A coquettish shout came, and Fairy Yuechan came up a little bit, and the whole person came in the air, Yu held a sword in her hand, and slashed out, the blade was surrounded by golden lightning, like a golden light.


The golden light flashed away, cutting a huge gap in the void.

At this time, I saw that Shi Yuan was also serious, he sacrificed the immortal sword, and with endless sword intent, he slashed towards Yuechan.

The two confronted each other, sword energy criss-crossing the wilderness, and the entire valley was razed to the ground and turned into ruins.

After half a stick of incense, a gust of wind swept past, the smoke dissipated, leaving only two vague shadows.


Fairy Yuechan spat out a mouthful of blood, the golden light on her body dimmed a bit, her body was covered with blood, and her clothes were disheveled.

Shi Yuan struck again like lightning.


Another huge rock fell from his palm print, which shattered a huge peak, revealing a huge crater.


Fairy Yuechan cast several bolts of lightning in succession, hitting Shi Yuan's body, but unfortunately, they couldn't break Shi Yuan's defense at all.

Shi Yuan's body was like a dragon, he jumped up, and he swung the saber again.


Fairy Yuechan's protective qi was torn apart, revealing her jade-white skin.


Shi Yuan punched out again, sending Fairy Yuechan flying, gliding in the void for a long time before stabilizing his figure, his face was a little pale.

"You..." Fairy Yuechan was extremely angry, she never expected that Shi Yuan would be so powerful, she never blocked a move.

She clenched her silver teeth and urged the thunder again, turning into a ball of golden thunder and rushing towards Shi Yuan.


Shi Yuan's fist light collided with Thunderbolt, and there was an ear-piercing sound. The Thunderbolt was scattered and disappeared into countless tiny lightning bolts.

Fairy Yuechan's face changed slightly, she never expected that Shi Yuan's power would be so strong.


Shi Yuan took a step forward, and his whole body oppressed her like a towering mountain, enveloping her.



Fairy Yuechan was kicked in the chest by Shi Yuan, her body flew tens of meters, and hit a distant mountain peak.

Mountains collapsed, gravel splashed, and dust billowed.

With a flash of Shi Yuan's body, he threw out another fist. .

A powerful aura surged from her body, and the surrounding thunders seemed to have heard the order, and they all gathered together. Outside Fairy Yuechan's body, a thick layer of thunder and lightning condensed, covering her body like armor. on the body.

Shi Yuan frowned, he never expected that Fairy Yuechan would have such means.

This set of exercises seems very strange.


Shi Yuan didn't want to delay time, stepped on the void, and rushed towards Fairy Yuechan.

Fairy Yuechan shook her body, and the power of thunder surged out, enveloping her.


Shi Yuan punched down, the thunder and lightning collapsed, Shi Yuan's body also stopped suddenly, was pushed back by a huge force, and his body smashed into the mud.

Fairy Yuechan emerged from the soil, her armor dissipated, and her clothes were also in tatters.

Shi Yuan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the other party to be able to recover.


Fairy Yuechan gritted her teeth and made another move. A ray of purple light in the sky condensed and turned into a thunder sword, cutting through the void and rushing towards Shiyuan. …

Shi Yuan's face changed, he didn't dare to face it, his body moved like a ghost, and he narrowly escaped.

"call out!"

The thunder sword pierced through everything, and landed on the distant mountain peak, cutting that large mountain into flat ground.

"Damn it!" Shi Yuan cursed angrily.

He knew that if he continued like this, he would suffer a loss. After all, he had already been corroded by lightning, suffered serious internal injuries, and his strength was greatly reduced.


Fairy Yuechan waved the long sword in her hand again, and slashed out with a sword aura, the void was cut apart, and black cracks spread out.


Fairy Yuechan's sword energy slashed down one after another like a storm.

Although Shi Yuan dodged in time, he still left scars one after another on his body, and his flesh and blood were flying, which made him extremely painful.


Another thunderbolt fell from the sky, turned into a thunder sword, and slashed towards Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan's expression changed, and he hurriedly avoided.


The Thunder Sword flew past Shi Yuan, plowed a deep ditch on the ground, and scattered stone debris.

Fairy Yuechan showed a smug look on her face: "Do you think I only have thunder and lightning?"

She swung the long sword again, turned into a rain of swords, and swept towards Shi Yuan overwhelmingly.

Shi Yuan's body is like a dragon, riding the clouds like riding the fog, dodging all the sword rain, and charged towards Fairy Yuechan again.

He made mudras with his hands, and silently recited a mantra, his body glowed with golden light, turning into a golden light, as dazzling as the sun.


Shi Yuan's body was suspended in mid-air, and with a lift of his finger, golden thunder swords condensed out, turned into one after another, and slashed towards Fairy Yuechan.

"What a powerful technique, how can you have such a powerful sword technique?" Fairy Yuechan's eyes were filled with shock, she looked at Shi Yuan, and resisted Shi Yuan's attack one by one.


The thunder sword collided with Jian Yu, making a loud noise.

Fairy Yuechan was knocked back hundreds of feet, her face turned pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, she was deeply shocked.

"What a powerful physical body!" Fairy Yuechan murmured, "Even the supreme being can't match such a body. What kind of cultivation is this guy?"

"Thunderbolt, kill me!"

Shi Yuan sneered, and the golden lightning sword in his hand slashed out, condensing into a huge sword glow in the air.


The sword glow pierced the sky, like a long river, it slashed fiercely on Fairy Yuechan's body, sending her flying backwards.

Shi Yuan caught Fairy Yuechan in an instant, and the divine light burst out, imprisoning Fairy Yuechan in an instant.

This was a world-shattering battle. They seemed to live forever in the divine light, and they became the most splendid scenery in the world. The battle was extremely fierce.

However, Fairy Yuechan exhausted all kinds of treasures and used the sky-replenishing technique time and time again, but in the end it still didn't change the ending.

"Let me go!" Fairy Yuechan turned pale with shock.

She didn't expect that she would lose this time.

"Let you go?"

Shi Yuan narrowed his eyes: "You are joking!"

As he said that, a golden light bloomed from Shi Yuan's body, tightly imprisoning Fairy Yuechan.


Fairy Yuechan screamed, she felt that her Nascent Soul was about to break out and was imprisoned by Shi Yuan, unable to escape, her face was terrified, and she stared at Shi Yuan in horror: "What do you want?"

Shi Yuan looked at her with cold eyes, and grabbed her by the neck: "Fairy, let me be wronged first!"


The expression on Fairy Yuechan's face changed, emotions such as panic, resentment, fear, unwillingness and so on flashed by one by one.

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