Chapter 683 The Holy Silver Sword!

The silver scales shone with a cold luster, and each silver needle was as sharp as a blade, making one's heart palpitate.

The unicorn worm king made a move, and a deep dragon chant resounded through the sky, and the silver light surged and shone in all directions.

With a sound of "Boom", the void exploded, and the huge black scale worm exploded instantly, turning into a blood mist, being submerged by this silver scale armor, and completely disappeared.

Shi Yuan gasped, this is the real unicorn, this move alone is enough to shock everyone.

This kind of treasure technique is unparalleled in the world, and its power is overwhelming!
Shi Yuan's heart was burning hot. After awakening the Qilin bloodline, he was thinking about how to find a more powerful Qilin bloodline.

As a result, he searched all the way, and finally came here, and found a strange valley, where a unicorn was dormant!
With a sound of "chi la", the unicorn worm king shot again, and a silver light swept over, splitting a mountain.

At the bottom of the mountain, there was a ball of essence beating, emitting brilliant beams of light, and an inexplicable breath flowed out.

Shi Yuan's eyes immediately turned red, this thing is too precious, it contains a ray of ancestor's blood, it must not be missed.

He urged the silver-scaled unicorn to quickly enter the ancient cave, ready to take out this essence.


Shi Yuan made a move and blocked it with a huge stele, overturning the entire mountain range, the rocks rolled down, and the smoke and dust rushed into the sky.

He broke into the cave, which was very vast, and a silver-scaled unicorn sat cross-legged on the stone platform, although its eyes were closed, it exuded a coercive pressure.

Beside it, there is a jade pot, inside there is a drop of silver blood, radiant and colorful, exuding an inexplicable charm, Ruixia is transpiring.

"This is……"

Shi Yuan was shocked, this drop of silver blood was probably the blood of a supreme being.

He didn't dare to move, he wasn't sure if the silver-scaled unicorn was alive, if it died, then this precious liquid would be wasted.

He observed it quietly, sensed it carefully, and then heaved a sigh of relief. The unicorn still had breath, but it wasn't particularly powerful, and it was at its peak state.

Shi Yuan didn't act rashly, and slowly approached the jade pot, ready to take this drop of silver blood away, he didn't dare to take the treasure rashly.

The silver unicorn still didn't open its eyes, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep. Soon after, a faint ray of spiritual thoughts spread out, guarding a plant of elixir in this place.

Shi Yuan was moved, he didn't know what grade this medicine was, was it of the same grade as the treasure liquid he expected?
He cautiously groped forward, trying to get closer, but found that it was a fruit tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, full of fruits, seven or eight in total.

These fruits are crystal clear, each one is as big as a fist, some are silver, some are red.

Shi Yuan was startled, what kind of fruit is this?It was so bright.

With a sound of "swish", he picked one off, and his hands were warm, as if jumping with vitality, which was shocking.

This turned out to be a divine fruit of life!
"Good stuff!" Shi Yuan was overjoyed, picked up all the remaining six pieces, and then quickly moved away from this place.

This place is very strange, the unicorn worm king just now was obviously a juvenile, but it could kill the black scale worm king, which made people fearful.


Suddenly, there was a low roar of beasts from the ancient cave in front, and there was light, a black-scaled insect king flew out of the ancient cave, surrounded by thunder, and rushed towards Shiyuan.


Shi Yuan swung his spear, and hit the black-scaled worm king backwards, cracks appeared on the scales, dripping with blood, and suffered severe injuries.

Shi Yuan was shocked, the defense of this black scale insect is too strong, right?He bombarded it with brute force, but failed to destroy its carapace, which shows that its defense is amazing.


Shi Yuan seized the opportunity and stepped on its belly, creating a huge crater, causing the black-scaled insect king to fly across and smash into several low mountains.

"You bug, are you worthy of robbing me? Treating me like this is simply courting death!" Shi Yuan scolded.

The black-scaled worm king was extremely angry, black light shot out from his body, one symbol after another was intertwined, forming a huge magic circle, covering Shi Yuan in it.

At the same time, it opened its mouth and sprayed out a ball of dazzling light, which was a ball of silver electricity, extremely terrifying, blasting towards Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan frowned, this kind of light ball is very dangerous and contains amazing destructive power.

Shi Yuan waved his palm and shook the ball of silver electricity, and suddenly a ball of brilliance burst out. The place is gorgeous and the scene is frightening.

With a "click", the black-scaled worm king screamed, its body convulsed and twitched, because it was sent flying by Shi Yuan, several sternums were broken, and blood was bleeding from the corner of its mouth.

With a "poof", silver light flew out from the other two directions. There were three corpses there, all of which were torn apart, even their heads were blown off.

Obviously, they were corpse puppets that were killed by the three silver scale worms, collected flesh and refined.

Looking at this scene, Shi Yuan felt awe-inspiring, the three-headed insect king was very strong, if he acted rashly, he would probably suffer a big loss.


In the end, he decided to pick the unicorn liquid. This time he was extremely careful, walking towards the jade pot step by step, trying to minimize damage.


Just as he was about to stretch out his hand, Qilin Baoye trembled, and unexpectedly revived, a hazy silver light fell, and auspicious energy transpired.

In an instant, this place turned into a fairyland, the sky was full of silver clouds, and the peaceful atmosphere permeated, and the silver scale insects stopped neighing and crawled on the ground.

"This is a treasure. No wonder the seal is arranged here. It turns out to be the essence that suppresses this silver-scaled unicorn!"

Shi Yuan was excited and picked up the jade pot.

During this period, he encountered another fierce battle. The female worm was very powerful, and her attacks were sharp and fierce, almost hurting him.

"This kind of vicious insect, whether it is in the outside world or in the wilderness, must be a first-class raptor, no less than Kunpeng and others. It cannot be left behind and must be eliminated!"

Shi Yuan said to himself that he had already made preparations. He dug more than ten feet deep around the nest of silver scale worms, and then used a huge shovel to dig the soil away, exposing a piece of bronze fragment inside.

I don't know what kind of material this thing is made of, but it still has spirituality, exuding faint fluctuations, which seems to be conscious, which shocked Shi Yuan.

"This...couldn't be a key?" He guessed, feeling more and more that there might be a treasure sealed inside, or even some kind of divine treasure conceived in the restricted area.

"I want this kind of thing!"

Shi Yuan was excited, he didn't take it away immediately, because the Qilin Baoye hadn't arrived yet.

In the end, he sacrificed a furnace and burned it blazingly to smelt the treasure liquid, and he also threw the black-scaled centipede into the furnace for smelting.

He was afraid of causing a violent explosion, so he made preparations in advance, otherwise he would not be able to bear it if something terrible happened.

The kylin treasure liquid in the kylin worm nest was boiling, the sun was shining, and the auspicious aura was overwhelming. The black-scaled centipede struggled and wailed, in great pain.

More than half of its poisonous glands were pulled out by Shi Yuan, poured into the treasure liquid, and boiled into a golden juice, rich and fragrant, full of fragrance.

Shi Yuan tried some food and drink, and the results made his pores dilate, he was energetic, and he felt comfortable all over.

In the end, he put the remaining precious liquid into a jade bottle. This is the unicorn liquid, which is very rare and can increase the lifespan of monks.

Shi Yuan put the Qilin treasure liquid into his backpack, and then left quickly. He wanted to find more fetishes, so as to baptize himself and make a breakthrough.

Behind him, silver lightning pierced the sky and chased him down. The female insect went berserk and rushed over desperately.


Shi Yuan turned around, swung his spear, and slashed forward. His body was as solid as a rock, not afraid of the claws of the black scale insect, and he went forward without hesitation.


His halberd pierced the female worm's head, blood splashed, and then slapped out, with a bang, the female worm was thrown into the magma lake, splashing high water.

"Roar..." In the distance, the larva roared angrily, and came with two elders from the group.

Shi Yuan turned around and ran away without saying a word. Although he was a bit unwilling, he knew that if he delayed any longer, he would definitely die.

He left footprints along the way, ran all the way, and broke through several ancient forests in one day.


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck his right leg, knocking him into the air, half of his body was burnt, his teeth were grinning in pain, and his body was cracked.


Shi Yuan screamed, feeling a deadly threat, it was a dagger-like silver sword, with a cold glow, it split the void, and it came in an instant.

He tried his best to dodge, but he was still slow, half of his shoulder was almost cut off, his skin was torn apart.

This scene was horrific. His shoulder was bloody, the wound was deep enough to show bone, and his entire arm was almost abolished. He lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Shi Yuan got up, his eyes were red, he was not afraid, because the clothes on his body were worn off, revealing the tough skin.

The sound of "clang" and "clang" sounded, and the clothes on his body fell off completely, revealing a bronze-colored body, with muscles stretched out, full of strength and beauty.

This time, not only was Shi Yuan not afraid, but his eyes were blazing, and he fixed on the silver sword. This is an opportunity, and he must seize it and study it clearly.

The silver blade is white all over, as if it is made of platinum, shining with silver light, it is very sharp and terrifying, it cuts iron like mud, and cuts gold and wood.

The sound of "clang clang" and "clang clang" came, and the silver sword clanked, as if it could pierce through everything, and cut quickly, intending to chop Shi Yuan in half, and cut it off from the left side.


Shi Yuan raised his fist to meet the enemy, the fist was crystal clear, like colored glaze, flowing with mysterious veins, when it collided with the silver sword, it clanged.

With a sound of "chi", the silver sword rolled backwards and escaped from Shi Yuan's control, while Shi Yuan felt a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth, and a strange force surged.

Shi Yuan's heart skipped a beat, that silver-white energy was so weird, it seemed to be alive, wrapped around his wrist, trying to devour his essence and make his arm go limp.

"Good guy, this should be the special power born in the black scaled centipede, it can transform into shape!" Shi Yuan was surprised.

His physical body is very strong and can block ordinary holy soldiers, but now he can't resist, what kind of energy is this?He couldn't figure it out.


Shi Yuan waved his arms, cast the Kunpeng technique, and collided with the silver sword, this time he did not lose the wind again, and he performed the Kunpeng treasure technique, deducing a mysterious and unpredictable trajectory, causing the silver sword to deflect, without being able to cut Hit him.

With a sound of "chi", Shi Yuan pointed at the silver blade with a thunderbolt, and then kicked the tail of the silver snake, sweeping it away.

This silver flood dragon can be regarded as a formidable beast, but compared to Shi Yuan, it is nothing to mention, it cannot be matched at all, the situation is completely one-sided.


Shi Yuan activated the runes, strands of flames rose up, burning the silver sword, and a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.


The silver snake whipped its tail, trying to save the silver sword, but Shi Yuan grabbed it, pulled it hard, and forcibly tore it off.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, he threw the silver sword towards the silver scale insect empress.

"How dare you!" the silver scale worm yelled violently, frightened.

With a "poof", the silver blade pierced through the body of the female worm, bringing up a string of blood beads, and the body of the female worm fell straight into the magma pool.


A series of silver silk ribbons hung down, binding the silver sword, preventing it from moving.

"'s good luck, I found the treasure." Shi Yuan laughed loudly, dragged the female worm's body away, put it on the ground, and began to peel the skin.

He took out a piece of purple gold mine, branded it with various patterns, and began to forge the silver sword. There were 72 symbols in total, each of which was crystal clear and densely covered with runes.

Not long after, the silver sword embryo was forged into shape, and the silver light flowed, emitting wisps of light and mist.

Carefully, Shi Yuan tied a rope around his waist, then inserted a silver sword tire into his waist, and then left.

This sword is too sharp, it can definitely cut gold and stone, if it can be stored on the body, it can protect the whole body, it is really the best treasure.

Shi Yuan ran all the way, and came to a mountain range, where the clouds and mist were shrouded, the scenery was beautiful, and there was a medicinal field, which was rich in medicinal herbs and full of vitality.

He stopped as soon as he got here, because he smelled a familiar smell, and a plant gave off a fragrance that made him shiver.

"Immortal medicine..."

This is a lotus flower, clean and crystal clear, as if carved from divine jade. Its leaves are as white as snow, and its petals are as tender as jade, exuding a peaceful aura.

"The magic medicine of could it grow in such a place?" Shi Yuan was surprised.

He didn't dare to act rashly, and searched nearby, hoping to dig it up. After all, this is a rare treasure medicine, which is priceless. If he can get it, he will definitely sell it for a huge sum of money.

Unfortunately, he didn't find anything, because the soil here is different from other places, it is very dry, and it is difficult to excavate unless special means are used.

"From this point of view, we can only find suitable soil later and remove it." Shi Yuan sighed.

He continued to go deeper. These days he experienced several fierce battles, and encountered many powerful monsters and ominous birds, all of which were wiped out by him.

In the end, he became more and more cautious. This area was not easy and full of dangers. He didn't want to cause trouble, and kept a low profile along the way.

In the end, Shi Yuan found some cobweb-like traces in a swamp, and he was shocked. Did he really find a tomb?

It was a huge lair, the walls were all piled up with stones, but there was a pothole deep in the lair, as if something had fallen down.

"No wonder the plants here are extraordinarily luxuriant, it turns out that this pothole absorbs spiritual energy." Shi Yuan said to himself.

Inside this pothole, there is a layer of light yellow mist, which permeates up and covers the bottom of the big pit. It is hazy and nothing can be seen.

Shi Yuan squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch it, and suddenly a rancid smell came to his nostrils. There were some bones in this big pit, obviously many rare creatures were buried here.

Shi Yuan frowned, not daring to act recklessly, if he touched the restriction and caused some disaster, it would be terrible, maybe it would cause a heinous disaster.

He stood up, fled quickly, and disappeared into the vast forest.

(End of this chapter)

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