Chapter 456 Beautiful Captive!
Afterwards, he listened to the old guard's introduction along the way, counting all kinds of magical powers and mysteries, and his heart was full of enthusiasm. No matter whether he lost it or not, as long as he could get it again, it would be a great harvest.

Shi Hao's mood was hard to calm down, he didn't expect that there would be such heaven-defying benefits after inheriting the throne, let's not talk about the treasure house, just this temple, if the treasure technique is not lost, it will definitely make people crazy.

It should be so if you think about it carefully. After all, it is the foundation of a country's avenues. Whether it is magical materials, magic tools, or supernatural powers, it is naturally shocking, and ordinary great religions are far from being able to compare with it.

"The resources of the whole country are all for my own use. If this kind of cultivation is not capable of overwhelming the world, then it will be in vain to be called the Supreme Youth." Shi Hao said to himself.

He sat cross-legged on a futon, which was a quiet room in the classic temple, which was specially built for the human emperor to read the classics, and he wanted to try whether he could fall into the state of enlightenment again.

The King of War and the old guard withdrew and stood guard at the gate of the Dian Temple.

"Where is Suan Ni?" Shi Hao whispered, and then his heart moved, he took out the Human Emperor Seal, watched it carefully, and tried to operate it.


Suddenly, the whole stone room trembled, and then the purple air came from the east, intertwined with golden lightning, turning the place into a thunderstorm.

On that wall, a huge Suanni appeared, golden with purple stripes, ferocious and ferocious, extremely terrifying, as if about to pounce out through the stone wall.

"Suan Ni Treasure Art!"

Shi Hao exclaimed, and then couldn't help laughing out loud, it really has something to do with the Human Emperor's Seal, and he got it like this.

The harvest this time is really huge. Acquiring an extremely powerful treasure technique of a heaven-rank beast is more important than anything else. There is no doubt that his combat power will improve by leaps and bounds from then on.

Thunder and lightning are the most terrifying power in the world. When Suan Ni is born, Shi Hao will become even more brave and invincible.

Shi Hao started to practice.

Shi Yuan left here and came to his mansion.

Shi Hao became the emperor, and of course Shi Yuan also had his own palace.

In Shi Yuan's small world.

A stone table, two stone piers, this is the decoration.

Fairy Yuechan was dressed in snow clothes, her blue silk was as bright as satin, her eyes were shining with wisdom, her face was peerless, she sat on the stone pier, showing her perfect figure.

She sat cross-legged, her eyebrows drooped slightly, her jade hand was raised lightly, her index finger and thumb were interlocked, and she was practicing.

"How have you been these two days?" Shi Yuan's voice suddenly sounded.

Fairy Yuechan's beautiful eyes blinked, her skin was white and delicate, ready to break, her pretty face showed surprise for the first time.

"Shi Yuan, are you going to imprison me forever?" Fairy Yuechan's words were very sweet, with a kind of magnetism, like the voice of a fairy in the sky.

Shi Yuan smiled: "How is it possible? You are my fiancée, of course I will let you out. It's just that it's not possible yet."

Shi Yuan's expression was very calm, but there was a gleam of light hidden in the depths of his eyes, he was indeed planning something.

But this time, Fairy Yuechan will not run away again.

"Stop talking nonsense, who is your fiancée." Fairy Yuechan said lightly.

Shi Yuan's expression didn't change at all. He stood on the stone pier with his arms crossed, looking down at Fairy Yuechan on the stone bench: "Yuechan, you are a smart person, you should know what I want to say next."

Fairy Yuechan didn't answer Shi Yuan, but turned her head to look elsewhere with an indifferent expression.

Shi Yuan was not impatient either, the corners of his mouth curled into a confident arc: "I'll give you half a year, after half a year, if you don't want to marry me, then I'll imprison you for the rest of your life."

Fairy Yuechan remained silent, her eyes were filled with waves, but she was quickly suppressed.

"Shi Yuan, you don't have to threaten me, I will not promise you, if you dare to attack me, even if you fight to the death, I will make your life worse than death!"

Fairy Yuechan's words were filled with endless anger, but Shi Yuan ignored it, his eyes flickered brightly: "Really? Then I will suppress you now."

Shi Yuan sneered, strode forward, and shot her, grabbed her by a white arm, then groped up and down to inspect her whole body.

"You..." Fairy Yuechan has already been sealed, and it is difficult to resist at this time. She is naturally unable to calm down after being fiddled with by Shi Yuan, searching up and down.

In fact, she wanted to swing the sword very much at this time, but unfortunately she didn't have any divine power to use. As a fairy of Butian Sect, she is usually high and holy, who would dare to be rude to her
She has always been calm, she can keep calm in the face of any opponent, she is detached, like a beautiful banished fairy.But now she couldn't be calm anymore, a young man grabbed her and checked her body up and down like this, making her grind her teeth.

A jade sword with flowing dreamy colors, several pots of precious medicine, some clothes from her daughter's house, and other items, these are the things on Fairy Yuechan.

Obviously, the jade sword is of the highest value, beyond imagination, but it is of no great use to the current Shi Yuan.In the end, he put all these things on the stone table and did not take them away.

"Do you have anything to say?" Shi Yuan asked calmly.

Fairy Yuechan has bright eyes and bright teeth, a snow-white neck, a tall figure, a small waist with a full grip, undulating curves, straight and slender legs, and her beauty is a bit unreal.

On weekdays, wherever she goes, she attracts the attention of all the people and becomes the focus of people's attention. The younger generation from all major schools are obsessed with her, and there are countless suitors.

Moreover, those people are extremely powerful, they can be called the leaders of one side, and they are all around her.

Everything changed today, she actually became a man's prisoner, was captured here, comparing before and after, it was hard for her to accept.

If it spreads out, there will be an uproar in the world, and no one can believe that a generation of holy fairies has been desecrated and imprisoned in a cage of a small world.

"Your talent is so high, you've been buried in this lower realm for too long..." Fairy Yuechan spoke, her voice was soft, and her words were as sweet as the sounds of nature.

But in her tone, there was a kind of sadness, a kind of mourning.

She was regretting that such an excellent genius was buried in this small world.

Shi Yuan was slightly taken aback, a hint of surprise flashed in the depths of his eyes.

What Fairy Yuechan said is true, in the fairy world, Shi Yuan is the supreme arrogance, his talent and resourcefulness, even in the upper world, are among the top existences.

"Shi Yuan, if you let me go, I will help you do many things." Fairy Yuechan said with a firm tone that cannot be doubted.

The corners of Shi Yuan's mouth were slightly raised, with strong interest in his eyes, he looked at Fairy Yuechan on the stone bench.

On the beautiful face of Fairy Yuechan, there is a stubbornness and arrogance at this moment.

She was on the stone bench, staring at Shi Yuan with her eyes, without flinching.

A flame rose from Shi Yuan's heart, and the flames in his eyes became more and more intense.

With his right hand, he gently stroked Fairy Shangyuechan's jade face, and his warm breath brushed against the jade face, carrying a burning smell.

Fairy Yuechan's delicate body trembled, and the coldness in her eyes was instantly expelled, replaced by panic.

(End of this chapter)

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