Chapter 420: Heavenly Mountain Court Proposal!
The main reason is that Liu Shen's origin and aura are too amazing, and the dharma is shocking, if it is spread out, it will be enough to shock the world!

Fortunately, the villagers were very enthusiastic, and a group of people toasted in turn. The atmosphere was warm, and the embarrassment was soon over.

In addition to the wild game in the wilderness, there is also the pure-blooded python brought back by Shi Yuan. Taste.

Undoubtedly, the children in Shicun screamed all night because the pure blood medicine was too effective, and the greedy little things overcooked, ran all over the village, and tossed all night, but the benefits are also huge. Let them break through.

In the early morning, a group of people set off on the road, but did not stop in the village, because time was very tight and catastrophe would come at any time.

The void animal skin shuttled through the void space, the distance was endless, and finally rushed out again after a long time, at least traveling millions of miles.

The birds are chirping, the vegetation is abundant, and the flowers are fragrant. This is a sacred mountain area full of aura, where you can see many auspicious animals and rare birds.

Yun Xi walked in front, and the others followed, crossing this peripheral area, and quickly approaching the real central area, one could see the spiritual energy transpiring, and the glow surrounding the mountain, making it more sacred and peaceful.

When he saw the three rare chickens pacing leisurely, Shi Yuan really wanted to rush over and catch them all. After stepping into the pure land of the Celestial Human Race, he saw countless rare animals and precious medicines. jealous.

In the end, they started to climb the mountain, and it was different from the last time he came. Yunxi opened a magic circle, and a majestic and majestic mountain appeared, and the clouds were steaming and the clouds were glowing.

It is covered by the magic circle, and it is not visible under normal circumstances. The outside world does not know that this is the core sacred mountain of the Celestial Race.

"Hey, Fairy Yunxi is back." A silver dragon beast said, coiled on a boulder weighing hundreds of thousands of catties, guarding the mountain path.

Soon, the news spread to the mountain. Several figures came through the air and landed on the mountain road. The leader stood on the bluestone steps and looked down.

"Haha, okay, Yun Xi, you actually brought him back. Did you use external force to ask someone to suppress it?" A middle-aged man in the lead laughed.

Yun Xi was amazed, how could it be possible that she was captured, she herself was almost carried back to be a daughter-in-law, and now thinking of Shicun's experience, she was still ashamed and angry.

"Fourth Uncle, that's not the case, you misunderstood." Yun Xi said.

"What's the misunderstanding? This thief stole our ancestral magic weapon and never returned it. Now, no matter what, he fell into our Tianshen Mountain. Let's see how he escapes." I don't like it.

"Why is there a hairless stupid bird?" Someone asked, because the second bald man was too different, and he couldn't help but attract attention.

"Hey, don't you bastards talk nonsense, hurry up and invite your father, hurry up and meet uncle." Er Bald said arrogantly.

"Who are you, senior?" The fourth master of Tianshen Mountain asked modestly.

"Fourth Uncle, he is the peacock back then." Yun Xi said, feeling very annoyed at the lack of affection for the second bald man.

"What, you old thief, you dare to come here!" The fourth master was furious on the spot. Many people in Tianshen Mountain knew how hateful that peacock was.

The second bald man sneered and said: "Boy, don't talk nonsense. I hugged you back then. You once pulled green shit on my arm."

"Ah..." The middle-aged man almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, pointed at the second bald man, and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Old thief, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you immediately!" Fourth Master trembled angrily.

"Boy, if you don't understand the grievances and grievances of the past, don't talk too much. If you dare to disrespect me, your aunt will slap you!" The second bald man disdainfully.

"What did you say!" Fourth master's eyes burst into flames, the bastard said too much.

"I mean, back then, your grandfather and your father beat mandarin ducks with clubs, which separated me from your aunt, and I was hunted down. Today I came to collect the bill." The second bald man seemed quite upset, and stared at him at this moment. eyes.

The people in Tianshen Mountain were dumbfounded, what was this all about, even Yun Xi was dumbfounded about what happened.

Shi Yuan, Nine-Headed Lions, etc. were even more puzzled, they were all in a daze, watching from the sidelines.

"Back then, you owed me a marriage, and this time I will pay you back with a girl. I have decided that I want this girl and marry her to my brother." The second bald man said loudly, first pointing at Yunxi, then Point to Shi Yuan.

Everyone was dumbfounded, this guy is really brave enough to say this in front of the powers of Tianshen Mountain, this is not directly declaring war on Tianshen Mountain.

"You're courting death!" Fourth Master Tianshenshan's face was gloomy.

"Don't worry, listen to what I have to say. Although you guys were good at fighting mandarin ducks at the beginning, we are in love with each other and like each other. The so-called fat water does not leave the field to outsiders. Today my brother is here to get married." Erbald said plausibly.


The fourth master was furious, raised his hand and sacrificed a metal secret treasure, and threw it at the second bald man. Immediately, electric lights intertwined, runes were densely covered, and there was a clang.

With a sound of "Boom", the second bald man took a few steps back to avoid the attack. At this time, he also changed color. This is a heavy weapon. If it hits the flesh, it will definitely break bones and tendons.

"Little girl, what are you still doing in a daze, stop him!" Er Bald shouted.

This is quite speechless. Erbald fell in love with a woman from Tianshen Mountain, and was beaten with clubs. Shi Hao, Huo Linger and others looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"The old thief made a big fuss about my Tianshen Mountain, misfortune the elixir, stole the holy elixir, coveted my family's treasures, and deceived my father. It can be said that he did all kinds of evil, but now he dares to speak nonsense here and take him down for me. !" Fourth master growled.

A few strong men rushed behind him, and they were about to take down the hairless strange bird.

The second bald stared, and said: "Stop, don't you ask your aunt if you disrespect me and make her feel hurt, you will have to apologize to me in the end."

This is really gossip, everyone in Tianshen Mountain murmured, and the few people who rushed down slowed down.Even the fourth master has no idea. Although he was very angry, he really didn't dare to suppress it ruthlessly, just in case he made a mistake.

"Yun Canghai, I, Kong Qiuji, are here. You are so arrogant, won't you come down the mountain to pick me up?" Er Bald Zi opened his mouth, and at this moment, he raised his head and roared towards the mountain with an inexplicable momentum.

The mountains are majestic, the clouds are falling, and a divine rainbow rushes over, spilling a holy brilliance, clearing the clouds and mist, and an old man landed on the ground.

"Kong Qiuji, you're not dead?!" Yun Canghai was shocked, and jumped down from the top of the mountain to land on the ground.

The second bald man proudly said: "What do you think, I, the Peacock King, will fall so easily, I am an existence that will live forever."

"Isn't this the big fool of the generation who was all-powerful and arrogant in the wilderness back then? Kong Qiuji, what's wrong with you? You've lost all your feathers. I still remember that the Peacock Venerable back then was so majestic and heroic. He dominated all directions, how did he end up here? step by step," said Yun Xi's grandfather, Yun Canghai.

Erbald said with a sneer, "What do you know? I am in Nirvana. Once the divine feathers are regenerated, the sky will be as powerful as the heavens, and the posture will surpass the world. I will blind your eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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