Chapter 467 Kill the Venerable!
The monks of the Three Religions couldn't calm down. This Shi Yuan was too terrifying. He was a peerless enemy. Once he grew up in the future, few people could check and balance him.

"Let's see if you dare to come next time." In the sky, Shi Yuan chased all the way to the edge of the giant city, and then stopped, only almost killing the middle-aged Taoist nun.

Obviously, after approaching the edge of the giant city, his royal dragon spirit was weakening, and his strength dropped rapidly. If he chased him out, he might not be able to match the Venerable.

However, he still stabbed a sword, and the golden rainbow pierced the sky, which was so brilliant that people were amazed. The middle-aged nun screamed and was almost pierced through. A blood hole appeared on her body, gurgling.

"You...wait, I will take your head and sacrifice it to my mysterious shield!" The middle-aged Taoist nun was bleeding from the corner of her mouth, she was furious in the distance, her eyes were gloomy, and she lost the detachment and calm she had not long ago.

"This emperor will make a fortune for you. You will die soon after you leave, and you will never be able to return to Butian Sect." Shi Yuan said.

The middle-aged Taoist girl's face turned pale, she flicked her sleeves violently, turned around and left, she didn't want to stay for a moment, and was about to be attacked by this young man.

Seeing this, Shi Yuan sneered and swung his sword again.


"Bang Dang"

A series of sounds of metal collisions sounded, Shi Yuan swung his sword continuously, and the shadow of the sword continued, hitting her like a storm.



One after another, the golden sword light fell down on the tortoise shell, making a deafening sound, and smashed the tortoise shell into cracks.


There was another dull impact sound, and the tortoise shell was finally blasted through, revealing gaps, and the fragments of magical powers inside also emitted dazzling light.

Shi Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, a flash of sword light flashed, and the sword energy hit the middle-aged Taoist nun's heart.

He had already guessed that the function of the tortoise shell should be to save his life, but if he could kill this woman, the tortoise shell should lose its effect.

The middle-aged nun was taken aback, her face turned pale instantly, and her eyes were full of fear.

She didn't choose to resist, but tapped the ground with her toes, soared into the air and flew into the distance.

"Want to run?" Shi Yuan snorted coldly, jumped up again, and chased after him.

He galloped all the way, his figure was like lightning, and he covered a distance of hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye. He chased after the middle-aged nun, and chopped down fiercely with a golden long sword.


When the sword fell, the middle-aged Taoist nun's clothes burst instantly, revealing her snow-white delicate body, her skin was covered with red marks, and blood spurted out.

Her complexion changed drastically, and she wanted to fight back, but the sword in Shi Yuan's hand was so fast that she couldn't resist it.


A series of shrill screams spread in all directions, Shi Yuan's long sword slashed all the way, spattering blood one after another, the body of the middle-aged nun was constantly torn apart, and her head was in a different place.

Finally, a white arm fell to the ground, blood stained the ground, and the middle-aged Taoist nun fell to the ground, dying with regret.

She didn't expect that her dignified generation of venerables would die at the hands of such a brat.

"Hmph, I told you, you can't!"

Shi Yuan withdrew his long sword, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes, then he raised his head and glanced at the sunset in the sky.

Shi Yuan returned to his own palace, he came in front of Yuechan, and said softly: "Yuechan, your Butian Sect has already come to look for you, but I have already killed you."

Yuechan's expression changed slightly upon hearing this.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Yuechan looked at Shi Yuan and asked.

Shi Yuan smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, looked at Yuechan and said, "It's very simple, just stay by my side and be my Taoist companion, that's enough!"

"Didn't you say that there will be a catastrophe in this world? Then you stay and accompany me through the catastrophe!"

Shi Yuan said calmly.

"You're dreaming!" Yuechan immediately snorted coldly.

at this time.

The setting sun is like blood, and the sky is filled with fire and clouds.

However, this kind of fiery red sprinkled on the palace is very sacred, because it makes the entire palace inlaid with golden borders, which is extremely peaceful and peaceful.

It is like the residence of gods and men in ancient temples deep in the mountains.

This is a strange feeling, it is clearly the imperial capital of a country, but at this moment, it has such an alternative aura, detached and peaceful.

The majestic imperial city, flowing with golden brilliance in the setting sun, is like a dream, magnificent and magnificent, as if the emperor of the gods came here and lived here.


The tranquility was broken, and the ground trembled slightly. Dozens of people came from afar. The leader of them radiated precious light, forming a divine ring, covering the body, like a god coming to the dust!
The trembling of the ground was caused by the leader taking a step, which caused the imperial city in the sunset to tremble, which was amazing.

The monks from Butian Sect, Western Sect, and Bulaoshan Sect came together. There are five venerables in total, each of them is spotless, crystal clear and shrouded in radiant light.

They came to the city wall and looked at the imperial palace inside. Their eyes flickered with vicissitudes and a murderous aura.

The five great venerables appeared together, just this kind of fluctuation and that kind of breath caused a great turmoil in the sky and the earth, shaking people's hearts!
On the city wall, both soldiers and generals trembled all the time. This was not cowardice, but a kind of suppression from the soul, which made people feel as small as ants, as if they were looking up at the gods.

The gap between the ranks is too great. When the Venerable came, the coercion was incomparable and unbearable. Many people almost collapsed on the city wall.

After entering the Venerable Realm, one will transcend the ordinary world, truly break away from the world of mortals, and stand high above the other realms, as if standing high on the sky.

When the Venerable was angry, the sky and the earth changed color.The mountains and rivers are broken, and the rivers and seas are dried up. This is their great power!

On weekdays, the venerable is not visible at all, even in places such as the ancient sacred mountain, which is also a huge deterrent force. The venerable almost does not go to the secular world and practice hard in closed doors.

After the catastrophe, when the desolate venerables disappeared, five venerables suddenly came today.If you want to enter the palace, it's like the sky will collapse!
Who can stop them is simply invincible!
Even if Shi Hao is powerful, he had chased away a middle-aged Taoist nun who was in the Venerable Realm before, but he would definitely die in the face of five people, and there was no chance of winning at all.

"Kaicheng." The leader is an old man from the Western religion. His long hair stands like a steel needle, his body is bronze-colored, and he is beating with divine light.

A random word.However, a group of people on the wall of the city almost spurted blood. This kind of coercion is too terrifying, and it is difficult to resist at all.

"Open the magic circle!" a general shouted.

The entire imperial city is the residence of the Emperor, so there are naturally many mysterious magic circles engraved on it.Pieces of symbols on the wall lit up, forming a light curtain to protect the entire imperial inner city.

"Little Doyle."

The West taught this to be that the Venerable raised his hand a little, and a white light shot out.Hitting on the gate tower, it burned rapidly like a flame, suppressing all the runes in this place.All dim.

"It's just an incomplete magic circle of the gods. It lacks magical materials to repair it. How dare you sacrifice it to block our way?" A young man sneered at the back.

(End of this chapter)

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