The whole emperor was silent, all the voices disappeared, extremely depressed, a huge spider appeared in the high sky, even more vast than the mountains, hideous and intimidating.

This scene is too terrifying for the world, this is simply a demon, coming from another world, such a big ancient spider, who can fight?

Don't say that it broke out, just that kind of breath can crush everything, turn all palaces and pavilions into powder, and the body as large as a mountain stands on the sky, like an ancient powerhouse resurrecting!
Its eyes were cold and gloomy, looking down at Shi Hao, with a hint of contempt, said: "Youth Supreme? You can only be the lord of the youth. If you die early, you will be nothing and everything will be empty."

Bingsen's words, the mountain-like body, and the ocean-like fluctuations caused the crowd below to tremble and almost collapse to the ground.

The big devil spider spoke domineeringly, he said this, it was equivalent to condemning a young man to death, not giving him time to grow up, causing everyone's heart to tremble, secretly feeling pity for Shi Hao.

This was a young man with a dignified appearance, but he turned out to be too sharp and brought disaster for himself, causing many people to shake their heads and feel regret.

At this time, I saw Shi Yuan came to the void, his eyebrows met coldly, and he looked at the huge big devil spider and said: "Do you want to intervene in their battle?"

The huge magic spider looked at Shi Yuan and said coldly, "Where did you come from, are you courting death?"


Shi Yuan shot, covered with runes, this is a terrifying magic pattern, like a burning iron, he urged the Shi family's treasures to evolve the stars and rush forward.

The big magic spider's eyes are deep, and there are nine black dots shining in its pupils. It probes its claws and tears the void. At the same time, it opens its mouth and spews black waterfalls one after another.

It was black lightning, falling like a waterfall, all blasting towards Shi Yuan.

This kind of attack is too terrifying. If an ordinary cultivator is bound to die, it will definitely not be able to stop it, because this is not a magical power, but a collision of laws.

The sound of "clang" resounded through the Eight Desolates and Liuhe, and Shi Yuan's law was obliterated. He groaned and took a few steps backwards, his face pale, and the corners of his mouth bleed.

"Magic spider, have you forgotten that this is my imperial capital? I welcome you to celebrate your birthday and live in harmony, but I don't want you to cause blood calamity here."

A peaceful voice came from the direction of the imperial capital.

Everyone was shocked, and Shi Huang was alarmed and intervened!

Everyone is awe-inspiring. If there is a conflict, it will be even more terrifying. It is difficult to describe how destructive the power of that series is.

But there is one thing that people can be sure of, once the war begins, if the ancient demon spider opens its mouth and sucks, it will be no problem to swallow tens of millions of people!

"Shihuang, I'm just a small punishment for a human being. Such a young man dares to offend my Demon Lake and imprison my descendants. Don't I have the right to teach me a lesson?" The ancient demon spider said.

In this imperial capital, it is afraid, because it understands that the stone clan has been operating for a long time, and once the ancient killing formation in the palace is opened, even the venerable will most likely have to hate it.

Moreover, the emperor himself is strong enough. After sitting in that position, the whole country's resources are used by him, and he enjoys the baptism of the fire of conferring gods like a sacrifice, which is unfathomable.

"He is a member of my Stone Clan. If there is anything wrong, I will deal with it. You don't need to say anything about the magic spider." The voice from the direction of the palace was extremely majestic, shaking the sky.

"Hehe, it's really a hero who is a teenager, your family is really amazing." The ancient demon spider showed a sarcastic look.

"You don't accept it?!" The voice came, and the situation between heaven and earth was turbulent. This fluctuation made everyone shudder, as if facing an immortal king, they couldn't help but kneel down.

There was a vague figure standing in the palace, as if the emperor was looking down on all living beings.

This is an extremely powerful power. Its voice is rumbling, like a giant talking, shaking the sky, and the whole area seems to resonate.

Everyone was horrified, how powerful this is, and the sound alone can make this area tremble. It is too terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Suddenly, a golden sun appeared, squeezing the sky and earth, shaking the imperial capital, blocking in front of the demon spider, confronting him, and the spider leg had to be retracted.

The emperor is majestic!

It was a kind of power that quelled everything, and everyone shuddered.

"A good generation of heroes, you are indeed very powerful, and you are worthy of being the emperor of the Stone Clan!" The ancient demon spider said, and praised him like this.

"I hope you don't do anything in the imperial capital, and don't cause blood calamity." The emperor's words were calm, but they were shocking, with an aura of kingship over the world.

"As the Lord of the Stone Country, since you said that, I will give you face." The magic spider said.

"Everything ends here." A voice came from the golden sun, which shocked everyone in the Wu Palace.

In the end, the big devil spider and the emperor left together without fighting.

The great pressure on the sky disappeared, and everyone let out a long sigh of relief. The feeling of depression caused by such an adult pure-blooded creature was terrifying.

After Shi Ziteng got up, he left with someone.

Shi Hao didn't pursue him, because the Human Sovereign's face could never be disrespected. Since he had already been told to stop the fight, he wouldn't be able to make another move.

In any case, the emperor spoke this time to protect him.

"As expected of a young supreme, but in a battle with a prince, Shi Ziteng was defeated, which is amazing."

"Back then, when I was in this age group, it was far from him. How did he cultivate? How could he be so powerful."

"Shi Ziteng's defeat and the loss of the Dragon's Blood Halberd is a shame for him. The result of this battle was unexpected."


There was a lot of discussion in the imperial capital, and the news caused heated discussions.

In the outside world, many people knew that Shi Ziteng had vomited blood when he was with Shi Hao, and he was covered in scars. Although it was not fatal, it was a great shame for him.

"He is really amazing. He beat Shi Ziteng alone. He is truly extraordinary. The outcome of this battle is surprising."

"This Shi Hao is too powerful, a proper young supreme!"

"His progress is too fast. According to reports, it's only been a few years. How can he cultivate so fast? This is simply a monster!"

"He really beat Shi Ziteng, it's a big deal!"

"I heard that Shi Ziteng has royal blood, so such a character is invincible?"

Many people were surprised, Shi Hao's performance was jaw-dropping.

People were full of surprise at Shi Hao.

"Shi Hao lost his supreme bone, but he has grown to this stage. He is known as the young supreme. I don't know if he can still create miracles. At that time, he will be able to fight against the man with heavy pupils."

"Extremely difficult."

Although they saw Shi Hao's endless potential, most people still felt that the battle would be extremely difficult because the other person's innate conditions were close to perfection.

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