As soon as these words came out, Yuechan's face changed slightly, and she looked at Shi Yuan coldly and said, "You"

However, Yuechan's heart was firm, but her face was cold and she didn't say much.

At this time, the witch smiled slightly: "Sister, it was just touched by the future husband, what's the big deal, anyway, you will let him touch more in the future!"

"Shut up!" Yuechan was ashamed and angry, her beautiful eyes spitting fire.

The witch laughed and said, "Okay, I was wrong, don't be angry, sister."

Yuechan looked at Shi Yuan coldly and said, "I thought Ling Yuan was a decent gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be such a villain!"

Shi Yuan smiled slightly: "I never said that I am a gentleman!"

"Go to hell!"

Yuechan was furious, and she saw her body glowing, and ten caves behind her roared in unison, spewing out ten treasures, and these treasures exuded a fiery aura.

This is the natal magic weapon that she has been practicing for many years. At this time, it was activated, and the runes were all around. All of them flew out and hung above her head, releasing a monstrous majesty.

Shi Yuan roared loudly, and his whole body burst into endless brilliance. He was like a god, his whole body glowed, as if it was burning, and an extremely terrifying aura permeated out, like a fierce beast being resurrected.


The void collapsed. This was his bloodline power. Along with his breathing, a wave of terror came out, shocking everyone.

Under his feet, one after another dragon shadows soared up into the air, cruising around his body, which made people tremble.


The ten divine weapons cast by Fairy Yuechan's natal magic weapon shook for a while, hit by a terrifying ripple, and were forced to go back.

"How could this be?" Fairy Yuechan changed color.

Shi Yuan's whole body glowed like a god. He punched him with a punch, which made Fairy Yuechan's skin hurt. She knew that this blow was absolutely beyond imagination, and it was definitely not something she could resist.

With a sound of "scuffling", she ducked, but she was still halfway slow. She was rubbed by the fist, her clothes were torn, and her snow-white shoulders were exposed, revealing a large area of ​​snow muscle.


Fairy Yuechan screamed. Although she was a Fairy Yuechan and had a beautiful appearance, she was still hit by this punch, which made her extremely angry.

Shi Yuan laughed loudly and said, "Not only is it quite big, but it is also quite white!"

He strode forward, his eyes glowing, staring at Fairy Yuechan's delicate body.

Fairy Yuechan was so angry that her dress was shattered and her skin was exposed. She felt very humiliated to be stared at by Shi Yuan like this.

"you wanna die!"

Fairy Yuechan shouted angrily, and the mark on her white forehead glowed. It was an ancient symbol that was branded between her eyebrows. The center of her eyebrows shone like a small black hole, swallowing all light.

At this moment, she was like a fairy, her whole body glowed, and the mark between her eyebrows was even brighter, like a star beating, emitting infinite light, and a hazy picture appeared behind her, hazy and hazy, as if another world.


Her pupils shot two cold electricity, like turning into a substantial blade, slashing forward.

Shi Yuan instantly came to Yuechan.

He stretched out a finger and pointed at the mark between Fairy Yuechan's eyebrows, and at the same time he raised his hand and slapped it out, hitting Fairy Yuechan's plump buttocks.

Fairy Yuechan's hair was fluttering, and she was completely stunned. This bastard dared to do this, it was too arrogant.

With a crisp "pop", Yuechan received a slap on the buttocks.

Loud sound.

"You..." Fairy Yuechan was furious.

How noble is her status, she is rarely a rival in Nanling, and she is invincible. No man has ever dared to bully her like this.

"You..." Fairy Yuechan was really angry. She has always been arrogant. How could she be blasphemed like this? This is a great shame and must be washed away.


Fairy Yuechan waved her hand, and more than a dozen divine lights flew out. These instruments were all terrifying, and they all flew forward.


Shi Yuan shook his hands and made a clanging sound, blocking all the magical instruments. His bones were crackling, his body was crystal clear, and his body was glowing, like a god.

With a "bang", he stomped his foot violently. The rock mountain cracked. His fist smashed over and hit Yuechan's chest. This was his strongest attack method.


His fist was shining, containing infinite power, and it blew up Fairy Yuechan's body-protecting clothes.

Fairy Yuechan flew out instantly.

Shi Yuan instantly hugged Yuechan's slender waist, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Fairy Yuechan's pretty face flushed red, and she felt a chill, because Shi Yuan's arms tightly wrapped her around her, making her whole body soft and without any strength to resist.

This is the second time he has touched her. Fairy Yuechan is full of fear and shame at the same time. She wants to escape, but she has lost the ability to fight.

"Damn you!" Fairy Yuechan shouted, trying her best to break free, but it didn't work at all, her cultivation was imprisoned and she couldn't get rid of it.

This young man's body is too strong, she feels like a mortal, and the other party is like an ancient god and demon, with amazing power.

"Sister still admit defeat?" At this time, the witch flew over and said in front of Yuechan.


Yuechan snorted coldly, her face was crimson, and she wanted to leave here immediately. She felt ashamed and lost to her grandmother's house. She was hugged by Shi Yuan and almost fell.


Fairy Yuechan snorted lightly, her body glowed, sixteen bronze swords rushed out, clanging loudly, and slashed towards Shi Yuan with a vast divine light. At the same time, she was graceful and quickly retreated, leaving here.


She turned, and her body seemed to have turned into a mist and disappeared in front of Shi Yuan. This was an extremely mysterious technique.

"Boom", the place shook violently, Shi Yuan's big hand reached out, covered the sky, and grabbed Fairy Yuechan's body.

"Pfft", blood splashed, Fairy Yuechan's arm was almost broken, she was caught, and was pulled, she stumbled over, and was pulled into her arms by Shi Yuan.


With another slap, Shi Yuan slapped directly on her snow-white buttocks, causing her to tremble all over, her cheeks blushing, and her humiliation filled with anger. She was a generation of geniuses, and she had never suffered such humiliation, and she has suffered such humiliation today.

Fairy Yuechan was furious, her whole body was full of brilliance, and the mark between her eyebrows became brighter and brighter. She seemed to have turned into a small sun, emitting a dazzling glow.

This is one of Yuechan's cards, and a powerful force burst out in an instant.


A bright moon appeared behind Fairy Yuechan. It was as white as a silver plate and overflowing with brilliance, illuminating the entire space. There were dots of light on the moon, flickering like fireflies.

Exuding a dazzling brilliance, endless moonlight poured down and enveloped Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan was in pain and let go of Fairy Yuechan's waist, and was submerged in a holy light rain, causing severe pain all over her body.

Yuechan came to the sky again, and returned to her immortal appearance. She murmured, "Ling Yuan, you are indeed very strong, but are you so willing to be used by that witch?"

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