"Well, this time the gift from Shi Village has arrived." Shi Yuan said to himself, what could be better than a pure-blooded gray dragon.

This gray Jiao meat must be delicious.

At the same time, in the depths of a primitive mountain range in the Western Xinjiang, a figure sitting cross-legged on a big rock on the top of the mountain opened his eyes, and a divine fire burst into the big rock in an instant.

He was like a god bathed in flames, his entire body was blurred, only a pair of eyes shone brighter than the firelight, and he said to himself, "One of my followers was killed."

If it were known that a pure-blooded creature of the strongest power was only one of his followers, it would surely shudder.

This mountain is very high. Although there are ancient trees, it is very sparse. The most striking thing on the top of the mountain is the big rock.

The divine flame jumped, and the figure sat cross-legged, blurred and invisible, but the breath that was released made all the birds and beasts in the mountain suffocate.

Those pupils are very strange, and the brilliance is red like fire. He is silent, but it is terrifying, like a demon god practicing here.

Soon, several figures appeared, and they rushed from the mountain to the top of the mountain. If anyone saw it, they would be shocked, because their speed was too fast.

Moreover, everyone is full of blood, billowing like an ocean, and too powerful, which can shock the pure-blooded arrogance, all pure-blooded creatures with supreme talents.

After these creatures came to the top of the mountain, they were extremely careful, with a kind of respect and awe, they paid homage seriously, and then stood in front of the big stone.

"What's the matter?" asked the man sitting cross-legged in the flames of God. The red fire in his eyes seemed to be able to burn down the sky, shocking the whole area and causing the few young people to tremble.

A young man saluted respectfully and reported: "I have found that Fairy Yuechan is in the ancestral land of the Fire Kingdom, looking for the slurry left by the Primordial Vermillion Bird after Nirvana."

"Is that so, I guess she is doomed to fail, someone should get there first." The man sitting cross-legged on the boulder said calmly.

"It has been found out, Granny Xihua is by her side, this old servant is very strong, at least in the realm of the Venerable." Another pure-blooded creature added, slightly nervous.

The man sitting cross-legged on the boulder said lightly, "It's just an old woman, there is a way to deal with her."

His voice is not high, there is no waves, but he has a mysterious power.The world resonated with his words, and the rumble shook.

"Will this lead to a big resentment with the Heaven-Mending Sect and there will be endless trouble?" A young man said boldly.

The people on the big stone did not get angry, and said calmly, "This is just a spiritual body of Fairy Yuechan. No matter what you do to her after catching it, it will not cause a shocking wave."

"My lord. It's just a spiritual body. Why take such a risk? After all, it's the Heaven-Mending Sect. If they were trying to save face, they might send out a lot of troops."

Seeing that he was in a good mood, the young men said a few more words.

"This dao body is different when you enter the wasteland. It is condensed but not scattered. It is filled with true spirit, and it is not much different from the true body." He smiled at this point, very indifferent and very deep, and the red fire in his eyes became more intense. , as if to burn the Nine Heavens!

"Take your time, disintegrate her from the spiritual body, and let her real body feel the best. I want to get not only her body, but also her heart." The man on the stone said.

Although he said it very plainly, it made several young people shudder and dare not speak any more.

"Grey Jiao went to explore the so-called Supreme Divine Treasure, why hasn't he come back? It's time to arrive." At this moment, a young man opened his mouth, showing a look of doubt.

"He's dead." The man on the stone said indifferently.

"What, the gray dragon was killed, could it be that some old demons have arrived here?" Several people were surprised.

"A boy who is younger than Hui Jiao's years, which sect is the most outstanding successor?" Several people were shocked.

Their hearts are very uneasy, they are very young, but they can kill the gray dragons. They are definitely the heaven-defying evildoers who came out of several great sects. Otherwise, don't even think about it.

There are only a handful of such people who can even calculate the exact identity.

"It's a native of the wasteland." The man on the big stone said coldly.

Several teenagers exclaimed, and then changed color, it is amazing that such characters can still be produced in the wilderness.

"Interesting, if there is a chance, I must meet him well!" The man said coldly.

The man on the big stone stopped talking, closed his eyes, and his body became more and more hazy, as if it was burning, and the whole body was covered with flames.

"You guys go back first, I want to rest." After a while, he ordered.

Shi Yuan collected all the spoils.

He took out two holy medicines, one was silver snake grass, and the other was fire scale grass, both of which were rare treasures that could improve cultivation.

This is what Gray Jiao spit out just now, and it was priceless, so he accepted it rudely.

Of course, he also got something, it was a spear, black and crystal clear, engraved with lines, and it looked pretty good.

Shi Yuan felt that this was definitely a treasure.

There is also a large silver bow, which is very sturdy. The arrow feathers are platinum, and it is engraved with dense runes. There are patterns flowing. It is very precious. It is made of special materials.

Shi Yuan is very happy, these things are extraordinary, if they are put up for auction, it will definitely be a sky-high price.

The arrows were snow-white, and the runes were flowing, and they were also of extraordinary quality, so he put them away.

Apart from that, he ignored other things and threw them directly into the Qiankun bag.

He took out two more medicinal pills and took them. After refining, the injury was healed, his energy was full, and his condition reached its peak.

He didn't delay, and immediately set off for Shicun. The journey was a long way, and it took three days to reach the destination.

The emerald green branches and leaves and the green silk sashes hang down one after another, and the whole tree body emits a crystal clear light.

The willow god changes every day, and now the lightning strike part is almost invisible, the scorched black disappears, and the bark like dragon scales appears. There are 81 young shoots in the whole tree.

It is tall and vigorous, with a hazy green glow.

The stone village is very peaceful and full of spiritual energy, because there are dozens of spiritual medicines planted in the village, and there is a silver peach tree close to the holy medicine realm in the center.

On the street, there is a faint milky white mist flowing, which is an amazing spiritual energy, nourishing this paradise.

"Pillar, don't run, go home and eat." A tall and strong young man shouted.

In the village, a group of children were running, ranging from a one-year-old staggering little guy to an older child, chasing the five-colored finches like a swarm.

Shi Yuan was dumbfounded. This was just a naughty version of his childhood. These children in the village inherited their style, going crazy and wild.

"There's a person at the entrance of the village!" A little guy said in a milky voice.

"Ah, Big Brother Shi Yuan is back!" the one-year-old boy cried.

"It's Uncle Shi Yuan, and he's back with delicious food!" a two-year-old baby boy shouted, very excited, spread his calves, and ran over.

When Shi Yuan came back, it naturally caused a commotion. Men, women and children all came, and it was lively and lively.

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