Chapter 483 True Dragon Sword!

At this moment, streaks of golden light burst out from Shi Yuan's body, turning into runes and blending into the Willow Leaf Sword.
The next moment, Shi Yuan violently swung the willow-leaf sword and slashed at the black-robed man in front of him.

"Swish Swish Swish"

A series of fierce sword qi shot at the black robed man from the tip of the sword

The man in black robe was pierced through the body by a series of sword qi
The face of the man in black robe was full of disbelief
He never expected that the Willow Leaf Sword in Shi Yuan's hand would possess such terrifying destructive power that it would directly break through his own defense
The man in black looked down at the wound on his chest.
The wound has healed, but it left a horrible scar

The man in black couldn't help cursing.


The long sword in Shi Yuan's hand spun crazily, making rumbling and thundering sounds.

Shi Yuan's eyes were full of determination.

On Shi Yuan's body, there are runes one after another. His entire strength instantly rises to the peak of the spiritual level.

Shi Yuan let out a loud roar, and swung the willow-leaf sword down viciously towards the black-robed man in front of him.
The willow leaf sword slashed towards the top of the black-robed man's head with an aura of destruction.
Seeing this scene, the man in black shrank his pupils and hurriedly avoided
However, it was too late

The huge sword energy hit the ground heavily.

The sound of explosions resounded through the sky.

"Puff puff"

The black-robed man was hit by the huge sword energy, and his whole body was shaken and flew backwards
"Cough cough."

The black robe vomited blood, and his face was extremely pale.

"Unfortunately, you are too young and too weak!"

The man in black sneered.

"boom boom boom"

The willow leaf sword in Shi Yuan's hand waved wildly.
"Hoo hoo hoo"

Countless streams of willow leaf sword energy, with a destructive aura, slashed towards the man in black.
The face of the man in black robe changed drastically, and his figure hurriedly dodged
"Boom boom boom boom."

Those willow leaf sword qi fell on the ground, peeling off a layer of skin on the whole ground

Seeing this scene, Shi Yuan gasped.
Just what kind of attack power has he reached?
Even leveled the ground of a valley? !

"Ha ha."

Seeing Shi Yuan's reaction, the man in black sneered, and waved his palm towards Shi Yuan.

A stream of terrifying devilish energy burst out from his palm.



The long sword in Shi Yuan's hand trembled violently, a powerful force erupted from the long sword, breaking the surrounding trees one after another
"Boy, you are very strong, but you are still not qualified to be my opponent. Go to hell."

Seeing Shi Yuan struggling, the man in black yelled and rushed towards Shi Yuan.
"boom boom boom"

A stream of devilish energy smashed towards Shi Yuan
Shi Yuan sacrificed the fairy sword, densely covered with runes, and slashed at the man in black.



There was a crisp sound of metal collisions, and the immortal sword and the palms of the man in black collided fiercely.


The next moment, Shi Yuan felt a huge force spread all over his body, he retreated three meters away, his face flushed extremely red
"What a powerful magic energy."

Shi Yuan looked at his hands, his eyes were full of shocking light
At this moment, the man in black robe turned into an incomparably huge black general Shi Yuan shrouded in it.

The black snake opened its mouth wide and bit towards Shi Yuan.


Shi Yuan yelled, holding a long sword, and slashed at the black snake frantically.

However, Shi Yuan's attack was completely useless to the Black Snake, and could not hurt the Black Snake at all.

"Is this deity a black snake?" Shi Yuan sneered.

"Since that's the case, then I want to see if my real dragon is stronger, or your black snake is stronger!"

"True Dragon Treasure Technique!" Shi Yuan shouted immediately.

In an instant, behind Shi Yuan, an incomparably huge real dragon phantom floating dragon flicked its tail, slammed into the black-robed man fiercely, and knocked him over.
"Puff puff"

The man in black sprayed out mouthfuls of blood and was severely injured.
This black snake is condensed by Shi Yuan's real dragon treasure technique, and its power is extremely powerful.

Shi Yuan's strength has not yet entered the innate realm, and he cannot display the true power of the True Dragon Treasure Art at all.

"You, you are not worthy of letting the deity take action!"

The black snake sticks out its scarlet tongue, and its eyes are full of disdain.

Although Black Snake's strength is not strong, it is still equivalent to a master of the ninth floor.
Although Shi Yuan's strength has increased, he is still no match for Black Snake.

Black Snake will not give up the chance to devour him because of his strength.

After all, Shi Yuan has the power of the dragon clan.

The black snake's body slowly swelled up, turning into a giant.
A huge black python entrenched in midair, exuding a suffocating pressure.

Shi Yuan's speed was very fast, and he fled towards the distance.

"Want to escape?" Black Snake showed a playful expression in his eyes, opened his mouth, and a jet of pitch-black energy shot out directly, turned into a meteor, and flew towards Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan was not afraid at all, and turned back into a real dragon, blocking in front of him with dense talismans.

Shi Yuan's power is extremely powerful.

The black meteor slammed into the real dragon that Shi Yuan transformed into, knocking it back non-stop

Shi Yuan retreated several hundred meters again.

Seeing this, the black snake snorted coldly, and continued to spit out a black meteor.

Shi Yuan didn't dare to neglect, he rushed out with a willow-leaf sword in his hand, defeated the black meteor, and then slashed down on the black snake's head.

Shi Yuan's speed is very fast.

Seeing this scene, Black Snake was so frightened that the souls of the dead jumped out. He quickly restrained his breath and jumped to the side to avoid it.
"Bang bang bang!"

Shi Yuan's attacks all hit the ground.

A huge crater was smashed into the ground immediately, and the ground was smashed into pieces.

Seeing this, Black Snake felt lingering fear, looked at Shi Yuan, and became even more fearful
If Shi Yuan's sword just cut down on his own body, he might have already been split in two!
The speed of the black snake was extremely fast, and Shi Yuan had no choice but to keep chasing it.
After a while, he caught up with the black snake
Shi Yuan's eyes were full of light, and the willow-leaf sword in his hand stabbed at the black snake frantically.

Shi Yuan's willow leaf sword slashed fiercely at the body of the black snake
Only a loud "clang" was heard, and sparks flew everywhere.


The black snake roared in pain, and the whole body of the snake twisted together.

The black snake roared again, and the snake tail ruthlessly swung towards Shi Yuan.

Holding the willow-leaf sword in his hand, Shi Yuan quickly dodged away.

"boom boom boom"

On the ground, deep pits continued to spread.

The sword intent in Shi Yuan's hand was condensed, he slashed out with a sword, and shouted in his mouth: "True dragon swordsmanship!"

(End of this chapter)

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