Chapter 329 Under One Person!
"Brother, how are you after we have been apart for so many years?" Finally, Shi Yi spoke in a calm voice.

Someone brought these words back, making everyone look strange.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." This was Shi Hao's response.

It can be said that this scene is quite bizarre. They have not met, and they have a conversation in the air, which makes everyone look weird.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I miss it very much. When will you come to see me?" Shi Yi asked.

"If you want to see it, come here." Shi Hao responded.

This makes everyone feel toothache and stomachache. What's the matter? Are these two young supreme beings just talking across a field like this, when will they be able to fight?
At this time, people also guessed that these two people are jealous of each other and do not want to act rashly. If they fight, they must be violent like thunder!

"How is Uncle Ziling?" Shi Yi asked.

When Shi Hao heard the words, the light in his eyes was incomparably terrifying. Back then, his father was surrounded and suppressed by the Rain Clan under the decree of the gods.

Everything started because of the mother and son. Is Shi Yi's greeting now a provocation or a normal etiquette?
"Uncle should be fine!" Shi Hao replied indifferently.

In the battle of the imperial capital, he once defeated Shi Ziteng and caused heavy damage. Now it is mentioned that etiquette and provocation coexist.

"When will there be a battle?" Shi Hao asked, going straight to the subject.

This time, Shi Yi did not appear, but took out a primitive rune bone, engraved a few words on it, and sent it to him.

"A battle at any time." The words are very simple, exuding a powerful pressure. When Shi Hao read it, it burst into an incomparable light, and then exploded.

All around, the group of heroes trembled, which condensed the imprint of one person, like a vast ocean, too vast.

If it wasn't for Shi Hao, others would be unbearable!

This is obviously a dark battle. Shi Yi is weighing the strength of his clan brother. If he can't catch a word, then there is no need to talk about it.

Shi Hao took a step, and no one dared to stop him in the area of ​​the Spirit Transformation level. He came to the Rain Clan mansion, which was a vast pure land.

At this time, all the members of the Rain Clan are hairy. Could it be that this place will be turned into a robbery again, because the foundation of the Rain Clan's cave level has been destroyed by this person.

With a sound of "clang", Shi Hao took off the bronze plaque and took the Rain Clan's door plaque from the air, causing the group to change color, but he dared not speak out.

"My bones are easy to use" Shi Hao wrote and threw them into Yufu.

This plaque was quickly sent to Shi Yi, where divine light erupted, and a few words rang loudly, as if the Heavenly Sword was chirping, and the place was bright and bright, and many people saw it.

"Very good, it fits me, and it is not weaker than Tong Tong's strength." Shi Yi responded, engraving a line of words, with a kind of conceit and a kind of contempt.

His meaning is obvious, one is that he has no guilt, and the other is that the supreme bone is not as good as the heavy pupil!

"Isn't the heavy pupil strong? I never thought that, otherwise, why would you not be confident and want to graft other people's bones?" Shi Hao responded.

The two juvenile Supremes faced each other tit for tat, although they were still calm, they would make waves at any time.

"When will the battle be fought?" Shi Hao asked. As soon as these words came out, people's attention was highly concentrated, and everyone held their breath.

"Now, in the future, it's all right. I'm standing in this inscription pattern, and you can fight." Shi Yi responded, with a kind of confidence and a kind of domineering.

Everyone was shocked. After the battle between these two people, most of them will die, and it will be difficult to appear in this world again.

"Then let's fight in the Spirit Transformation Realm. I'm also standing here, waiting for you to come and fight." Shi Hao said.

"Spirit transformation, it's too low-level, it can only be a memory of young people. If you haven't reached the inscription pattern, I'll give you time and wait for you!" Shi Yi said flatly.

This shows a kind of conceit and strength, and more of a look down mentality. He is unwilling to turn back and must stand at this high-level realm to meet the enemy.

"I'm too embarrassed to show off the inscription pattern, it won't be too long, I can reach Consummation, what is it?" Shi Hao said.

As soon as these words came out, many people were speechless. You must know that many people cannot break into this realm, and many senior characters are trapped in the inscription pattern realm, and it is difficult to break through in their entire lives.

He said this, which really hit the confidence of a group of people.

People know that what he said is not a big talk, but he really has such talent. I believe that it will not be too long before there will be one more young man in the world.

That is not a canonization, but a real strength like that!

"My brother, your tone is a little too big. In life, you should keep the word modesty in mind." Shi Yi said.

"I can use you to teach yourself to remember." Shi Hao replied.

Obviously, the smell of gunpowder was stronger between the two, which made everyone more eager and looking forward to their battle.

Shi Hao opened his mouth again and said, "You are not perfect in the Spirit Transformation Realm. Since you are humble enough, then come back and I will teach you how to be stronger."

Everyone was speechless.This little one seems to be very fierce. Although he has lost his supreme bone, he is extremely powerful.

People know that he must have a qi in his heart, and he is not satisfied with those with heavy pupils, and he wants to use the mortal fetus to face the opponent's gods.

"You're still a child, I'll wait for you." Shi Yi said, with a strong force in the bland, treating the other party like a child, it seems that there is no equal treatment.

"In a word. I am invincible in the realm that I can reach." Shi Hao said.

This sentence was not loud, it could even be said to be very light, but everyone who was shocked showed a divine light, everyone looked over, and their hearts were shocked.

This little guy has a big voice and is very conceited. He seems to be more domineering than Shi Yi, and he can actually say such things.

After the two had finished their conversation, Shi Yuan looked at Shi Hao and said, "Little one, you can cultivate with peace of mind. As for the logistics, leave it to me!"

Shi Hao looked at Shi Yuan, nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you eldest brother!"

Shi Hao looked at Shi Yuan's back, he knew that it was still difficult for him to surpass Big Brother now.

However, he can at least be invincible under one person! !

After the two had finished their conversation, Shi Yuan looked at Shi Hao and said, "Little one, you can cultivate with peace of mind. As for the logistics, leave it to me!"

Shi Hao looked at Shi Yuan, nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you eldest brother!"

Shi Hao looked at Shi Yuan's back, he knew that it was still difficult for him to surpass Big Brother now.

However, he can at least be invincible under one person! !

Shi Hao is well aware of the terrifying nature of this realm. No matter what, he has already taken a step forward, and he has already realized that he is about to set foot in the inscription realm, which is his greatest support.


The air around Shi Hao's body boiled, and his entire body was glowing with blood surging, like a volcano spewing thin, drowning this void.

Shi Hao is constantly cultivating and wants to seek a breakthrough.

This battle, he is bound to win.

Finally, three days passed. During this period, Shi Hao's realm was stable, and he completely passed that threshold!

His fleshly body became more crystal clear, with Baohui flowing all over his body, and thunder flashed when he raised his hands and feet, like a young goddess.

On this day, he opened his eyes, and two astonishing beams shot out from his eyes, as if they were going to penetrate the sky.

This place is boiling, everyone is surprised, Shi Hao is so flamboyant, just entering the inscription realm, he dares to shout like this, this is proclaiming his strength, and also showing his position.

(End of this chapter)

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