Chapter 636 Heavenly Holy City!
Soon, they came to a simple and elegant courtyard. The courtyard here was built with an artistic atmosphere, exquisite and beautiful, and pleasing to the eye.

I saw a red-clothed figure stepping into the courtyard, the young woman looked at the back, a strange color flashed in her beautiful eyes, she seemed to know this woman, but she couldn't remember, then she smiled and said to Shi Yuan: "My lord, please wait a moment." Wait for a while, I have already ordered someone to prepare the food, and it will be delivered in a while."

After that, she turned and left here.

"Sister Qingyi, why do I feel that something is wrong?" Huo Ling'er whispered, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Have you noticed it too?" Qingyi nodded lightly, and said: "This is the core area of ​​the city, and the people here should not be bad, but I observed their words and deeds just now, and there is no trace of what a strong person should do. The majestic aura it possesses is like an ordinary person."

"I also feel this way, but since we have come to the city, we should act carefully and not reveal our identities rashly." Shi Yuan reminded in a low voice.

The two women nodded slightly when they heard Shi Yuan's words, expressing their understanding.

Ye Xuan and the others walked in the city, and they heard a lot of news along the way.

Within Shengtian Academy, Shengtian City is the most important place. Therefore, Shengtian Academy divided the entire city to form a huge city area. Interfering, but adjacent to each other.

The central area of ​​Shengtian City is called the Holy City, and it is the gathering place for the core disciples of Shengtian Academy.

There was a coldness in the fire dragon's voice.

Huo Ling'er also looked around in surprise, with joy in her eyes. Compared with the village they lived in before, this place is many times better. It is indeed a power with a long history.

And in the outer area of ​​the holy city, there are mountains and forests outside the city, where there are many fierce beasts, dangerous places, and many secret relics and dangerous places, so many warriors are attracted to enter it to practice.

Shi Yuan chuckled lightly, and said: "This is indeed a holy place for practice. I once wanted to live here, but unfortunately I was rejected."

Seeing this, Shi Yuan's gaze changed slightly, and he said, "Who is your Excellency?"

Qingyi frowned, looking at Shi Yuan with worried eyes, she couldn't help asking: "Why did you provoke them?"

"It's me." Shi Yuan said.


"Take the three of them down for me, and don't keep one of them. I want them to live and die!" Huo Long said to the people beside him, his voice full of murderous intent.

"Okay, then I will thank you first." Shi Yuan said with a simple and honest smile.

I saw the other five youths stepping forward at the same time, their bodies filled with a powerful aura, and each of them released a tyrannical aura, and the oppressed Shi Yuan three had difficulty breathing.

Qing Yi and Huo Ling'er looked at each other, but they didn't say anything, they both knew how serious the situation is now, they couldn't escape, they had to fight.

"Shi Yuan, is this place really as good as you say?" Qingyi asked, turning her beautiful eyes to look at the man beside her.

"It's really beautiful here." Qingyi looked around the scenery with beautiful eyes, feeling relaxed and happy, feeling as if she was in a fairyland, the air here was filled with a faint fragrance of medicine, which was refreshing.

The mansions of the eight princes and marquises around the holy city have many elders of the Holy Heaven Academy sitting in them, and their strength is unfathomable. As for the five major clans, they rule the surrounding cities. In each city, there are forces under the command of the five major clans. For example, forces such as the Palace of the Sun, the Palace of Ice, the Valley of Flames, and Heiming Island are all controlled by the five major clans.

"If you like it, I'll accompany you to go shopping some other day?" Qingyi said softly, although she didn't know how to appreciate it, she could guess that it must be very expensive here, otherwise it wouldn't be so luxurious.

Huolong's face became even more gloomy when he heard this. This guy actually pretended to be crazy and stupid. It seemed that he didn't take them seriously, which made his heart burn with anger.

The middle-aged man frowned, then smiled and said: "My name is Huolong, I'm here to kill you today!!"

However, just as Shi Yuan was about to launch an attack, a figure suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

"You are Shi Yuan?" One of the middle-aged men looked at Shi Yuan and asked.

A total of six Yuan King powerhouses came to the courtyard, three of them were middle-aged men wearing brocade robes, and the other four were young men with a sharp edge emerging from their bodies, staring straight at Shi Yuan three People, look indifferent.

Shi Yuan sighed secretly in his heart, it was as he expected, these guys had no intention of letting him leave alive at all.

"Are you from the Huojin clan?" Shi Yuan looked at the man and asked.

Shi Yuan's eyes flickered, and he remained silent and did not speak.

"What!" Hearing this, the expressions of Huo Ling'er and Qing Yi changed dramatically.

"Shi Yuan, you killed so many people from my Huojin clan in the lower realm, today, you will definitely die!"

"I don't know either." Shi Yuan spread his hands, looking extremely innocent.

Apart from here, there are eight princely mansions and five clans scattered in the four directions, and each area has gathered many top talent geniuses and monsters from the mainland, and even some local disciples of Shengtian Academy.

"I'll delay for a while, you guys find a chance to leave." Shi Yuan said to the two women through voice transmission, he knew that he was no match for these five people, if the fight continued, even if they could win, they would definitely pay a heavy price.

In an instant, several figures came through the air, their speed was as fast as the limit, and they landed in the courtyard in the blink of an eye. Shi Yuan's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw the people coming. These people were all at the level of King Yuan .

It was a man in black, who looked to be about 20 years old, handsome and handsome, with an evil spirit all over his body.

Moreover, in Shengtian City, there are many mercenary unions and killing alliances, which are forces jointly founded by many powerful people, and are responsible for purchasing materials, accepting commissions, and earning yuan coins and resources. Therefore, the wealth of Shengtian City Almost all flowed to them.

In addition, there are some unique forces, such as some village forces that migrated from other places. They occupy a barren land, thrive here, and do not want to leave.

Qingyi's pretty face also froze there. She practiced with her master since she was a child and has seen many big scenes, but this scene before her still shocked her.

While the two were chatting, a terrifying wave suddenly swept through the void, causing their expressions to suddenly change, and their eyes suddenly looked in a certain direction.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You just need to remember that you have been listed as a wanted criminal. No matter where you go, you will be hunted down." The man in black said slowly, his eyes were very calm, without the slightest hint of embarrassment. Waves, as if this matter was not worth mentioning to him.

None of them thought that Shi Yuan had already become someone else's wanted criminal, and was listed as a wanted criminal. Who did this?
"Are you sent by the holy city to arrest us?" Shi Yuan said in a deep voice.

"That's right." The man in black nodded, and then a sly look flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Not only you, they can't escape either!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and immediately five more people came out. These five people were all strong in the Divine Fire realm. People are like ants.

Over the years, they have encountered many such things, and they have long been used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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