"Hmph!" Shi Yuan snorted coldly, "I advise you to put them down, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

"Oh?" The young man in white was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You seem to be talking a lot of nonsense, let me ask again, will you let me go or not!"

Shi Yuan clenched his fists tightly, and a terrifying aura suddenly rose to the sky.

"Shi Yuan, if you hand over my younger brother, I can let one of them go, but you need to choose which one to let me let go!" Yun Xiao looked at Shi Yuan and sneered.

Shi Yuan stared at Yun Xiao, and said indifferently: "Since you want to seek death, then I will grant you!"

"Haha! Can you do it?" Yun Xiao sneered with disdain.

Shi Yuan's head is spinning rapidly, how can he save the two of them.

At this time, Yun Xiao looked at Shi Yuan and said, "I gave ten seconds to choose, if you don't choose, I will help you choose!"

At this moment, Shi Yuan thought of a technique of mending the sky!

If the sky-replenishing technique is practiced to the extreme, it may be possible to turn back time and space.

Shi Yuan doesn't need to turn back time and space, just need time to pause for a second, and Ye Xuan can rescue them all.

Yun Xiao looked at Shi Yuan and counted: "Ten!"

Shi Yuan still didn't respond, which made Yun Xiao frowned.


Shi Yuan still didn't make any move.

Seeing this, Yun Xiao secretly shook his head in his heart, it seemed that he overestimated this guy, he refused to show him even a second, he was simply a waste.

Thinking of this, he said again: "Eight!"


Shi Yuan still didn't respond.


Yun Xiao's patience had reached a critical point, and his voice gradually turned cold, "Five!"




At this time, a cruel smile appeared in Yunxiao's eyes, he looked at Shi Yuan and said, "Since you don't choose, then I will choose for you!"

As Yunxiao said, he went to kill Huo Linger.

"Wait!" Shi Yuan shouted loudly, and immediately stretched out his hand to stop it.

Hearing this, Yun Xiao stopped and said indifferently: "I'll count to three, if you don't choose, then she must die!"

Qingyi looked at Shi Yuan and said with a smile: "Shi Yuan, I'm just a spirit body, don't choose me!!"

Shi Yuan looked at Qingyi, with guilt and self-blame in his eyes, and said, "I'm sorry, Qingyi!"

Qingyi shook her head and sighed, bitterly said: "This is the consequence we should bear, it has nothing to do with you!"

Shi Yuan shook his head, then looked at Yun Xiao, gritted his teeth and said, "I choose."

Yun Xiao smiled and said, "A very wise choice."

Just when Shi Yuan was about to say the answer, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

"I choose."

In an instant, Shi Yuan activated the Sky Mending Technique, and the entire time and space paused for a second!

Shi Yuan's speed increased to the extreme within a second, Shi Yuan instantly came in front of Huo Ling'er and Qingyi, untied the immortal ropes on them, and hugged them both.

Fly to the distance!
Within a second, Shi Yuan did all of this.

Immediately, time flowed again, and Yunxiao looked at the rescued Huo Linger and Qingyi in shock, he never expected that Shi Yuan actually did it!
I didn't see what happened just now, because that second was too short!
Yun Xiao stared at Shi Yuan with a gloomy face, "Bastard!"

He didn't expect that Shi Yuan would dare to make a move!

"Are you all right?" Shi Yuan helped Qing Yi and the two of them up, and asked.

Qingyi shook her head and said softly, "I'm fine!"

Shi Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Huo Ling'er, but Huo Ling'er started to cry.

Although she has a strong personality, she is just a little girl after all!

Shi Yuan rubbed Huo Ling'er's beautiful hair, and said softly: "Don't cry, it's okay!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Yun Xiao, his eyes were extremely cold.

Yun Xiao looked at Shi Yuan in surprise and asked, "How is it possible?"

Shi Yuan looked at Yun Xiao, and immediately said: "I have to choose all of them, now, it's your turn to choose!"

"Think about it, you are going to die!"

A violent breath swept away like a storm, Shi Yuan's right hand melted into a palm, and slashed out fiercely. In an instant, the space collapsed, and a burst of destructive force shot out!

This blow contained extremely overbearing thunder-attribute power, which was enough to tear apart an ordinary strong man in the fortune-telling realm!
Seeing Shi Yuan attacking, Yun Xiao's eyelids twitched, his toes twirled lightly, and instantly disappeared in place, and Shi Yuan's attack also failed!
Shi Yuan was about to catch up, but at this moment, Yun Xiao suddenly appeared on the left side of Shi Yuan, he slashed out with a sword, and a huge sword slashed across the air, with overwhelming power, as if it could break through the sky!

The corner of Shi Yuan's mouth curled into a ferocious curve, and his right hand slowly closed into a fist. In an instant, the muscles in his right arm swelled wildly. A moment later, his right fist trembled violently, and a majestic force gushed out from his body. At the same time, the surface of his right fist was densely covered with a layer of golden runes, like a god of war possessed!

Shi Yuan swung his fist violently, and with this punch, the surrounding space was directly deformed, as if being hit by an invisible giant mountain, it was flattened forcibly!
Chi Chi Chi Chi!
An ear-piercing tearing sound resounded, and Shi Yuan's fist crushed the long sword directly!
At this time, Yunxiao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he jumped back hundreds of feet away!

And at the moment when he stepped back, Shi Yuan suddenly punched out!

With one punch, a terrifying force directly tore through the void, and then slammed into the sky with a crushing attitude!

But at this moment, Yun Xiao's face was extremely ugly, he held the sword in both hands, and blocked it with one sword!
With the sound of an explosion, the sword in Yunxiao's hand shattered, and that force blasted against Yunxiao's chest with billowing air waves. Suddenly, Yunxiao's body trembled violently, vomited blood, and fell directly into the depths below. In the pit!
Yun Xiao was lying at the bottom of the deep pit, and he struggled to get up. At this moment, his whole body was scorched black and covered with scars!

"Give it to me, kill him for me!"

Yun Xiao roared angrily, and saw those servants of the Celestial and Human Race rushing towards Shi Yuan, and Shi Yuan greeted an old man who charged first!
Shi Yuan directly used the sky mending technique, and at this moment, his strength soared!

And that old man is also a real good luck realm expert, but there is a huge difference between the two, after a while, Shi Yuan directly suppressed that old man!
However, Shi Yuan didn't seem to do his best, and seemed to be struggling.

But at this time, on the other side, Yun Xiao suddenly stepped forward and slashed Shi Yuan straight with his sword!
A gleam of coldness flashed in Shi Yuan's eyes, "Get lost!"

As the voice fell, he punched out directly, and a powerful wave of breath directly crushed Yunxiao's sword energy!
With a punch, Yun Xiao was directly sent flying, and at this moment, Yun Xiao's figure disappeared strangely.

Behind where he was originally standing, the space was directly shredded!

Yun Xiao's sudden disappearance made Shi Yuan frowned slightly, at this moment, the space behind him was torn apart suddenly, and immediately after, a bright sword glow went straight to his neck and cut it down!
With a backhand grip, Shi Yuan grabbed Yun Xiao's blade, and then twisted suddenly, the sword broke instantly, and Shi Yuan also took the opportunity to escape from Yun Xiao, almost at the same time, his body suddenly disappeared in place.

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