Chapter 323 Ancient scriptures!

At this point, Shi Yuan's heart is awe-inspiring. These people are too vicious. They set up a big formation to carry out blood sacrifices. How many people will die.

The so-called scriptures are just a bait, just to attract so many sacrifices. There may be an entrance to the Holy Emperor's Palace under this big lake.


The golden banner rose from the ground, disappeared into Qingming in a blink of an eye, and disappeared.

Suddenly, a great turmoil broke out here, and countless monks fled one after another. Those ordinary warriors were slaughtered like ants, and they had no resistance at all.

And those martial arts masters who have practiced for more than 20 to [-] years, as well as some powerful demon cultivators, are also desperately resisting, but they still cannot escape the bad luck.

Those warriors were all sacrificed and used as sacrifices.

Shi Yuan was also involved, but his strength far surpassed everyone else. Naturally, he was unwilling to become a sacrifice.


The loud noise spread all over the kilometer, and Shi Yuan finally broke the formation, flew out, and galloped towards the distance.

However, when he just walked more than a hundred feet away, he watched the rest of the people be swallowed up and become sacrifices.

Shi Yuan came to the real body of the Chi Python clan who had been beheaded by him.

When sorting out Yan Python's relics, he found a page of copper paper, which was very flexible and had a metallic vibrato on it, which was invulnerable to water and fire.

"There is really a page of scriptures" Shi Yuan was taken aback, he thought it was a murderous plot set up by the other party, it was a terrible lie, but he never thought that there was indeed a page of scriptures on this young man.

He studied it himself, his brows were solemn at first, then he showed surprise, and at the end he couldn't help laughing, this scripture is too important.

"What scripture is this?"

Shi Yuan was a little surprised.

Rather than a page of scriptures, it is better to say an ancient pill recipe, which records a method of refining medicine, which has the mystery of winning the heavens and the earth.

This is not an ordinary prescription. It is necessary to use the divine beings in the fire domain as the main medicine, refining, accumulating the essence of divinity, manifesting rune fragments, and nourishing the body.

In general, this ancient recipe can turn the fire area into a treasure, allowing people to achieve transformation and sublimation here, and make the most of this place.

The Fire Territory is a strange land, and all the creatures born are contaminated with the essence of divinity, which can make people break through and realize the Tao, which is rare in the world.

This is also the reason why some major forces outside the domain found the Huo Clan. They wanted to find out what secrets were hidden here and why this happened.

Shi Yuan studied this scripture carefully, and he found that he gained a lot.


The light and rain fell, and quaint symbols were imprinted in the void. Shi Yuan felt like he was bathed in warm sunlight, his pores were dilated, and his whole body was comfortable.

In the end, the symbols became denser and denser, forming a mysterious and unpredictable pattern. Shi Yuan felt that there were many things in his mind.


He opened his eyes, his pupils were deep, bright like stars, and like two suns, so fiery that it was so flamboyant that one dared not look directly.


Shi Yuan raised his head to look at the volcano group in the distance. At this moment, a flaming volcano was emitting a thin glow and auspiciousness.

"Perhaps I can follow this scripture and use my body as a cauldron to refine Shen Xi in my body. I don't know what will happen!" Shi Yuan said.

He is not in a hurry to find the Holy Palace. After all, it is the core area of ​​the Fire Territory. The degree of danger is very high. If there is a slight error, it will fall. He plans to sharpen his flesh here first and wait for the best time.

The treasures of heaven and earth are very rich here, and he keeps picking and tempering himself.

Three days passed in a flash, and Shi Yuan had already picked all the most precious medicines in the fire domain. Although he had eaten a lot of spiritual fruits, his body was still full of vitality.

That night, he sat cross-legged on the ground, quietly observed the fiery red spar, and sensed terrifying fluctuations from it.

He searched all the way, looking for the kind of creature recorded on the bronze paper, but it was always difficult to find anything.

Before he knew it, he walked into the depths of the ancestral land of the Fire Clan. This area was no longer the Great Gobi, and various giant mountains appeared.Flowing lava.

This is a very dangerous area, and dangers will be encountered at every turn, such as volcanic eruptions, such as surging magma tides, this is a world that belongs to fire.


Suddenly, there was a roar, earth-shattering, a rocky mountain in the distance collapsed, where chickens flew and dogs jumped, and many people fled.

It was a giant black bull.Stepping out of the magma, it is extremely fierce, the fire is lingering under the hoof, and the breath is surging.

This is touching. It lives in the mountain, and someone disturbs its tranquility. As a result, the mountain collapses, and it kills it with the billowing magma.

At first, there were still some people besieging.To fight against this powerful creature, I want to refine it, but soon everyone can't bear it, this bull demon is too powerful.It's getting close to the prince.

There were casualties here. More than a dozen people were buried under the hooves of cows. A burst of fire waded through, and another six or seven people were turned into ashes.The difference in strength is too great.

Shi Yuan's eyes were hot for a while. This bullock was one of the creatures he was looking for, and he would be of great use.

He immediately greeted him.Wanting to deal with this reckless cow, a group of people fled down, and they were overjoyed when they saw a fool coming to die.

There were also a few people who were anxious and shouted at him: "Aren't you very good at bragging, saying that you are strong? Now there is really a bully here, hurry up and kill it."

"Friend, help quickly and save Lingfeng!"

These were a few teenagers, their expressions were terrified and full of helplessness. After seeing Shi Hao, they screamed desperately and called out for help, asking him to help the girl who was chased by the reckless bull.

Shi Yuan laughed when he heard the words, and it was a coincidence that he met the big-eyed girl and was in trouble at this time. These people were friends with Huo Linger, so he naturally would not stand by.

This mang cow is tall, black all over, and its fur is like satin. It is very bright. The surrounding magma is turbulent.

Shi Yuan was afraid of an accident, so he quickly shot, took out the Fenglei Jiao Bow, and pulled it straight away.

The bullock screamed, blood splattered, and the pain was incomparable.

This arrow was too sharp, it contained the strongest power, it pierced one of its eyes, trembling all over in pain, and moved laterally out.

Shi Yuan was indifferent, without any hesitation, he drew the bow again, and a thick golden lightning slashed down, like a golden dragon across the sky.


This reckless cow was completely angry, roared, and rushed towards Shi Yuan, wanting to suppress it.

Shi Yuan snorted coldly, the figure evaded and then counterattacked, his fist smashed out, and slammed into its chest with a thud, causing it to retreat, and its bones rattled.


The Mang Niu roared and spewed out a column of fire that swept across the sky, burning down several mountains.


Shi Yuan waved his iron fist and shook it hard, and a dazzling light erupted, shining in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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