Chapter 471 Fighting the Venerable!
Such words shocked people's hearts, and everyone's heart was shocked!
Shi Hao was dressed in a golden battle suit, standing in the sunset, holding a divine magic sword, with jet-black hair and deep eyes, he looked extraordinarily heroic.

The setting sun is like blood, such a young man who looks like a god of war crosses the path of the five venerables. He has an intimidating aura that makes people move.

However, at this juncture, the monks of the Three Religions are unwilling to lose the wind anyway.

Especially those arrogant young monks, they are the direct disciples of His Holiness, otherwise they would not be brought to increase their knowledge, and they all showed hostility.

A good-looking woman pretended to be contemptuous, and sarcastically said: "What kind of arrogant words are these, are you talking in your sleep if you want to kill the five great lords? Even the reincarnation of the gods, you can't do it at this age."

"Perhaps, he just thinks that he is the resurrection of the gods, and now he remembers his past and present lives, maybe it's also possible." Someone echoed, laughing loudly.

When the others heard this, they also laughed.

The five venerables remained silent, their expressions indifferent. They looked at the young man alone in the sunset ahead of them across several giant palaces.He is shining and shining, looking down at everyone, no matter whether he has hatred or not, he has to sigh, this is a young man with the talents of heaven!

"The prestige is not small. You can use the dragon spirit of the emperor to become a false venerable, so you think you can compete with us?" The old man of Butian Sect said, his eyes were deep.

Shi Hao is calm, and now he is not shocked by honor or disgrace, detached and calm, since these people have entered the palace, he is not afraid to break the sky, and respond with practical actions.

With a sound of "Zheng", the golden dharma sword came out of its sheath, drawing a bright rainbow light, illuminating the sky, pointing at the five venerables in the distance, full of fighting spirit, and clouds moving in all directions!
In an instant, a wave of murderous aura rolled over. It was not a single stream, but a sea of ​​rivers, squeezing the sky and the earth, making one's bones chill.

The Venerable Butian Sect's eyes turned cold, and his whole body glowed, forming a divine flame, beating violently, dispelling the murderous aura, and protecting the group of young people behind him.

"Stubbornly obsessed." He reprimanded, and took a step forward.

"It's you who don't understand." Although Shi Hao didn't want to respond more, it doesn't mean that he always listens to what they say and doesn't say a word.

"I taught the Venerable to talk to you, why don't you answer, it's not disrespectful." Behind, a young disciple scolded, hiding behind the Venerable of Butian Sect.

"It's okay, wait for a few venerables to take action and suppress him, so that he can understand how far he is from the immortal great religion, all his glory and brilliance are vain!" another person said.

They were all sheltered behind the Venerable, so they dared to speak, otherwise they were really afraid of being swept away by the other party's eyes like not long ago, and they trembled, bleeding from their mouths.

"Noisy, where is the place for you to talk!" Shi Hao said, his eyes swept over again, and he took a step forward.

A mysterious wave rushed out, and the ground shook violently. The scalps of the two men were numb, and their eyes were wide open. They were extremely horrified, because two rays of light rose from the ground and enveloped them.

The five great venerables took steps at the same time, and each step made endless dao lights emanate from the sky and the earth, mysterious and powerful, solemn and transcendent, raining light everywhere.

This is a powerful oppression, crushing towards Shi Hao together, like five gods descending to the lower realm, it is so terrifying that it makes people panic and it is difficult to give birth to a heart of resistance.

Shi Hao swung his sword, and the golden sword qi slashed out, splitting that "big trend", transforming into a peaceful place, in the independent field, looking ahead, there were two venerables from the Mountain of Immortality.

At this moment, they didn't speak, they just stared at him indifferently, with murderous intent in their eyes, as if they were going to tear him apart.

"Shi Hao! You are really looking for death! Our five great venerables shot together, and you still want to resist? Do you really think that you have grown into a generation of arrogance?" The short, fat venerable with a beard on his face snorted coldly There was a gloomy voice that made the hairs stand on end.

The other four also sneered. They are the leaders of the five supreme beings this time. In their view, even the supreme beings dare not resist, let alone Shi Hao, who is not even as good as the supreme beings in the early stage What about waste.

"You don't want to join forces to deal with me, do you?" Shi Hao looked at the five venerables and said calmly.

Hearing this, the five great venerables all burst out laughing, the laughter was deafening, as if they were mocking Shi Hao's ignorance.

"Shi Hao, do you think you are very powerful? Do you know what you are doing? You are challenging the five great venerables. What are you doing if you are looking for death?" The short and fat venerable said in a strange way, his tone full of sarcasm and scorn.

The five of them are all first-class supreme beings, and stomping their feet in this world can cause changes in the situation. Who doesn't look up, respect, or even fear such an existence?

Now, there is a person who dares to stand in front of them and stare at them with that kind of gaze, which makes them feel a sense of humiliation.

They felt that they were looking down on the ants. This feeling was so refreshing that they couldn't help laughing.

"Shi Hao, I'll give you a treat today, if you break your own arms, I'll let you go, how about that?" the short fat venerable said in a cold voice, with a playful face.

"Shi Hao, don't think that you are arrogant because you have some strength. There are still many venerables in this world. Which onion are you?" The young man with a fair face and a fairy bone sneered again and again.

These are the direct disciples of the five great venerables, with prominent identities and monstrous strength.

"My strength is not that great, but I can kill any one of you. If you don't believe me, you can try." Shi Hao said lightly, without the slightest fear because of the background behind those five people.

After the five venerables heard the words, cold killing intent appeared on their faces, and their figures flickered, like five sharp swords slashing across the void, slashing towards Shi Hao.

This is a terrifying attack that can cut through the void, shatter mountains, and turn the world upside down.

However, Shi Hao still stood on the spot, without a trace of fear on his face, and two divine lights shot out from those eyes, piercing through many obstacles as if they were real.

At this moment, the faces of the short and fat venerable and the fair boy changed drastically, and there was a look of horror in their eyes.

Because those two divine lights are really terrifying, like a round of sun shining on the heavens, they can completely pierce and shred them.



With two muffled bangs, the chunky venerable and the fair young man retreated, blood sprayed out from their bodies, staining their clothes red.

"It's so powerful! Such a powerful sword!" The short and fat venerable exclaimed, his heart was beating wildly, and he felt lingering fear.

"This little bastard is really too hateful!"

There is a huge background behind them. Over the years, they have never met an opponent, but now they are forced to be continuously injured by a junior. How can they not be angry?
The five great venerables are all the supreme ones since ancient times, and the five people are full of strong coercion, which distorts the entire void.

The five of them stood there, majestic like five sacred mountains, extremely terrifying.

And that Shi Hao stood erect in the void, although no power fluctuations were transmitted from his body, but no one dared to underestimate him.

He is like a pagoda soaring into the sky, standing on the top of the sky, exuding infinite majesty, making everyone look up.

"Kill, kill this kid to me, at all costs!" The short and fat venerable growled through gritted teeth.

"Shi Hao, do you think you can really defy the sky? In our eyes, you are just an ant that can be crushed to death." The fair and clean boy was also roaring, his face was full of ferocity, and there was something in his eyes. Flames burn.

In their view, this is an insult, Chi Guoguo's insult.

The five venerables are a group of top geniuses, and the background behind them is extremely strong, they are true geniuses of heaven.

But now, the pride of these people was broken by Shi Hao, making them extremely aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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