"The old man comes from the Immortal Palace. He must have made great achievements in good fortune. His vision is extremely high, and there are many talented people in the upper realm. My aptitude is nothing." Shi Yuan said.

"There are only four adults in the Immortal Palace. I'm just an old servant. How can I be a member of the Immortal Palace?" said the old man Huang Yu.

"Just now I heard that the old man is going to introduce me to the fairy palace, why are you so humble now?" Shi Yuan believed more and more that the old man was testing him.

Huang Yu smiled and said: "As an old servant of the Immortal Palace, although I am not good at cultivation and have no talent, I am still very accurate in judging people. If there are extremely amazing 'First Generation', Tianjiao, etc., I have the right to report , so that they may be able to join the Immortal Palace."

"I'm used to being undisciplined. If I join the Immortal Palace, I will probably break the rules repeatedly." Shi Yuan shook his head.

"This is an opportunity. I will report it. Although it may not be successful, there is still some hope. Xiaoyou really gave up just like that," Huang Yu asked.

"Forget it, I just want to live peacefully in the lower realm." Shi Yuan said.

"What do you want, old man?" Shi Yuan asked, he felt that a fight might be inevitable.

"I have three conditions, as long as you agree, I will leave." Huang Yu said.

"Tell me!" Shi Yuan knew that nothing would happen, there would definitely be some problems, it all depended on his conditions.

"You're so sure!" Shi Yuan stood up, although he was separated by more than twenty miles, he was full of fighting spirit.

"You are forcing me to fight." Shi Yuan sighed, raised his voice, and said, "Do you think I will sit and wait for death, do you decide?"

"Old man, what do you mean, are you going to kill me here?" Shi Yuan's face was ashen, extremely angry.

Shi Yuan was speechless, this old man was really careful, in order to deal with him, a little monk, he was so cautious, he probed thoroughly.

"You are holding my neck to kill, and you still tell me to think about it, you and I are the other way around, how do you get along with each other, what will you choose!" Shi Yuan scolded.

"Secondly, I want to take a look at your sword heart." Huang Yu smiled gently.

"When you get old, you will always lose your courage. I have been to Butian Pavilion, I have also been to Beihai, and I have gone around the outside of Xiling, and I have learned a little bit about it. I should be able to take you down." Huang Yu said.

"What do you want?" Shi Yuan was surprised.


Shi Yuan struggled with all his strength, trying to tear a corner and escape, but it was impossible.

Shi Yuan felt awe-inspiring, his attack was actually blocked, this old man is worthy of being an immortal king, he is indeed terrifying, he must not be careless, otherwise he might die.

"Why don't you just get rid of me? After it's settled, it's all over. Why bother?" Shi Yuan said coldly, the conditions were too harsh.


There was a bang, the ground cracked, rocks flew across, and the mountain they stood on exploded in an instant, sending smoke and dust everywhere.

"Thirdly, I will seal you for a hundred years. Keep your cultivation at the Venerable level and prevent you from breaking through further." Huang Yu said, suppressing her smile.

"Continue to talk." Shi Yuan remained calm.

"You want my blood, right?" Shi Yuan's face became more and more gloomy.

Shi Yuan's face turned pale, and the hairs all over his body stood up. He had never encountered such a situation. This old man gave him an inexplicable threat, which made his bones creak.

"Don't panic, little friend, if you and I fight, it may not be beautiful if we hurt the surrounding mountains and rivers." The old man said with a smile.

Huang Yu shook his head and sighed: "You can't be taught, how can you be so stubborn at such a young age. Your cultivation method and Kunpeng method are very powerful. I just want to borrow it. Why do you resist and waste each other's time? "

The wrinkles on Huang Yu's face were all loosened up, as if she suddenly looked a decade younger, with a gentle smile, she said, "This is a win-win situation."

Shi Yuan was speechless, and said: "We are not familiar with each other before, so it would be too abrupt to talk about this?"

The old man was silent for a while, then slowly raised his hand, a wisp of fairy mist billowed up, he opened his mouth, and spit out a cloud of fairy glow, which turned into a fairy sword, clanging and murderous.

These two black balls are very strange, as if a universe is conceived inside, filled with chaos, and flickering with star fields, it seems that a universe is about to evolve!
Shi Yuan was not afraid, he slashed out with the long sword in his hand, and a round of bright moon rose, shining in all directions, incomparably hazy, submerging the two brilliant black balls.

Shi Yuan didn't speak, but looked at him calmly.

"Young people, you have to think carefully when you do things. There is no medicine for regret in this world. Once you do some things, you can't turn back." The old man said peacefully.

"Little friend, in this way we can truly get along peacefully without conflicts. I keep my word." Huang Yu smiled, and the wrinkle on his face disappeared with the smile.

"First, my body is a divine bird. I want to use your Kunpeng method to see it. Improve my morality." Huang Yu put forward the first condition with a smile on his face.

"Don't bother, little friend, this place has already become another world, I've imprisoned it, even if your cultivation is as high as the sky, it won't help." Huang Yu said lightly.

"Didn't you say you wanted to teach me? What is this coercion?" Shi Yuan was dissatisfied, he felt cheated.

"If that's the case, come and lead me to death!" Shi Yuan stared at him with cold eyes.

Huang Yu laughed loudly, and said: "Little friend, I misunderstood, this is not coercion, but a kind of Dao rhyme."

"What do you want to do, do you want to destroy this place?" Shi Yuan's hair stood on end, because he felt a huge danger, the symbol densely covered the void, like turning into a cage, locking him up.

Further explaining, said: "You grow up too fast, even if I want to live in peace with you, after a few decades, you will surpass me, and you will not be able to live in peace."

At this time, Huang Yu stretched out her palms, two black balls appeared in each palm, flashing black light, like two stars, they moved towards Shi Yuan to suppress.

Shi Yuan sneered, took out the willow-leaf sword in his hand, and said: "Okay, I want to learn."

"I want you to learn to be in awe. I also have selfish intentions in doing this. I hope you will do less harm to others in the future." Huang Yu smiled like a kind grandfather.

Huang Yu flicked his fingers lightly, a jade tablet fell down, suspended in mid-air, emitting precious brilliance, blocking the sword light, and made a crisp sound, which made the eardrums of the two of them buzz.

"In this world, one must rely on one's ability to speak, and there are not so many assumptions. I advise you, don't go to war, or you won't have the slightest chance." Huang Yu's smile remained on his face, but his tone was much heavier.

"This is our fate." After Huang Yu finished speaking, as soon as he pointed out, runes immediately covered the entire stone forest.

There was a crisp sound, and the two gleaming black balls instantly shattered and disappeared under the moon, leaving no residue.

"What a powerful spell." Shi Yuan praised.

This is the Dharma form transformed by his Kunpeng Jue, which contains the essence of Kunpeng and a trace of immortal runes, so it can naturally restrain Huang Yu's Dharma.

"What kind of spell are you doing?" The old man's eyes lit up.

"Kunpeng Art!" Shi Yuan did not hide it.

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