In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 318 Late stage of the inscription realm!

This is the transformation of the power of the soul. When Shi Yuan was practicing, the golden runes in his mind became more and more dazzling. pattern.

Shi Yuan found that the pattern was gradually engraved on Shi Yuan's body.

His fleshly body glowed, every pore was breathing out Ruixia, and wisps of Shen Xi were flying, and he felt an inexplicable aura brewing in his body.

That kind of breath, like a flame, was burning, and runes appeared on his skin.

These runes are very strange, they look like the wings of some kind of divine bird, some are golden yellow, some are silver-white, lifelike, and manifested on Shi Yuan's body.

These runes, like a combination of countless tadpole symbols, are densely packed and very complicated.

At this time, in Shi Yuan's small world, all kinds of beasts appeared.

Shi Yuan entered his own small world.

Inside there was a scorpion, a vermilion bird, a vermillion, a unicorn, and a huge Kunpeng.

In addition, a sword was also conceived.

This long sword was condensed by Shi Yuan in his own small world.

The whole long sword is bright, and on the blade, there is a vast and boundless momentum, as if there is an ancient god and demon sleeping in it, exuding a monstrous aura, shocking the eight wilderness.


Suddenly, a muffled sound came out, and a terrifying power was transmitted from Shi Yuan's body. The power was so terrifying that he couldn't help but let out a loud roar.

At this moment, brilliance burst forth from his body.

A huge array appeared in Shi Yuan's small world.

Shi Yuan was horrified, this array was engraved with dense runes.

He tried to activate these runes, and suddenly, a vast and unparalleled divine power swept across the four directions, and the whole small world shook with his mind. For a moment, the entire space seemed to be shaking. .

The profound meaning of the rune, the most primitive mark, the most essential thing... Shiyuan's heart was filled with auras, and he looked at everything in himself.

Then, he started to move, spinning Shen Xi in his body, and the runes, that is, the bone inscriptions, were composed of them, and he began to try to combine them to make a more refined arrangement.


The entire mountain range is trembling, Shi Yuan is cultivating the divine art, the divine power in his body is getting stronger and stronger, and even the wisps of Shen Xi are floating, one after another, which is terrifying.

At this time, Shi Yuan felt that his body seemed to have undergone thousands of trials, and it was much harder than before. His bones became stronger and stronger, as if they were made of divine iron.

Moreover, his physical body is also improving, and the bone marrow in his body is glowing, crystal clear, as if there is divine substance flowing.

"Crack" sound.

In Shi Yuan's body, there was a sound of bone grinding, as if some shackles were broken.

"My body has broken through again." Shi Yuan laughed.

Moreover, he discovered that after the fusion of Shen Xi and the runes, his bones had undergone earth-shaking changes and became much stronger.

"Hahaha, my body is a little stronger again." Shi Yuan was extremely excited.

At this time, his skin also changed, and a layer of metallic luster could be seen faintly, as if cast from gold, extremely hard, as if he was wearing an artifact battle suit.

This is his bone pattern changing his physique, tempering his physical body, he knows that his physical body is a lot more tyrannical than just now.

This kind of change made him ecstatic. This physique was so terrifying that it could be called invincible.

"Divine Treasures!"

Shi Yuan let out a low voice, Shen Xi in his body.

At this moment, Shi Yuan's double pupil technique burst into a dazzling brilliance.

He saw a blurry scene, as if there was a stalwart figure walking in the void, and the surrounding stars seemed to crumble.

His body is towering into the clouds, like a god overlooking all living beings.

He slapped the palm down, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and the universe seemed to be swaying with his footsteps.


Shi Yuan sucked in a breath of cold air, feeling unbelievable that he actually saw such a terrifying existence.

"God!?" Shi Yuan was surprised.

The technique of heavy pupils that Shi Yuan put away immediately, at this time, Shi Yuan's realm also broke through again, entering the later realm of the inscription realm.

"Not bad." Shi Yuan nodded with satisfaction, and he silently imprinted this tactic in the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

From this moment on, his physical body has become stronger and stronger, and the strength of his physical body is even greater.

With a faint smile on Shi Yuan's face, he can already predict how powerful his physical body will be in the future.

Just now.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"That boy is there!"

"I didn't expect him to take the lead first, kid, present all the treasures you found, and spare you!"

I saw a young man staring at Shi Yuan and said coldly.

The young man's body exudes golden light, like a small sun.

"It's him!"

A cold light flashed in Shi Yuan's eyes, this young man was exactly the same as the young man who was beaten by him before, and he should be from the same vein.

At this time, he has recovered from his injuries, and his strength is even stronger. There is a fiery breath all over his body, which seems to be able to burn the heavens.

"Why, you still want to rob?" Shi Yuan sneered.

"Hmph, do you think I'll be afraid of you?" The boy sneered.

"I advise you to hurry up, don't force me to do it." Shi Yuan said indifferently.

"Boy, since you are courting death, you can't blame me. In this world, the weak eat the strong. You think you are very powerful, but in my eyes, you are an ant. You are just a stepping stone on my road. You are not worthy of being my opponent."

The young man spoke calmly.

With a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, he stared at Shi Yuan, as if to say, "What kind of thing are you, you are also worthy of being my opponent?"

"You talk a lot." Shi Yuan frowned.

He didn't like this young man. Although this young man was smiling, he was full of an arrogant attitude, which made him very disgusted.

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to?" the boy sneered.

"Oh? What do you want to say?" Shi Yuan said with a smile.

"Where are you from? Do you know where this place is? Dare to provoke us?" The boy sneered, his eyes narrowed like a poisonous snake, revealing a cold light.

Shi Yuan chuckled lightly and said, "Although I don't know where this place is, I know your destiny!"

"What fate?" the boy asked coldly.

"Next, you will become a head-turner!" Shi Yuan said coldly.

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