Chapter 432 Big Catastrophe!

Shi Hao and Shi Yuan were dispersed during this catastrophe.

Shi Yuan didn't know where Shi Hao had gone, and immediately ran away alone.

The current Shi Yuan can no longer take care of so much.


At this moment, a red cloud rose in the distance, spewing out endless light, like a torrent raging, breaking the chain and rushing out of the domain.


Unfortunately, the catastrophe is endless.A divine blade fell, crystal clear, and cut directly at the glare, cutting off his way of life.

In clang.Endless runes sprang up there, and a huge Dharma image appeared, towering up to the sky, magnificent and boundless.Exudes a holy breath.

"My God, that's a god!"

Even in this last day, there are many living beings who are shocked.Exhaled loudly, this is too scary, in the catastrophe, even the gods can't escape

There, the red light spun, and if the dragon raised its head, it turned into a dense number of symbols, rushing towards the crystal blade, against the rules of the world.

The roar sounded, the chanting sound shook the sky, and the dharma became more and more grand and clearly visible. He opened his eyes angrily, which shocked many creatures in the south, vaguely remembering that this was a deity in an ancient temple in the south.


With a flash of blood, the huge head was cut off by the regular god blade, and the divine form fell down like a mountain. The sky was stained red with blood, and the runes collapsed.

Shi Yuan was shocked by what kind of scene this was.

All living beings trembled, and many people fell to their knees, full of helplessness. In this catastrophe, even the gods couldn't protect themselves? They just fell, which made people feel sad.

"Pseudo-God Er, but at the beginning of Shenhuo, I dare to call it a god." In the dark, there seemed to be a voice, and it was uploaded in those nine days, and the mountains and rivers were roaring.

In any case, the monks were terrified, and they really answered the words, the sacredness is like a mustard, and after the catastrophe comes, even the existence of that series will perish.

Shi Yuan was nervous and silent, what kind of fate is this?
He looked at the sky and the earth, one light after another shot up, and all capable monks controlled the treasures and began to flee to the outside world, wanting to save their lives.

It sounds complicated, but in fact this is just the beginning, and time is just passing by.

There were figures all around, everyone was terrified, there were shouts everywhere, and they fled for their lives. All the powerful monks were terrified.

The monks were crying, and a kind of panic was pervasive. At the moment of the end of the world, all living beings appeared, and all the strong people went crazy.

Shi Yuan stood still, trembling in this catastrophe, he felt that he was small and pitiful, facing countless powerful enemies.

Not long after, a ray of light rushed out, it was Shi Yuan, at this moment he was covered in blood, he was extremely embarrassed, facing billions of stars alone, struggling there.

I don't know how many monks escaped in despair, but they all died in this area before the catastrophe came, and no one was spared.

They were horrified, feeling like the sky was falling.

"What kind of creatures are these, how can they be compared with those stars, they are simply gods in this universe."

"Isn't this the ancestor of my family? How did it fall here? What happened?"

"Yeah, is it a catastrophe? It shouldn't be. The catastrophe came to the world, and the punishment of heaven is coming."

Many monks exclaimed, news came from the sky one after another, making all living beings terrified and unable to hide their fear, those stars fell and destroyed everything, it was too terrifying.

This continent is not peaceful anymore, monks from all walks of life have fled, but there are also some courageous and strong people who still do not give up and are still fighting in this catastrophe.



A sound of shouting came from the major sects, and one figure after another rushed towards the sky, rushing towards the stars one after another, competing for good fortune there.

At this moment, Shi Yuan felt extremely heavy.

Those stars were too terrifying. There were gods and great monsters struggling there, and every ray of light was enough to cut him in two.

This kind of power was so terrifying that it made him burnt all over.

Not only him, but also the monks present felt uncomfortable. The catastrophe came, making people unable to resist. Under the starlight, their bodies were constantly cracked and shattered.

Shi Yuan's eyes were wide open, those huge stars, with endless pressure, seemed to have ancient figures one after another.

One star after another, each one is bigger than the star where Shi Yuan is.

"Is this the remnant left after the fall of the gods? With this kind of power, aren't those creatures not weak?"

He was very surprised. In this last day, those gods died unwillingly, leaving their remnants in the world, but in this kind of catastrophe, those remnants have already been obliterated.

This is a real catastrophe. Once it breaks out, the entire vast continent will be wiped out, even gods are no exception, and will be annihilated under such terrifying fluctuations.

Shi Yuan was running, running towards the distance, trying to find a shelter to avoid this terrifying fluctuation.

This kind of fluctuation is too terrifying, even the remnants of gods will be annihilated, which makes people feel palpitating.


He ignored it and continued to soar into the sky, ascending with the dense crowd of monks, and finally met a few falling stars, that kind of power was incomparable.

Shi Yuan trembled, this star is too big, there is no way to avoid it, although it will be outside the territory when it reaches the sky, but it is still inevitable at this time.


Finally, he knew the anomaly, and the big star jumped over like a bubble, without hurting them, and smashed to the ground.

With a bang, endless rays of light rose from below, and a piece of land seemed to have been smashed and sunk, as if there were endless terrifying fluctuations, sweeping across the vast universe.

However, Shi Yuan was stunned, he didn't believe his eyes, and an incredible thought arose in his heart.

False, this scene of doomsday is false, perhaps it is not true that the scene of all the stars falling from the sky is not true.

Then, one big star after another rushed down, bringing with it a monstrous flame, and the burning sky boiled, like a doomsday flame, sprinkled all over the world.

At this moment, Shi Yuan saw the Venerable again, rushed up from below, and there was also a huge Dharma image, which belonged to another god, and fled to the outside world.

In robbery.How can he be calm, and the big star is so real, who can distinguish it, the hidden Xeon creatures are startled, and the chain of order is swept away, binding it firmly.

Shi Yuan felt chills in his heart, what kind of will is playing with the power of the palms, such a real doomsday scene, forcing the Venerable and others to rush to the sky, and then be captured.


There was a shrill cry, and the venerable was tied to the big star, killed one by one, turned into a pile of meat, and burned clean.

This is a kind of extreme torment, although the Venerable is very powerful, he still cannot bear it.

Shi Yuan couldn't bear to watch, this scene was too tragic.

"We can't just die like this." He was yelling, and flew out of the domain. This kind of catastrophe was really terrible, and he didn't know what dangers he would encounter.

He was unwilling and wanted to escape from here and enter the abyss of chaos.

It's a pity that this void is blocked, no matter how Shi Yuan collides, it's useless.

(End of this chapter)

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