Chapter 397 Hostility!

Shi Yuan walked over, and everyone immediately set their eyes on Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan touched Huo Ling'er's head, said with a smile: "Ling'er, you are here!"

"En." Huo Ling'er nodded, took Shi Yuan's arm, and didn't care about the eyes of the people around her at all.

The Fire Emperor has already betrothed Huo Ling'er to Shi Yuan, why should she care so much?

At this time, those people looked at Shi Yuan in shock.

"He is Shi Yuan!"

"Damn Shi Yuan, Princess of Fire Country, but my woman!"

"I really want to suppress him!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Huo Ling'er's eyes lit up instantly, she glanced at Shi Yuan, then at the people around her, suddenly stood on tiptoe, kissed Shi Yuan's left cheek, and then quickly fled Open, bowed his head in embarrassment.

Shi Yuan was stunned, his eyes were a little dull, as if he couldn't believe what he saw, he looked up at Huo Ling'er, and asked: "Ling'er, what did you just do?"

Huo Ling'er's pretty face became even more rosy, she looked up at Shi Yuan, and then whispered: "Hmph, I don't care, anyway, my father has already betrothed me to you!"

Hearing her words, the people around were in an uproar.

As soon as these words came out, the hostility around Shi Yuan increased again.

"Then Shi Yuan won't really get along with Huo Ling'er, right?"

"Damn it!"

"The Princess of the Fire Kingdom is the daughter of the Fire Kingdom, a person recognized by the Suzaku Festival Spirit of the Fire Kingdom. Who is Shi Yuan? How dare he befriend the Princess of the Fire Kingdom?"

The people around were discussing, all kinds of mocking and sneering voices came over, Shi Yuan looked calm, as if he didn't hear it at all.

At this time, a man in a blue robe beside Shi Yuan smiled coldly and said, "Shi Yuan, who do you think you are? You also want to marry the princess of the Fire Kingdom because of you? It's just a dream!"

"How old are you? How dare you do this to Princess Huo Nation, get the hell out of here!"

The black mist filled the air, and there stood a few young people, all wearing dark iron battle suits, with black light shining all over their bodies, and their aura was extremely powerful!
Some people suddenly realized that this is the Black Feather Clan cultivator from Hongyu, one of the great geniuses of the clan that has risen in recent years. A few days ago, Shi Yuan had dealt with the powerful members of the clan in that hanging palace, and they wanted revenge.

"Shi Yuan, we want to challenge you!"

At this time, the golden lion stood up, looked at them and said, "You are not worthy to challenge my elder brother!"

"What are you guys!" After several years, the nine-headed lion had already grown to a very terrifying state. It was not angry and majestic, and its body was shining with golden light, staring at the few people.

The black cloud surged again, and behind those geniuses, two middle-aged men appeared, slowly turning into human bodies, looking at the nine lions indifferently.

Everyone was surprised, the Heiyun clan was not easy to mess with, and they were famous strong clans in Hongyu, although they entered the barren land, their strong style remained undiminished.

"Although you are very strong, you will eventually be reduced to the life of a mount!" A young man from the Heiyun tribe said coldly, this is completely torn face, even if it is a shot at a party.

The main reason is that a few days ago, they were too ashamed. That incident had already spread to many people. They were humiliated by a bird first, and then they were stepped into the air by the boy in three steps.

Now that their strong man has arrived, they must become strong and regain their face.

"Come here if you want to die!" The golden lion is very domineering. After so many years, it has grown up, and has become the successor of the family without the immaturity of the past.

With a whistling sound, the wind blew violently, flying sand and rocks, and the place became dark all of a sudden. Demonic clouds surged and black mist billowed, quickly submerging the place.

The strong man of the Black Cloud Clan made a move and rushed forward. The dark clouds rolled, turning into human figures for a while, and mysterious symbols for a while, densely covered with runes.


The black light fell and hit the nine lions, exuding a majestic coercion, like a huge star hitting down.

The nine lions didn't move, they stood in place, but the head in the middle let out a roar, like the sky falling apart, ghosts crying and gods howling, the vast golden waves rushed up, many people shouted and covered their ears.

This is a veritable lion's roar!
If it evolves to the extreme, with a roar, the sky will split and the earth will sink. It is incomparable. When targeting the enemy, it can directly shatter the opponent.

At this time, the golden light was like a wave, roaring, rushing to the sky, sweeping the dark cloud, shaking people's hearts.

Everyone was in a daze, the nine lions were too powerful, just one blow shattered the black light, scattered the clouds, and shook the sky.

What kind of power is this?Everyone gasped.

"Hmph, how dare you come here to make a fool of yourself in front of me?" The nine-headed lion laughed, the sound was deafening, and everyone's eardrums were buzzing.


The sound waves of the nine lions hit in waves, and the dark clouds continued to disintegrate.


The golden lion roared up to the sky, and its figure soared several times, like a mountain, it came across the void, and its claws grabbed one of the geniuses.

He is a young genius of the Black Cloud Clan. He is named "Black Tiger". He is tall and majestic, with gnarled muscles, like an iron tower.


The black tiger roared, condensed into a tiger tail behind him, and whipped out fiercely.

A white beam of light tore through the sky, like a sharp blade slashing down, drawing a ravine in the void, making a piercing whistling sound.


The claws of the nine lions caught the tiger's tail, making a deafening roar.

Heihu screamed, trembling violently, his body was beaten back a few feet, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his bones were almost smashed.


"Hmph, little tricks of carving insects!"

The nine-headed lion snorted coldly, and drew its paw again.


This time, the black tiger couldn't stop it anymore, its tail exploded, and its whole body was directly smashed into pieces, turning into a rain of blood that filled the sky.


The nine-headed lion exerted strength again, and with a single palm, the sky and the earth shook suddenly, the ground collapsed, and a gap was opened in the void. A terrifying force of destruction burst out from his palm, towards those cultivators below. bombarded down.

The faces of the people below were suddenly pale, and they felt the breath of death coming, and they all trembled in fright.


Suddenly, a shrill cry sounded.

The golden light beam shot out, directly hitting the eyebrows of the nine lions, and a dangerous breath came. This is the companion of the golden lion. He has a gloomy face and a murderous look.

The nine-headed lion turned its eyes to look, a cold light flashed in its eyes, turned around abruptly, and slapped out a palm.


A deep, pitch-black crack was shot in the void, and terrifying energy spread out from the crack, enveloping all the people below.



The next moment, several screams rang out, several strong men of the Heiyun clan were all suppressed, and blood rained in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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