Huohuang and Huo Ling'er nodded.

So, the four of them walked towards the giant city. Just as they reached the gate, a group of guards stopped them, "Stop, those with unknown origins are not allowed to approach!"

Shi Yuan looked at those people and said, "We want to go to the city to have a look!"

At this time, the guard immediately said: "If you want to enter the city, you must undergo a blood test!"

Shi Yuan hesitated for a while, finally nodded and said, "Yes!"

The guard was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't react.

Shi Yuan continued: "Please check it!"

At this time, the guard took out a spar, which was blue, with three stars on the front and a lifelike dragon pattern on the back.

This kind of blood test only needs to drop a drop of blood.

Seeing this, Shi Yuan flicked his fingers, and a strand of blood fell on the spar. In an instant, a layer of faint light appeared on the surface of the spar, and the light became more and more intense.

"This is." The guard looked blankly at the spar in his hand.

"Sin blood!"

"You are the people of sin and blood!"

"Come on, take them down!"

The guard immediately shouted,
Several other guards rushed up immediately.


Shi Hao stretched out his right fist, and slammed it out. The guards screamed and flew out, their sternum was broken, and they vomited blood, all of them were injured.

"Presumptuous, dare to hurt the palace guards, kill!" A guard shouted coldly.


Iron armor clattered, cold light flickered, a group of soldiers came with swords and surrounded Shi Yuan and the others, their eyes were cold and cruel.

Immediately, those people rushed towards Shi Yuan and the others one by one.

"Looking for death!" Shi Yuan snorted coldly. He brandished his sword, and with a stab, he split a sharp blade in front of him in half. Afterwards, the spear swept across and blood rained down, killing the other three soldiers. .

"Pfft!" Shi Yuan swung his battle sword, quickly pierced through the void, and a long spear flew back, piercing through a soldier's throat, nailing him to the wall, blood gurgling out.



At this moment, Shi Hao's whole body glowed, as if he had turned into a demon god, the sword in his hand kept shaking, and every time he stabbed out, a soldier must have screamed and flew out backwards.

"Pfft!" Shi Yuan's left leg swept across, blasting a soldier, turning it into blood mist, staining the pure white wall red.

He is like a tiger in a herd of sheep, unstoppable and invincible.


In the end, he stepped out and stepped on a soldier holding a shield. The soldier screamed and turned into a cloud of blood mist, including the man and the shield.

Shi Yuan is brave and domineering, like a peerless king, decisive in killing and attacking.

He was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep. Wherever he passed, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses piled up like mountains. Soldiers died tragically, bloody and bloody, and his death was extremely miserable.

At this time, a powerful voice suddenly came from above the city tower.

"Who are you, dare to act wildly on the territory of my fairy palace?"



Shi Yuan roared loudly, swiping the battle sword in his hand, sweeping and killing all the way, staring at everyone.

With a sound of "poof", Shi Yuan directly strangled a commander to death. The commander roared, his body trembled, and his fear reached the extreme, he was beheaded to death.


The leader howled miserably, Shi Yuan threw his sword forcefully, piercing through his head, killing him completely.

At this time, Shi Yuan was brave and invincible, with the sword in his hand sweeping away thousands of troops, invincible.

"Quickly retreat, hurry up and report to Shangguan." At this time, some monks in the Immortal Palace yelled, turned and fled, they were terrified.

Shi Yuan was unmatched in bravery, he went out, and no one could stop him. Soon after, this place has become a pile of corpses.

Shi Yuan was covered in blood, but he still killed decisively. Holding the blood-dripping sword in his hand, he stepped forward.

"What are you doing? Why are you making such a mess? Get back!" Suddenly, a group of people rushed out of the city gate. The leader was a young man with a tall and straight figure, and he looked at Shi Yuan and the others. With a glance, he showed doubts and didn't know him.

"Sir Shangguan, these people intend to forcibly break into the city, that's why they did this!" A guard bowed and explained to the young man.

"My lord, they are people of blood!"

said a guard.

The young man was startled, looked at Shi Yuan and the others, stared at them with sharp eyes, and said indifferently: "Who are you?"

Shi Yuan looked at the young man and said, "Who are you?"

"I am the servant of the Immortal Palace, Shangguan Yuntian!" said the young man.

"Battle servant of the Immortal Palace? No wonder the aura is different from others, that's why." Shi Yuan murmured.

He observed the young man carefully. The young man was burly and masculine, his skin was bronze, and he was very strong.

"Such a talent, to be willing to be a servant!" Shi Yuan shouted coldly.

"What do you know, Xiandian is one of the strongest organizations in the upper world, it is my honor to work for Xiandian!" Shangguan Yuntian said immediately.

Shi Yuan glanced at him and said: "Since that's the case, why don't you hurry up and get out of my way!"

After speaking, he strode forward and walked straight, ignoring Shangguan Yuntian and others at all.

Shangguan Yuntian was furious and said, "Boy, are you looking for death?"

He is a militant, on weekdays, he seldom meets opponents, but today he is reprimanded by a sinful person, how can he bear it.

He snorted coldly, a radiance rose from his body, and he rushed over.

At this moment, his whole body was radiant with golden light, as if cast from gold, with a frightening aura.

Shi Yuan's eyes were cold, he went up to meet him, raised the sword in his hand and stabbed at him.


Shi Yuan's spear radiated black light, like a peerless fierce sword, unparalleled in sharpness, splitting the void.


Shangguan Yuntian slapped out a palm, there was a sound of metal colliding, sparks flew, his body shook violently, he staggered back a few steps, and the arm he was holding was trembling slightly.

"how come?"

Shangguan Yuntian's pupils shrank suddenly. He is a servant of the Immortal Palace, so his strength is naturally extraordinary.

However, now there is nothing he can do about a person who is guilty of blood, and, besides, he is forced to retreat? !
This scene took him by surprise.

Shi Yuan sneered, and said: "You trash, you want to kill us too!"

Shangguan Yuntian's face was gloomy, and he rushed over again. He was a fighting maniac. He raised his hand and hit him without any nonsense, and a blazing golden light shot out.

This is a fairy technique, dazzling, densely covered with runes, and powerful.

With a sound of "clang", Shi Yuan's war sword touched the golden light, and it was not damaged. Instead, the war servant coughed up blood, and his body moved sideways, almost falling down.

"Damn it!" Shangguan Yuntian's face was gloomy, he knew he had met a master.

He took a step forward, came to the front, and punched Shangguan Yuntian.

This punch was too terrifying, Shi Yuan circulated his true energy, and his whole body erupted with a burst of radiant brilliance, as if a fairy king descended, oppressing all directions.

Shangguan Yuntian changed his color and hurriedly blocked it. At the same time, he urged a secret treasure to form a golden net and cover it forward.

However, Shi Yuan didn't dodge at all, let the big net cover his body, and then punched hard without weakening.


With a muffled sound, the big net shattered and turned into gold powder.

With a "bang", Shangguan Yuntian coughed up blood, his body flew out, knocked down several houses, and finally fell to the ground.

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