down, and the scene is terrifying.


Fairy Yuechan pinched the magic formula, and runes appeared one after another around her, forming an ancient formation, which she came up with by herself to suppress her opponents.

This is an ancient pattern, which contains divine power. It is a kind of prohibition and is very powerful.

Shi Yuan shouted loudly, waved the broken sword in his hand, and one after another Shenxia flew out, turning into one after another Kunpeng phantom, rushing forward.

Kunpeng roared, slaughtered the past, bit those symbols, and wiped them out.

"Your Kunpeng method is good, but it's not something you should learn." Fairy Yuechan said, and then her body glowed, surrounded by a sea of ​​fire, blazing, setting her off like a goddess, flaming and dazzling.

"When", "when", "when"...

Fairy Yuechan's offensive is getting more and more fierce, constantly urging the treasure bell to attack, a bell vibrates, making a rumbling sound, causing the void to collapse, and the world is shaking.

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