Chapter 357 Yuechan's Wife, Are You Here?

Shi Yuan sneered, and he slammed into the young man with a punch, knocking him upside down, hitting the mountain next to him, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fainted.

The core disciples of the Butian Pavilion are so unbearable?
Shi Yuan shook his head with a look of contempt.

The two girls were furious and rushed up again. This time they cast the holy law, with radiance flickering on their bodies, and the runes condensed, turning into two long knives, slicing the stone abyss.

Shi Yuan sneered, neither dodging nor avoiding.

Clang!Clang!The two long knives collided, making a crisp metallic vibrato.

The two girls were horrified and couldn't believe it.How is this guy so awesome?What is his realm?
This man is so strong!

There was a strong feeling of jealousy in their hearts, but they didn't mean the slightest regret.

This young man is not only a monster, but also a scourge that must be eliminated.

The two walked up hand in hand, and shot again, the holy light lingered, the sword light flickered, the blade was extremely sharp, and they slashed towards Shi Yuan's neck.

This knife was too sharp, causing the surrounding void to appear densely packed with fine lines, like cobwebs.

Both of them are of true dragon bloodline, with strong physique and infinite strength. This knife is by no means unusual.

But Shi Yuan still didn't dodge, he just stretched out his right hand, raised his arm slightly, and blocked the knife lightly.

There was a sound of gold and iron symphony, and the swords collided, making a harsh sound that made the scalp tingle.

The faces of the two girls changed suddenly. They didn't know why Shi Yuan could block their blow?
The two looked at each other, and invariably motivated their soul power to integrate into the weapon, making the weapon's formidable power increase several times, its strength multiplied, and slashed at Shi Yuan again.

This time, a huge symbol appeared on the long knives of the two, with mysterious purple runes flashing on it, and a wave of divinity came, like a god descending, with an inexplicable aura, suppressing Shi Yuan.

This kind of rune is very special and does not belong to the operation of any spiritual power, but Shi Yuan realized that it contains powerful power.

This rune is very similar to the spell that was encountered in Qingmu Mountain.It's just that the breath of this spell is even more terrifying, as if it is a clone of a god, which can manipulate the power of the laws of heaven and earth, intimidating people's hearts and making people palpitate.

However, Shi Yuan was not afraid.

The power of these two spells is not small, but it is difficult to hurt him.

Shi Yuan grabbed the long sword towards the two of them.


The two snorted coldly, their bodies shook, they broke away from the long sword, turned into two flames, and flew back to their original place.

They retreated again and again, panic on their faces.

This boy is so weird, who is he?

This thought popped up in the minds of both of them.What is the origin of this person, why is his strength so powerful, and his physical body is actually strong and abnormal, which is beyond the reach of people.

At this time, Shi Yuan walked in front of the two of them, looking down at the two girls, his eyes were as cold as a knife's edge: "The disciple of Butian Pavilion is really vulnerable, I can't even resist a move of mine, is there anyone else? Take action?"

The two had bitter faces on their faces.


Shi Yuan sneered and punched out.

The blood energy on the fist rolled, like a dragon roaring, tearing through the sky, swept away towards the two, like a broken bamboo.

The two of them were shocked and hurriedly used the Holy Light to protect their bodies, but they were still eroded by blood.

Their bodies flew out uncontrollably and fell heavily to the ground, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

"You... don't leave if you have the ability, Senior Sister Yuechan will be here soon!" the girl whose butt was touched shouted angrily.

As for the young man, his face was embarrassed, and he didn't want to show this kind of failure in front of Fairy Yuechan.

"Okay, I'll wait here for a few days to meet Fairy Yuechan." Shi Yuan replied.

At this point, the ancestral land of the Fire Clan has been sensationalized, and the young strongmen outside the territory are all shocked and run around to tell everyone, making everyone look forward to it.

Shi Yuan is here alone, yet dares to provoke the Butian Pavilion, how much courage does this young man have?
However, is Fairy Yuechan really coming?
Shi Yuan did not leave, but sat cross-legged, recuperating from his injuries, ready to welcome Fairy Yuechan's arrival.

At this moment, all the core disciples of Butian Pavilion gathered in front of Shi Yuan, staring at him with burning eyes.

a long time passed.

Fairy Yuechan came, still as stunning as the first time she met, she was elegant and clean, peerless in appearance, slender and perfect, her white clothes fluttered, and she came gracefully, as if coming from the moon palace.

Her jet-black hair is loose, her bright white forehead is full of wisdom, her eyebrows are curved, her eyes are like stars, her nose is upturned, and her red lips are crystal clear.

This time, she did not have a veil, and her flawless and beautiful face showed people suffocating. There was a smile on her face, and her skin was fair and lustrous, like suet jade.

Fairy Yuechan received great courtesy from the Fire Nation. Some elders appeared and sent her to this ancestral land. Some young people accompanied her, like stars holding the moon.

She is so outstanding, stepping in the fire realm, she has a fresh and refined atmosphere, dressed in white, like a fairy in Lingbo, and she is extraordinarily aloof in the firelight.

Shi Yuan stood up and went up to meet him.

"Wife Yuechan, you are finally here!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked. This Shi Yuan was so bold, how dare he call Fairy Yuechan's wife? ?
Everyone was shocked. Shi Yuan was so arrogant that he dared to call the Holy Maiden of Butian Pavilion as his wife.

Fairy Yuechan's expression was calm, neither embarrassed nor annoyed at all.

She looked at Shi Yuan, a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Fairy Yuechan's expression was calm, there was no turbulence, she just smiled lightly and said, "It seems that Brother Shi is very humorous and very active here."

"Fairy, just say it directly." Shi Hao put away his smile, no longer smiling.

"Let's talk here." Fairy Yuechan walked forward, like a fairy, stepping on a piece of crystal petals, rising into the sky, and hunting.

This is obviously to talk to Shi Yuan alone, not wanting others to follow, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and finally stopped and did not follow.

The moonlight is hazy, the ancient trees stand up, and the fragrance of the grass and trees hits, which is refreshing.

They left the ancestral land of the Fire Nation and came to a jungle, far away from the heat, without the magma, etc. This environment seemed extraordinarily peaceful.

At the very least, the air was many times cleaner, and it was very dry and hot every day in the fire zone, making it seem like it was going to burn.

Birds chirping at night, grass and trees swaying, and the moonlight is bright, like white feathers scattered in the mountains and forests, making this place extraordinarily peaceful.

"You were originally a disciple of my lineage of the Heaven-Mending Sect. Although it's only a branch line, it is still the same lineage after all. I hope you return to my sect."

Fairy Yuechan opened her mouth, her expression was calm, and her body became more and more crystal clear under the water-like moonlight, as if she was enveloped in a thin layer of smoke, with an extraordinary aura.

Shi Yuan walked side by side with her, stepping on the moonlight, listening to the chirping of the night birds, this place highlighted the quietness of the woodland.

"I've never been a member of the Heaven Patching Sect, so why did I return? I never thought that the Heaven Patching Pavilion was the same as the Heaven Patching Sect. Since the founder of the Butian Pavilion has already been expelled, it means that it has nothing to do with your sect." Shi Yuan made this response.

Fairy Yuechan looked back and said, "The wasteland will be in chaos. In the future, there will be a confrontation with the Supreme Sect. If you don't have an immortal inheritance behind you, it will be difficult to stand on your feet. I am doing this for your own good."

"Well, as long as you marry me as your wife, will I join you soon?" Shi Yuan laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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