In the beginning, Brother Huangtiandi, I got full-level comprehension

Chapter 385 It's not like I haven't killed a mere venerable!

Shi Yuan laughed and didn't care at all.

There was another chuckle, graceful and graceful, a beautiful figure emerged, with snow-white skin, black hair, and a sly light in the eyes, the whole person was full of spiritual wisdom.

This is a young girl, peerless, beautiful and charming, she is a witch, her words are as sweet as the sound of heaven, and she said: "Butianjiao can't cover the sky with one hand, from now on, brother Shi will be my cut-off VIP!"

As soon as these words came out, all directions shook, and the people from Jietian Sect came out, and it was this eccentric witch whose status was comparable to that of Fairy Yuechan!
This is naturally frightening, especially the few venerables who spoke just now felt chills. This is a game played by the great teachers. Although they have a strong background and strong roots, it would not be a good idea to get involved.

Shi Yuan is so good, involved in two big sects, let Jie Tian sect come forward to protect each other, if anyone dares to make a move in the future, he really has to weigh it.

The witch has bright eyes and white teeth, she is magnificent, she is very tall, and her slender legs are swinging gracefully. It is really a moving scenery.

Shi Yuan looked at the witch and said with a smile, "Honey, are you here to save me?"

The witch looked at Shi Yuan and said, "Don't you have sister Yuechan? You still call me wife?"

Shi Yuan immediately said: "A big husband should be three thousand in the harem, how can one be enough?"

"You're really playful!" the witch laughed.

"Bah, glib, I don't care about you!" the witch coquettishly yelled.

At this time, Shi Yuan looked at those venerables, and said coldly: "Who will come to lead the death?"

He has a fierce temperament, looks at the world with contempt, and makes a group of venerables go backwards. This is a young lord, which makes them afraid, and no one wants to stand out for a while.

At this time, Shi Yuan said coldly: "Since there is no one, then I will leave!"

After saying that, he soared into the air, fled far away at a very fast speed, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving a group of venerables looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Brother Shi, go slowly, welcome to visit us often." The witch of Jietian Sect shouted, she was fluttering in a purple dress, showing a charming and pretty face.

Shi Yuan didn't stop, and left quickly. This was one of his secrets. In this world, he didn't want anyone to know, including Fairy Yuechan, except himself.

"Hmph, what an arrogance, you're just a brat." Someone scolded lightly, with disdain on his face.

"Young and frivolous, he is destined to fail, and he will not escape bad luck after all."

"Hehe, he came this time just to show off his viciousness. Will the people of Butian Sect let him go? He must be severely punished!"

After Shi Yuan left, a group of Butian Sect disciples gritted their teeth in resentment, they couldn't stand being humiliated like this.

"Have you left yet?" Suddenly, a man in black robe appeared out of nowhere, and killed the witch.Raising his hand, a big black hand enveloped the void.

At the same time, several people appeared.The figure is blurred, all of them are heaven-shattering, and their strength is terrifying.

Their strength does not lie in themselves. They actually set up a large formation to trap the witch. Everyone was horrified, because they felt that it was a magic circle of gods!

"Hey, you also followed into the wasteland, are you trying to kill me? But this is the False God Realm, you can't take advantage of it, and you may perish yourself." The witch was surprised and recognized the person.

"Is there no one to deceive me?" At this moment, an old voice came out, and two figures appeared, directly broke into the formation, helped the witch, and began to attack.

There was a riot in this place, and a formation battle began. Both sides kept throwing formation flags, the wind was hunting, the thunder was howling, deafening, and this world was about to be pierced.

"The magic circle of the gods, worthy of being the supreme teaching, and it has brought all these things. If they participate in the future wasteland, there will be chaos!"

People are horrified. The so-called supreme teaching spans several domains. It is really not just talk, its strength is horrifying.

"Whoever refuses to accept it, come here and fight, and help you cure dryness!" Shi Yuan shouted, and it was heard by everyone, this was really too arrogant, causing an uproar.

Some of the venerables were ashen-faced and gloomy. This guy was too domineering. This guy took the initiative to challenge them, but he completely reversed it, and he didn't even run away.

Some people are indifferent. This young man is so powerful and talented. If he can't kill him, it will probably be bad for them when he grows up in the future.

"Since he called his name, let's kill him together!" Someone said darkly in the dark, and contacted everyone to take action.

"Okay, let's kill him!" Those who shot just now were all venerables, none of them were high-ranking people in the living beings, they were all big shots, and they were provoked by a junior, and they were angry.

There was a piercing sound, and some vague figures appeared. They hid their true faces and began to kill!

In an instant, the wind and thunder blew, and the dark wind howled, and this place was boiling again. At the highest point, there was a battle between the man in the flames and the fairy Yuechan, in the distance, there was a witch from the Jietian Sect fighting against several mysterious people, and near there was a battle between Shi Yuan His Holiness.

This place is full of noise and shouts of killing.

"Young man, you don't know how to advance or retreat. The Jietian Sect has already protected you. You didn't seize the opportunity and you are still arrogant here. If you don't die today, I will be sorry to everyone." An old man said gloomily.

"Old man, you were the one who jumped out just now and asked me to let Granny Xihua go, and now you are looking for death. Don't think that you are safe if you don't show your true face. In fact, I don't care who you are if I kill you!" Shi After Yuan said that, he disappeared from the spot with a whoosh.

"Hey!" Everyone was surprised.

With a bang, a piece of void exploded, and the light was shining brightly. Shi Yuan stood on a piece of ancient animal skin, and with supernatural powers, he flew the old man out, causing him to cough up blood on the spot and almost died miserably.

"What, he is so powerful!"

This mountain forest is so silent, Shi Yuan is so powerful, it is shocking.

Shi Yuan didn't stop, and rushed towards another venerable, and as a result, there was a violent collision here, and sparks shot out.

"Ah..." There was a miserable howl, and the venerable was bleeding and suffered heavy injuries.


Shi Yuan swung his fist, and a blazing fist mark pierced the sky, like a golden glow, illuminating this place, hitting that person's chest, and immediately his bones shattered.

Like a ghost, Shi Yuan chased him, crushed him to the ground with a bang, broke his spine, then threw his neck into the sky, hit a giant tree, and collapsed immediately. On the tree, nail the old man to the tree.

People around were horrified, this young man's physical body was comparable to a precious body, he was so ferocious, torturing the Venerable like this was frightening.

" dare to kill the Venerable!" Someone trembled.

Shi Yuan sneered, and said: "It's just a mere venerable, it's not that I haven't killed him before, what are you guys?!"


Suddenly, Shi Yuan glowed all over his body, like a small sun, exuding coercive power and frightening the surrounding fields. He transformed into a golden body with runes blooming all over his body, as if made of gold.

Everyone's face changed. This is clearly a divine body in myths and legends. He actually managed to cultivate it. It's too scary.

These people all backed away, not daring to approach, this young man was too strong, they felt great danger.

Shi Yuan stood in the void, his eyes were deep, he looked down at the people below, and shouted: "Whoever wants to fight with me, just shoot!"

Everyone was silent. Although they were all venerables, none of them dared to stand up. The scene just now was horrifying, and they were afraid of death.

"You people are worthy of respect, you're just a bunch of local chickens and dogs!" Shi Yuan looked down upon all directions, and made no secret of his contempt.

Everyone's face was livid, but there was nothing they could do.

"Shi Yuan, do you really want to kill them all? Although you are powerful, you are only in the False God Realm. If you come to the outside world, you will die a miserable death!" Someone whispered.

"Yes, even if you are invincible, you may not be able to survive."

"I think you should be aware of the current affairs, otherwise you will die a miserable death."

A group of people persecuted Shi Yuan and did not want Shi Yuan to leave.

Shi Yuan sneered, and said: "I don't believe it, if anyone dares to stop me, I will kill him!"

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