Chapter 491 Immortal Heavenly Venerable!

The evil ghost skeleton opened its mouth, spit out jet-black runes one by one, turned into boundless black air, and enveloped Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan was taken aback, and hurriedly sacrificed his long sword to defend himself.

"Shi Yuan! You're doomed!" Qin Zhan grinned, mobilizing the power in his body again.


Suddenly, Qin Zhan's face stiffened, revealing a look of panic.

I saw a piece of land behind him was split open by a giant sword shining with golden light.

The golden giant sword, like a meteor falling from the sky, hit Qin Zhan's head directly.

"not good!"

Qin Zhan yelled and turned around hastily.

However, the golden giant fell down and sent Qin Zhan flying with his sword.


Qin Zhan sprayed a mouthful of blood, and the black robe on his body was in tatters.


Qin Zhan hit the stone wall in front of him, his body was even more tattered, leaving a large bloodstain on the cliff.

At the same time, a loud sound came out, and the valley opened, and the two cliffs separated to both sides, revealing a vast fairy valley.

Shi Yuan's eyes were fierce, he walked in big strides, picked up and walked away.


Qin Zhan screamed, his body flew up uncontrollably, and was dragged into the fairy valley by an inexplicable force, where he disappeared.

Shi Yuan followed in, and strange runes emerged in the fairy valley, locking him firmly, unable to move, and could only be manipulated by him.

Soon, a figure appeared at the entrance of Xiangu.

Qin Zhan was severely injured, his whole body was bloody, his bones were cracked inch by inch, the ground was stained red with blood, and his breath was weak.

And in the depths of his eyes, there is still endless hatred, staring at Shi Yuan resentfully, wishing to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Shi Yuan glanced at him indifferently, without any mercy, he didn't bother to be emotional to the enemy.


Qin Zhan roared mournfully, his face full of ferociousness.

He didn't expect that Shi Yuan's strength would be so powerful.

He tried desperately to struggle, but he couldn't move an inch, and was imprisoned in the void.

"Qin Zhan, where is this place?"

Shi Yuan asked coldly.

Qin Zhan glared at Shi Yuan angrily, and said word by word: "Do you think you won?"

"if not?"

At this time, Qin Zhan suddenly sneered and said, "You have strayed into my Immortal Mountain formation!"

At this time, only an elder appeared.

An elder waved his hand.

A head of bullocks, powerful and ferocious, manifested and rushed forward, this is the evolution of the treasure technique, rushing towards the stone abyss.

And the other person was burning all over.Quickly manifest more than 100 magic circles in the body, and around it, it is like a big star appearing, mighty, brilliant and shining
Thick blue veins jumped up from his body, like a horned dragon, which made people feel terrified.

These veins are a symbol of mana.

Shi Yuan frowned, he didn't expect such existence in this big formation, it seems that Bulaoshan is determined to kill him, otherwise why would he send two experts in the Holy Realm.

Once he can't be killed, he must be sent away immediately.

"Shi Yuan, you can't escape!"

The two shouted loudly at the same time, and with a flick of their bodies, they approached.

One left and one right, attacking Shi Yuan.


The strength of these two people is very strong, and after they join forces to cast a large formation, the power is even more terrifying, Shi Yuan felt a terrifying force squeezing him.


He punched out, piercing through the void, and there was a huge mysterious totem on his fist, hovering like a dragon, with overwhelming coercion.


The two attacks collided, and after a loud noise, the two were sent flying, and sat on the ground with their buttocks,



The two were shocked, and couldn't believe that their joint attack was easily blocked by Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan ignored them, took big strides, and walked inside. He exuded an aura of looking down on all living beings and looking down on the world.

He walked all the way without any obstacles, easily entered the fairy valley, and disappeared.

"Shi Yuan, you can't escape!"

Qin Zhan and another elder stood up, their faces pale.

Qin Zhan looked ahead, his eyes filled with strong hatred, he wished he could tear Shi Yuan into pieces.

In the magic circle, there are another series of mysterious powers, killing Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan was fearless, he slashed again with the golden magic sword in his hand, the blazing golden light seemed to split the void, turning into an eternal divine light, suppressing the heaven and the earth.

The silver spear came up, and the two sides made contact.


Endless divine power explodes, like a vast ocean bursting its banks, enough to sweep across endless mountains and destroy a mountain range, this is immortal divine power!
Shi Yuan stood on the spot, his clothes fluttering, his hair fluttering, and he remained motionless.On the opposite side, the three of them all backed away, very surprised. Shi Yuan's cultivation level was higher than theirs, and he was able to resist this level of attack.

"Who is this kid? He is so tyrannical!"

Both of them looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why.

Shi Yuan's eyes were fixed, and for some reason, he always had an ominous premonition, but he didn't care, his body trembled, and divine splendor emerged from his body, and a huge god and demon emerged.

The god demon is hundreds of feet tall, and his whole body is filled with metallic luster.

The gods and demons hold a divine sword, exuding a terrifying aura, which makes people chill

The gods and demons stepped on the golden lotus, held the divine sword, and came from the sky like a heavenly emperor descending from the earth.

A huge palm sticks out, covering the whole world, like a big world.

The gods and demons step on the void, and every time they take a step, there is a force of billions, such as the collapse of the sky, which is unbearable and unbelievable.

"What kind of supernatural power is this, why is it so terrifying!"

On the other side, the old man was also terrified.

This god and demon is too terrifying, it seems to be condensed by a certain ancient and powerful soul, possessing extreme power and invincible.

"Die to me!"

Shi Yuan whispered, the golden divine sword bloomed with thousands of brilliance, and divine rainbows condensed on the divine sword, turning into a golden horse, tearing open the sky, and splitting towards the giant palm of the god and demon.


The divine sword fell, directly tearing the giant palm of the god and demon into powder, and the divine sword was still straight, piercing the chest of the god and demon.



When the two collided, a monstrous divine power erupted, shattering the entire sky, and cracks spread across the earth.


The giant palm of the god and demon was shattered, the body of the god and demon collapsed, turned into countless pieces of meat, and disappeared into the void.

Shi Yuan broke through the magic circle and killed several other elders again.

"Little friend, please stop!"

A voice came instantly.

The voice came slowly, with a sense of vicissitudes of the years, impressive and unforgettable in a short time.

At this moment, the elders of the Mountain of Immortality were extremely shocked.

"This is."

"Not old God!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Hearing that voice, Shi Yuan immediately said: "I just came to visit you at Bulao Mountain, but I didn't expect you to be so unwelcome!"

The voice immediately said: "Little friend, please!"

After all, a golden avenue of light appeared, stretching straight from the depths of the valley, spreading in the void, looking extremely sacred, accompanied by the sound of the avenue.

(End of this chapter)

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