In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 308 The Venerable is just like this, can be destroyed with only one hand!



The power of this sword is extremely terrifying, and the corner of the mouth of the ancient demon spider bleeds.


Shi Yuan continued to charge, the sword light was like a tide.

Endless sword intent fell from the sky at that moment, covering the body of the ancient demon spider.


The sword light fell, leaving several bone-deep scars on the body of the Primordial Demon Spider.

Shi Yuan's body was dripping with blood, but he ignored it and continued to attack with his sword.


The ancient demon spider roared.

"Boy, you succeeded in angering me!"

The ancient demon spider showed a hideous look.

Although it seems that Shi Yuan does have the upper hand.

That's because the Primordial Demon Spider has always looked down on Shi Yuan and didn't use his true abilities.

The wounds on the Primordial Demon Spider are just skin injuries. After all, Shi Yuan's realm is too low, and it is not so easy to really hurt the Primordial Demon Spider in the Venerable Realm.

But even so, the people on the scene were shocked.

Everyone present was shocked.

"What a terrifying combat power!"

"so amazing!"

"This young man named Shi Yuan is simply a monster!"

The crowd boiled.

This battle will be passed down forever, even after endless years, it will still be passed down through the ages.

The ancient demon spider roared, and a layer of black runes appeared on its scales.


These runes flew out and wrapped around its body, making its aura stronger and stronger.

In its eyes, there is a fierce light.


It rushed towards Shi Yuan again.


A violent explosion sounded.

Shi Yuan flew out and spewed blood from his mouth.

However, he still stabilized his figure.


He laughed three times: "Immortal Demon Spider, that's all!"

The ancient demon spider was angry, and its body was raised again. At the same time, the black runes on its body became more and more rich, and the breath it exuded became more and more tyrannical.

At this moment, Shi Yuan immediately sacrificed his own little world.

In an instant, in Shi Yuan's small world, all kinds of beasts rushed out of the small world.

Huan, Pixiu, etc., all kinds of beasts, roared in Shi Yuan's small world, ran, rushed out in an instant, and killed the ancient demon spider.


The ancient demon spider roared, and a tyrannical aura surged from its whole body.

This scene made everyone's heart tighten.


The ancient demon spider rushed to Shiyuan again.

I saw an incomparably gigantic scorpion, carrying an endless electric beam, and biting the ancient demon spider fiercely.


One bite shattered a few scales.


The other Pixiu even slapped it with a claw, hitting the ancient demon spider so much that its limbs twitched, and it almost fell to the ground.


At this moment, Shi Yuan slashed the ancient spider to the ground with another sword, and a sword pierced through the chest of the ancient spider.


The ancient demon spider was in pain and let out a mournful wailing.

Shi Yuan evolved into a small world again, and saw a huge vermillion bird falling from the sky, and endless flames sprayed on the body of the ancient demon spider.

The ancient demon spider was instantly roasted by the flame, smoking all over, and screaming constantly.

Shi Yuan evolved again, and then, an incomparably huge Kunpeng grabbed towards the ancient demon spider in an instant.

Kunpeng's wings spread out and attacked overwhelmingly.


Kun Peng's sharp claws buckled, tearing apart a large piece of the ancient demon spider's skin, and blood spurted out instantly.


The ancient demon spider wailed mournfully.

"Damn boy, I must tear you apart!"

The face of the ancient demon spider was full of anger.


It was surging with pitch-black magic light, covering the entire sky like a dark cloud, swallowing it towards Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan's eyes were indifferent, holding a long sword in his hand, and slashing out an extremely dazzling sword light.


The sword lights staggered, and those magic lights were actually cut off by Shi Yuan.

The ancient demon spider roared wildly and struggled desperately.


The void trembled.

Suddenly, runes flashing with faint blue light floated out from the body of the ancient demon spider and merged into the void.

At this moment, it seems that the spiritual energy of the whole world is rapidly gathering, and it is pouring into the body of the ancient demon spider.

The breath of the ancient demon spider suddenly became more terrifying.


Shi Yuan was swept away by this breath, his clothes were shattered, and strands of blood permeated his skin.

There was a dignified look in Shi Yuan's eyes.

He knew that this ancient demon spider was going to work hard.

Sure enough, the breath of the ancient demon spider became more and more terrifying, and even its huge body was expanding.

At this time, Shi Yuan's heart was very clear.

With the current self, it is still impossible to fight this ancient demon spider.

It seems that in order to end him in the end, Xiaota still needs a shot.

At this time, the ancient demon spider wants to release the strongest power to end the battle.

Shi Huang also stood up. If the Primordial Demon Spider really wanted to kill Shi Yuan, then he would also do it.

After all, Shi Yuan is the backbone of the Stone Country.

Huo Ling'er clenched her fist tightly, worrying about Shi Yuan in her heart.

That Yunxi also looked in the direction of Shi Yuan, full of worry in her heart.

At this time, Shi Yuan had a calm expression on his face, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Venerable, it's just like that, it can be destroyed with only one hand!"

Saying that, he immediately communicated with the small tower.

"Little Tower, it's your turn!"

As soon as the voice fell, a silver-white bone tower slowly rose up.


The pagoda kept spinning in the void, and finally, bursts of brilliance shot out from it.

At this moment, Shi Yuan's body exuded boundless majesty, streaks of golden light surged out of the pagoda, and instantly enveloped his body.

A black whirlwind swept across the entire school grounds, with a terrifying aura permeating the air. There were giant beasts standing in the eye of the wind, and there were demon birds watching, and phantoms appeared, shocking people's hearts.

"What's the matter?" Everyone froze.

"Oh my God, how come blood-colored hairs are floating between heaven and earth?" Everyone was horrified.

The black whirlwind has changed and turned into a red-haired whirlwind, which is the real ancient beast hair. It was blown everywhere in the wind, and the vicious aura was overwhelming.

"Oh no!"

The ancient demon spider shouted, the voice was earth-shattering, and it was extremely frightening. The next moment, people couldn't see it, and it was swallowed by the red whirlwind.

The red hair was flying, bright red like blood, the whirlwind was violent, like the undulating ocean, the scene in this place was quite evil, and there were bursts of roars.

That was a Venerable, and he was directly involved. People couldn't see the figure of the magic spider, and only screamed in horror.


The magic spider encountered great trouble, as if it would perish at any time, and roared out of fear. There were bursts of roars coming out from there, as if the demons were screaming, and it was extremely low.

Everyone at the scene was standing on end with cold hair and cold sweat. A powerful Venerable from the Taikoo Divine Mountain, but now it is like the meat of a chopping block, and it screams very sternly.

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