Chapter 402 Kill the King!

The king of the Fire Bull Clan wanted to run away, because he knew that even the Five Elements Ring would not be able to kill Shi Yuan, certainly not in terms of his cultivation, and he would surely die if he continued the fight.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late, Shi Yuan exploded, and his whole body turned into a divine sword, the Heaven-reaching Sword Intent was displayed to the extreme, and he slashed down immediately.


After the divine sword fell, it cut through the fiery red light curtain, shattered all the runes, chopped off a head, and blood gushed out.

As soon as Shi Yuan rushed past, the Excalibur was weak, and manifested again as his incarnate body, but with undiminished vigor, he charged at Qin Shoucheng.

With a sound of "buzz", the five-element ring glowed, bursting out with the most powerful force, and crashing into Shiyuan, it was like burning jade and stone, and the rhythm of immortality.

A curtain of light rises, and the cave around Shi Yuan becomes a piece, connecting into a gorgeous amulet. In fact, his physical body also appears in the cave, but others cannot see it.

Being able to push him to this point shows how extraordinary the Five Elements Ring is, and only when he was in a decisive battle with Shi Yi did he use all his means.

"What, the Five Elements Ring has been imprisoned?" Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe what they saw.

The five-element ring was fixed in the void, shaking constantly, and mist fell down. It was the essence of the five elements, but it couldn't get rid of Shi Yuan's physical body.


A sword qi swept across, Qin Shoucheng was terrified, turned around and left, after losing the Five Elements Ring, how dare he dare to shake it.

However, this sword energy struck like lightning, and quickly approached him. He was forced to sacrifice the treasure, and then continued to flee.

With a sound of "click", the bone shield was cut open, and the sword energy swept towards him like a rainbow.Qin Shoucheng felt cold all over, and tried his best to resist, but with a "poof", he still lost an arm.

All of this happened in the Electric Flint Flower. Shi Yuan killed two kings in a row, and chopped off an arm of the elder of Bulaoshan, with unparalleled combat power.

With a loud "boom", he was shaped like a dragon, and he punched out, shattering the shield of the Five Elements Ring, smashing Qin Shoucheng into the belly of the mountain, coughing up blood.

"Puff puff"

Qin Shoucheng vomited blood and suffered heavy injuries. He felt that his soul was about to burst, and his eyes were full of despair.

Shi Yuan ignored it, and still rushed forward, intending to kill Qin Shoucheng.


At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared beside him, like a round of sun, emitting brilliant rays of light, covering his whole body.

"What, five-element mask!"

Everyone exclaimed.

The five-element mask is an inherited treasure of the Immortal Sun Kingdom, which can defend against any threatening thing, but now it is protecting Qin Shoucheng's side, which is extremely shocking.

Wisps of golden light radiated from the five-element mask, like a net, protecting Qin Shoucheng in the center and preventing any ferocious beasts from entering it.

This kind of scene made many people change their colors. The defense power of the five-element mask is too amazing. It can resist any big evil. Even if the emperor comes in person, he will not break into it.

The luster of the five-element mask became brighter and brighter, and it firmly protected Qin Shoucheng. If it weren't for his strong body, he might have fallen into the five-element mask.

"Isn't that okay?"

But Shi Yuan was so powerful that he slashed out with a single sword.


The ear-piercing metal clanging sound came out from the five-element mask, but it was split in half by this sword.

"No, I'm not reconciled." Qin Shoucheng roared up to the sky, and let out a cry of unwillingness. He didn't want to die. He hadn't become an emperor yet, so how could he be willing to die.

Shi Yuan slashed down with his sword, splitting him in half with one sword, leaving no bones left, it was turned into two piles of fragments.


Many people were inexplicably shocked and could not believe all this.


A sword qi swept across, and he chopped off the middle-aged man's head. Blood rose from the headless body, and then fell to the ground.

The entire manor was silent, no one spoke, and everyone was stunned. What I saw today was amazing!
Megatron in ancient times, known as the invincible treasure - the Five Elements Ring, today someone dares to resist with physical body!
Looking down upon the world and looking down upon all domains, their people were slaughtered like vegetables, and the spellcasters didn't even frown.

This is shocking news, Shi Yuan is too strong, he was born again after a year and a half, with an invincible spirit!
He is also the king of formation, even holding a five-element ring is hard to deal with him, once Shi Yuan comes out, who will fight for the front?

"Is there anyone else who wants to trouble me?" Shi Yuan glanced at the crowd, passing over the strong men of all races, his eyes were indifferent, which made people's heart skip a beat.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to react, Shi Yuan was too strong, the blow just now shocked everyone.

Shi Yuan didn't stay any longer, he stepped out of the compound and walked towards the outside world.

"A group of soil turtles are used to jumping around in Xuanyu, and they came to run wild in the wasteland, and they don't even look at who is in charge here." The big red bird held its toes high.

Everyone is speechless, dare to say that Bulao Mountain is a land turtle, this is the only one, and the other way around, isn't this a barren land in the eyes of outsiders?

But now no one dares to make trouble, Shi Yuan is too powerful, he even dares to kill people from Bulao Mountain, just like chopping vegetables, no one wants to make trouble for him.

After the end of World War I, the manor gradually recovered its bustle.

Shi Yuan was surprised, he saw an acquaintance, the purple girl Yunxi was there, the other party also saw him, she was very excited, rushed over immediately, her eyes were hot.

"My wife Yunxi, are you here?"

Surprisingly, Yun Xi, a peerless beauty with a beautiful face, hugged his arm and did not let go.

In the distance, several pure-blooded creatures suddenly changed color. Needless to say, Yunxi's appearance is very famous among the younger generation in all the ancient sacred mountains, and she is a goddess in many people's hearts.

However, now she actually took the initiative to hug the boy's arm, which really shocked them, and immediately felt a sense of emptiness in their hearts.

"Hey, you figured it out, are you going to let me carry it away and help me guard the village?" Shi Yuan said.

Yun Xi's pretty face flushed slightly, and she wanted to let go of Shi Yuan's arm, but it had to be said that the red glow appeared on her white and beautiful face, making her even more attractive.

Her hair is bright and supple, her skin is crystal clear and lustrous, her figure is graceful, her figure is well-proportioned, and she has a seductive charm in her extraordinary beauty. She is a peerless beauty full of charm.

However, Shi Yuan was so close that she couldn't let go, and asked: "I want to go back to the village with me, but there's no need to be in such a hurry, right?"

Not far away, several pure-blooded beings had ugly expressions on their faces. Seeing that the most famous goddess in the ancient sacred mountain was getting too close to Shi Yuan, everyone was in a terrible mood.

"Where's my clan's magical artifact?" Yun Xi, a purple-clothed girl, asked, seeming very excited, obviously having something to hide.

Shi Yuan was stunned, why was he asked for this treasure once he met him, he would never hand it over, especially after seeing the second bald man and being reminded, it is even more impossible for him to agree.

"Please return my treasure, I can exchange it with other things." Yunxi said, seeing Shi Yuan again after a year and a half, she was naturally very excited, but also worried, fearing that he would refuse again.

"I thought you were going back to the village with me, but it turned out to be entangled with this matter, so there is no need to say more." Shi Yuan refused.

"How do you want to pay me back?" Yun Xi asked, agitated and angry.

(End of this chapter)

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