Chapter 449 Stone Abyss Explodes!


Shi Yuan punched one more person, killing one of them, and the ground was stained red with blood.

Shi Yuan descended to earth like a god of killing, his fighting power was so fierce that everyone was terrified.

At this time, several people were chopped into blood mist, turned into a pile of blood, and disappeared.


These monks finally knew how to be afraid, they didn't stay any longer, they turned around and ran away.

Shi Yuan followed like a shadow, chasing and killing all the way, killing more than ten elders and beheading thousands of people all the way, the blood stained this mountain red like blood flowers.

At this time, a golden ancient temple emerged, this is the holy temple of the Western religion, and it is the treasure of the Western religion, an ancient temple, and the existence of a Taiyi gold fairyland is suppressed.

At this time, the existence of this Taiyi Gold Fairyland felt the danger, and immediately urged the ancient temple.

Immediately, the entire Western Temple emanated a wave of Buddha's chanting sound from the ancient temple, and golden lotuses shot out from the ancient temple, expanding in all directions.

Each of these golden lotuses is as big as a palm, but each golden lotus exudes terrifying power, distorting the void.

"What is this?"

Shi Yuan frowned.

This is a golden bowl, the fluctuations emitted by this golden bowl are extremely astonishing, stronger than Shi Yuan's holy weapon, and it contains extremely strong defense and attack, absolutely terrifying.

"No matter how amazing his attack is, it can't stop me."

Shi Yuan snorted coldly, raised the willow-leaf sword in his hand, and a fierce sword energy flew out.


This sword qi directly struck the golden bowl, smashing the golden bowl to pieces.


Shi Yuan was taken aback.

"As expected of the sacred weapon of Western religion, it can resist my sword. It seems that I have to use my unique skills." Shi Yuan said in a low voice.

His left arm trembled, and the veins bulged like a sword, and a destructive aura gushed out of his body, making the whole world tremble.

"call out"

As soon as Shi Yuan pointed out, a ray of bright sword light shot out from his fingertips, like a meteor across the sky, tearing apart the void, and flying towards the golden bowl.



The golden bowl was pierced by the sword light, and the sword energy penetrated the golden bowl and directly entered the golden bowl.

The golden bowl is the treasure of Western religion, which has the power to suppress the heavens.

The sword chanted bursts, majestic, with Shi Yuan as the center, dozens of heavenly swords rose up, shaking the void, and then all of them violently burst forward and swooped forward.

At this moment, that group of people was full of despair, and they sacrificed magic tools and treasures one after another to make a final resistance, unwilling to end their lives like this.

However, all this can't change anything. The real sword is rampant, piercing through those treasures, breaking up the pieces of magical runes, and crushing these monks.

"Pfft", "Pfft"...

Twenty or so people were all shot through, turned into blood and bones, and collectively withered, making them fearful and unwilling. The way ahead was in sight, and they were about to rush out of Shidu soon, but they were caught up by Shi Yuan.

In front of the city wall, many people even vacated, leaped onto the dark and icy wall, and were about to use secret techniques to penetrate the talisman screen and leave just like that.

It's a pity that they missed the last step after all, which made them despair. They watched Shi Yuan unleashed fierce methods and swept them away, making it difficult to resist.

This is the people of Butian Sect, there is only such a group of people left in the city, but Shi Yuan chased them all the way, biting them relentlessly, refusing to let them go, and carried out a lore.

"Where to go!"

Shi Yuan shouted, the sword energy of the imperial way rose together, and dozens of big swords strangled towards them.


An elder's chest was pierced by a big sword, bloody and bloody.

"Do not!!!"

He let out a scream, with a look of resignation in his eyes.


The big sword submerged them, and dozens of monks were all turned into a pool of mud. The corpses were crushed, blood was sprinkled all over the ground, and the ground was stained red.

This time, Shi Yuan solved a team of monks by himself, causing everyone to be inexplicably terrified, terrified and afraid to approach easily.

On this day, Shi Yuan beheaded all the enemy troops and everything, and became the target of public criticism.

"Not good, we have to retreat immediately, otherwise he will solve them one by one."

Some elders gave orders to retreat one after another.

"Want to go?"

"no way!"

Shi Yuan's eyes flashed, showing murderous intent: "Today, you all have to die!"

He was like a ghost, with extremely fast speed, and he came straight to this team.

"kill him!"

"Don't fight him head-on!"


All the elders fled crazily, and their strength was also extremely strong, breaking out to their peak state one by one.

Shi Yuan was not in a hurry, he squeezed the seal with his right hand, a golden light bloomed, and a round of golden sun condensed above his head, sending out fiery air waves.


Infinite flames erupted from the sun, enveloping dozens of people, burning them directly to ashes, and no one could escape.

"What? This guy is so powerful that even we can't kill him together."

Everyone took a deep breath.


Shi Yuan shouted angrily, and chopped off with a sword.


An elder was beheaded and his soul was shattered.

"Puff", "Puff"

Shi Yuan's sword was too sharp, there was no way to dodge it, and was cut in half by the sword.

"Do not"

There was deep unwillingness in these people's eyes, their bodies exploded, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

A generation of masters, a generation of elders, was beheaded by Shi Yuan with a single sword.

An elder's body was cut off by Shi Yuan, but Shi Yuan didn't take it, because it was a spiritual weapon, which was useless to him, but his target was the old woman in the Hall of Eternal Life, so he naturally couldn't give up.


Shi Yuan took a step forward and appeared behind the old woman in an instant. He stretched out his left hand, claw-like fingers, and grabbed the old woman's shoulder.

"you wanna die!"

The old woman's face was ashen, with endless thunder splashing from her body, and she wanted to struggle.

However, Shi Yuan was as heavy as a mountain, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake it.


The next moment, Shi Yuan directly slapped the old woman on the back, causing her to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out.

Shi Yuan rushed to another old woman again, grabbed the old woman's neck with his left hand.

"You, damn you, I must kill you, I must kill you."

Shi Yuan sneered, stepped on the old woman's head with his right foot, stepped directly into a huge pit, and crushed it into meat paste.

Immediately, Shi Yuan cast his eyes on the remaining three people, his eyes filled with murderous intent, these three elders were also beheaded by Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan held a fairy sword in his hand, and his whole body was filled with a kind of domineering, as if a demon god descended into the world.

"I know you want to escape, but you don't want to."

Shi Yuan snorted coldly, and slashed out with a sword.


Dazzling divine brilliance bloomed from this sword, illuminating the place as if it were daytime.

The sword light streaked across the void, splitting the corpses of the three elders in half, and even the soul of the elder was also beheaded and fell completely.

(End of this chapter)

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