In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 359 His Majesty the Fire Emperor, please betrothed Linger to me!

Shi Yuan returned to the Fire Domain and found Huo Ling'er.

At this moment, the Huo Clan is naturally excited, Huo Linger succeeded in nirvana, and has the resources of the Fire Emperor, and will inevitably soar into the sky in the shortest time, no one can stop it.

The entire ethnic group was immersed in an atmosphere of joy, and many of the elders were very excited. They learned that Huo Linger's nirvana was very thorough, and it was much greater than the previous sage creation.

This indicates that an extraordinary figure may appear in the fire tribe!

"Not Suzaku, maybe better than Suzaku!"

"Yes, there is that kind of true blood flowing in our bodies, and Suzaku is also our ancient ancestor."

Shi Yuan came to the Fire Emperor, he knelt down on one knee in front of the Fire Emperor and said, "His Majesty the Fire Emperor, please betroth Linger to me!"

"I don't know what your impression of me is, but I am willing to swear with my life! I am willing to be with her forever!"

Shi Yuan's eyes were firm and full of love. Huo Ling'er couldn't help thinking of the past. She smiled and said, "Father."

The Fire Emperor looked at Shi Yuan and asked seriously, "Do you really like Ling'er?"

Shi Yuan immediately said: "Not bad!"

The Fire Emperor looked at Huo Ling'er and said, "What about you?"

"Are you willing to marry this kid?" Huo Huang asked while looking at Huo Ling'er.

Huo Ling'er didn't speak, just blushed and nodded.

The Fire Emperor looked at Shi Yuan and Huo Linger.

Immediately nodded and said: "You are not bad, I will give Linger to you, I am also relieved, but if you lose Linger, I will kill you!"

"Yes!" Shi Yuan immediately agreed.

"I can betroth Ling'er to you, but now, before marriage, she can only be your fiancee!" The Fire Emperor continued.

"If you really want to marry her, wait until you have the corresponding ability and status!" The Fire Emperor continued.

Shi Yuan nodded and said, "I will live up to my expectations!"

Shi Yuan and Huo Linger stayed in the fire domain for a while.

Although Shi Yuan has a heart, he will not disappoint any of his women.

He doesn't care about power and status, but what he wants is to be able to protect the people he loves in this world.

He loves Huo Linger, and similarly, he loves Xia Youyu.

After staying in the fire area for a few days, Shi Yuan left with Huo Linger.

"Follow me back to Shi Village!" Shi Yuan looked at Huo Ling'er and said.

Huo Linger looked at Shi Yuan and said, "I really want to go back with you, but now, I have to accept the Vermillion Bird inheritance!"

Shi Yuan nodded, he knew Huo Linger's current opportunity.

Immediately said: "Then I will go back to Shicun first, the little one is about to fight,"

Shi Yuan nodded, he knew Huo Linger's current opportunity.

Immediately said: "Then I will go back to Shicun first, the little one is about to fight, I want to go back and have a look!"

Huo Linger nodded.

Shi Yuan bid farewell to Huo Linger.

Huo Clan, Huo Ling'er looked at Shi Yuan's disappearing figure.

Naturally, Shi Yuan would not tell anyone the coordinates of Shicun. He just sent himself to the western border of Shiguo with the help of Huoguo's teleportation array, which is 30 miles away from the village.

Although the time is not ample, it is not in a hurry, because when he entered the Holy Palace in the fire domain, the time it took to enter the Holy Palace was fundamentally different from the outside world. It was a few months inside and only a day or two outside.

Even so, he still captured a dead seed alive, used it to travel, hurried on the road, and let the bird of prey send him back.

"Hey, what a big Honghu, and its cultivation is not weak, just enough for us to eat." In the boundless wilderness, a team of people raised their heads, and there could be more than a dozen people.

"There seems to be someone on Honghu's back."

"That can only be regarded as unlucky for him." A man sneered, opened his big bow, and sent out bright runes.

Immediately, the wind and thunder roared, and the gust of wind roared, shaking the clouds and mists in the sky away, and a green arrow flew up into the sky. With a "pop", it shot through the tens of feet long Honghu, and blood splashed dozens of feet high.

Shi Yuan was shocked at the time, and then became furious. The arrow almost pierced through him. If it wasn't for his incompetence, he would definitely die here.

Even so, he was shocked, his body shook, and he was stained with some blood from Honghu.

This was a disaster of no arrogance. It was too sudden, causing Shi Yuan to burst into anger. He never thought that anyone would dare to do this, so cruel.

This Honghu was a powerful relic. It was in the Inscription Pattern Realm, but it was destroyed by an arrow, its chest exploded, killed on the spot, and fell into the wilderness.


Honghu smashed on a mountain ridge, the ancient trees were broken, the rocks collapsed and flew, overwhelmed a thorny forest, and spilled a large amount of blood.

Shi Yuan naturally hung in the air ahead of time, and then landed here.

More than a dozen people came here, and the leader was a young man. His blood was soaring and surging. It was like an ocean breaking through. Anyone who could shoot an arrow to kill an inscribed dragon is absolutely terrifying.

"You, peel this Honghu, wash it, and bake it for us." The young man with the big bow pointed at Shi Yuan and instructed.

"You... court death!" Shi Yuan only had these three words.

"Looking for death!" The group of people were furious when they heard it. They all held weapons and killed Shi Yuan.

These people are all blood awakened people, and each one's strength has reached the psychic realm.


Shi Yuan smashed a young man with one punch, blood splattered everywhere, he jumped up and kicked another young man.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Yuan used his martial arts and swept across all directions. In an instant, he injured five or six people, including a person from the Inscription Realm, who directly smashed his head.

The rest of the dozen or so people were all terrified. This is simply a freak. They killed seven or eight of them so quickly.

"Back!" someone shouted.

Shi Yuan indifferently watched the group flee.

"call out!"

However, at this moment, an arrow struck and killed, pierced through the void, and arrived in a flash, reaching the extreme.

This is a jet-black spear, the spear is flashing with cold light, and a fierce momentum swept over.

Shi Yuan's eyes narrowed, his palm stretched out, and he grabbed the long spear, while avoiding the arrow on one side of his body.


Shi Yuan snorted coldly, using his arms to squeeze the spear.

However, just when Shi Yuan was about to pull out the spear, the young man holding the spear sneered, and a dense rune suddenly appeared on the spear, and then a majestic force poured out from the spear, and he broke free. Shi Yuan's hands.

He looked at the young man with a gun, his eyes were extremely cold, this time, he did not intend to show mercy.

He threw out a punch, boundless domineering, and the power of the fist was earth-shattering.


The gun-wielding boy let out a low cry, and shot out with a gun. The jet-black spear danced, drawing numerous phantoms, and stabbed at Shi Yuan. The spear edge was extremely cold.

Shi Yuan's eyes became even colder, he slapped it with a palm, and the palm turned into a big golden handprint to meet the jet-black spear.

However, what shocked Shi Yuan happened, the jet-black spear pierced through the golden big handprint, still killing him.

Shi Yuan was shocked, his whole body was full of energy, and he urged the big golden handprint to shoot at the jet-black spear.


The sound of gold and iron symphony was resonant, and the jet-black spear collided with the golden mudra, spattering endless sparks, and the two were at a stalemate.

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