Chapter 399 Kill the King!
The two figures retreated, and each step made the ground tremble, and cracks like spider webs appeared on the ground.

"You are not simple!" the middle-aged man said.

"Hey, do you need to say that?" Shi Yuan sneered.

"Hmph!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, his eyes full of coldness.

He was really angry, an ant-like existence dared to provoke him!


The middle-aged man rose into the air, took a step forward, and his figure appeared in front of Shi Yuan, punching him.


Shi Yuan's body changed, like a huge peak lying in front of him, a golden mountain range the size of a mountain blocked the blow.


The golden fist collided with the golden mountain, and a dull sound erupted. A large amount of golden energy scattered in all directions, causing the ground to crack, and some trees were destroyed and turned into powder.

These two people are very terrifying, they are earth-shattering and terrifying when they make a move.


The middle-aged man appeared on the other side again, and with his palm print, he suppressed it like a mountain top.


A pair of golden wings grew out of Shi Yuan's back, like two huge feathers, shining golden and shining brightly.

Shi Yuan spread his wings and flew hundreds of meters away, dodging the middle-aged man's attack.

Shi Yuan's speed was too fast, like a phantom, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then, Shi Yuan looked at the middle-aged man, and said softly: "Everything is born!"

In an instant, the huge tree grew out, covering the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man frowned, this place is very barren, how could a big tree grow out of thin air and stand tall.

"Why are there trees here?" The middle-aged man was a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much, and continued to hunt.


A dragon roar sounded, and a huge golden tornado swept out, enveloping the middle-aged man.

"This is..." The middle-aged man's heart trembled, the aura was too strong, and he felt the danger.


The golden tornado enveloped the middle-aged man, tearing his body apart.


The middle-aged man coughed up blood, his face was pale, and one arm was swallowed by the tornado, dripping with blood.


Shi Yuan used the Suzaku treasure technique and instantly bombarded the middle-aged man.

Immediately, Shi Yuan glowed and turned into a huge Suzaku, with golden wings flapping, a hot breath soared into the sky, as if it was going to burn the heavens and the earth.


The middle-aged man screamed, and was swept by the golden wings, his chest was sunken, bloody and bloody, several bones were broken, and his body was covered in blood.

"How is this possible?!"

The middle-aged man's face was horrified. The power of this blow had already surpassed the power of the early stage of the land realm, and was even comparable to that of the late stage of the land realm.

What level of genius is Shi Yuan?

His realm is the realm of heaven and earth, and he has cultivated his own origin, so his combat power is extremely powerful.

His Suzaku treasure technique is also the most powerful technique.

"Ho ho ho!"

The golden Suzaku was roaring, attacking like crazy, no matter who the middle-aged man was, he resisted with all his strength.


The middle-aged man was furious, and he slapped Suzaku flying with his palm, but he was also severely injured, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and staggering.

Shi Yuan took advantage of the victory to pursue, swinging a pair of huge fists non-stop, every attack was accompanied by a terrifying punch.

At this moment, Shi Yuan showed terrifying strength, and he was evenly matched with the middle-aged man.

"Impossible, I am the King of the Mountain of Eternity, how could I lose!" the middle-aged man roared, his face full of unwillingness.

"Ha ha!"

Shi Yuan laughed loudly, "Not convinced? You deserve to talk to me, I will kill you today!"

He bullied again and punched out, like a giant beating a mountain, blasting at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked ugly.


The middle-aged man was knocked into the air, spitting out blood, and strands of golden blood overflowed from his mouth.



Shi Yuan came again, and the golden fist burst out, like a round of sun, with unparalleled terrifying energy, distorting the space.

The middle-aged man was furious and raised his hand to resist.


The middle-aged man was blown away by the golden punch, with blood gushing from his mouth, with an expression of disbelief on his face, "What kind of power is this? It's too powerful!"

The middle-aged man couldn't believe it was true, he was actually defeated by Shi Yuan.


Shi Yuan appeared in front of the middle-aged man again and punched him hard.


There was a loud noise, and Shi Yuan's fist hit the middle-aged man's chest, and a terrifying wave spread, making it suffocating.


The body of the middle-aged man was blown away by Shi Yuan, and his whole body hit a wall, the wall collapsed, and his body fell into the ruins, with blood spurting wildly, dying.

"Do not!"

The middle-aged man roared, he was unwilling to admit defeat, but now he had no way to resist.




The middle-aged man was hit continuously by Shi Yuan, his body was tattered, and the blood in his mouth kept flowing, he was already full of scars.

"No! I'm not reconciled, I'm going to kill you!"

The middle-aged man roared crazily, with a terrifying aura emanating from his body, like a raging tiger.

Shi Yuan's eyes were cold, and he cut out with a sword.


The body of the middle-aged man was split in half, blood staining the sky.

Shi Yuan beheaded the middle-aged man with a single sword strike.

A king in the formation realm, who said he was killed, was killed, Zhu Qiang was in a daze, this is like a fairy tale!
"This is too strong, it's a bit outrageous!" Everyone was so shocked that it was difficult to say anything else.

The garden was silent, no one dared to speak nonsense, Xiaoshi was too strong, he didn't hesitate to scold the king of Bulual Mountain face to face.If you talk too much now, who knows if it will embarrass Bulaoshan's face and cause jealousy, it will definitely be a disaster without reason.

"Young people, you must stay on the front line in everything, and do everything absolutely. In the end, you will find that you have not only cut off other people's paths, but also cut off your own path." Qin Shoucheng from Bulaoshan said.

His expression was ugly, as the elder of Bulual Mountain in the world of mortals, who would dare to disobey him?Not to mention being reprimanded like this, what kind of person is he!
"Stay on the line? You bully others and kill them at will. If others resist, you will do nothing? I don't think you are confused, but you have become a habit of domineering." Shi Yuan said coldly, very dissatisfied.

Qin Shoucheng lowered his face, and said: "Since you entered the garden, you have unreasonably killed and beheaded my fellow Taoists. With such a heavy hostility, don't say that you have offended me on the mountain of immortality. Even if you don't, it's hard to tolerate you." !"

"Stop talking nonsense, don't be pretentious and sanctimonious there, just do it if you want to, and see if any of you can do anything to me?" Shi Yuanyi stood in a neutral position.

Standing in the arena, Shi Yuan looked like a god of war, tall and tall, with jet-black hair, extraordinary momentum, and a pair of clear and energetic eyes, looking down on everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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