Chapter 690 Battle Fairy!

Shi Yuan frowned, very dissatisfied, if it wasn't for the holy medicine, he really wanted to rush up to fight, but he was almost hit by the sword energy.

Not to mention a few silver dragons, they were in a panic.

"En..." Suddenly, Shi Yuan was startled, he saw a pure white fairy body flashing under the water, chasing after several silver dragons.

Has anyone found the holy medicine? Want to steal it halfway.

A plain hand stretched out and caught a silver dragon in an instant. After careful observation, his body trembled, as if very surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Shi Yuan also came close, silently, and saw that it was a woman with slender body, white as jade, graceful and moving, just like an elf.

Moreover, this person's ability to sneak and disappear is very advanced, and it is difficult to sense it even close at hand. If you don't see it with your own eyes and get close, it is easy to ignore that there is a woman under the water.

She shot again and caught another silver dragon.

Shi Yuan knew that he couldn't wait any longer, he had already approached, and he shot like lightning, grabbed one of her slender, straight and crystal clear legs, and imprisoned her with runes.

The next moment, he moved extremely fast, and instantly took the two silver dragon lotuses in her hand.

Obviously, this woman was extremely shocked, a layer of small bumps appeared on her ivory-white and radiant skin, the unexpected attack made her body tense.

Moreover, she was glowing all over, and she used a treasure to shake Shi Yuan away.

This surprised Shi Yuan, this long leg that was as white as jade and flawless was actually harder than a treasure, emitting terrifying fluctuations, an ordinary person would be shocked to death.

"Come here for me!"

He grabbed the opponent's ankle, slammed it around, and grabbed it.

"It's you!"

The woman's hair was full of black hair, and she turned her body around, revealing a peerless face. Surprise was written in her nimble eyes, and she recognized Shi Yuan because she had seen it not long ago.

She was dancing under the water in a white dress, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin, oval face, snow-white and crystal-clear, long eyelashes, big eyes watery, blue hair like waterfalls, the whole person is so beautiful that it makes people suffocate.

Shi Yuan naturally sensed that it was her Fairy Yuechan.

At the moment, he showed no mercy, sacrificed his only cave, and sealed it off.

The power of Fairy Yuechan was beyond imagination, her eyebrows glowed, a terrifying wave spread out, her white forehead exuded crystal luster, and the power of her soul shocked her contemporaries.

Shi Yuan's brows ached, his eyes turned black, and he almost passed out. If it were an ordinary venerable, his consciousness would explode and he would die.

He became more and more convinced that there was an incredible power sleeping in Yuechan's sea of ​​consciousness, and it was suspected that there was a goddess sleeping in hibernation!
However, he resisted after all, the only hole opened, and the hazy glow shone, weakening the terrifying consciousness so that it could not penetrate his head.

Yuechan was startled. She had awakened part of her soul power recently, which was enough to kill a clan of Tianjiao at such a short distance. There was no suspense. This was her biggest trump card!

It is precisely because of this that the general first generation will not easily confront her.

But now the strongest blow failed, not beheading this person, and one of her white legs was hugged by this person, imprisoned in the ball of light.


Shi Yuan scolded lightly, after recognizing her, he didn't feel sorry for her, his right hand glowed, intertwined with runes, turned into a palm knife, and slashed towards the slender body.

If we talk about the past, he still has "friendship" with Yuechan's second body, but he has nothing to do with this peerless fairy in front of him, but he has fought in a life-and-death battle.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he shot without mercy!

Yuechan's main body changed color. She never expected that someone would dare to offend. Although the opponent was powerful, he was too presumptuous to attack first.


Shi Yuan's knife slashed on her long white legs, bursting out with blazing light, like a small sun exploding, the place suddenly boiled, and the wind blew violently.


Yuechan's main body flew horizontally, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, such a powerful slash caused serious injuries to her, her bones were broken and tendons were broken, and the severe pain was unbearable.

Shi Yuan also snorted, his lips trembling slightly, this blow was so hard, it almost cut off his left arm, almost destroyed it.

He retreated hundreds of feet quickly, his face was pale, he knew that the other party was not simple.

"Why are you here?" Yuechan frowned, she was very angry, this young man was too domineering and arrogant, if she hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have been cut in half.

Shi Yuan ignored her, staring at the other side of the water with piercing eyes, a group of jellyfish emerged and swam over, all exuding a terrifying aura, the jellyfish here are not simple.

Yuechan frowned, glanced at him coldly, and said, "Go away, I want to get two magic medicines!"

Shi Yuan shook his head, not expressing anything superfluous.

"Looking for death, do you dare to stop me?" She scolded coldly, her whole body bloomed with crystal brilliance, and light mist flowed all over her body, this was a ray of her soul.

This state is terrifying. It can be said to be her clone, or an independent existence, not a soul, because this is where her foundation lies.


The palace shook, the ground cracked, Shi Yuan's figure flashed away and disappeared.

"Hey, so fast!" Fairy Yuechan showed surprise, because just now Shi Yuan cast a secret technique, which disappeared in an instant at an extremely fast speed, which made her a little uncomfortable.

She wanted to catch up, but she was a step too slow. The lake was surging, and Shi Yuan broke through the waves, holding a lotus-shaped magic medicine in her hand, which was bright red and burning like a flame.

"Ah..." Fairy Yuechan was startled, then screamed.

Shi Yuan smiled, and said: "Mine, give it to my daughter-in-law to eat, this stuff nourishes the brain."

Yuechan was furious, she was actually bullied by the dignified Fairy Yuechan, and now two consecutive holy medicine fell into the opponent's hands, she hated it to the core.

"Do you want to die, this is what I found!"

Her words were icy cold, and her eyes shot out two beams of divine light, staring at Shi Yuan with a murderous aura, and the surrounding lake was turbulent.

"If you don't tell, no one will find out." Shi Yuan responded with a smile, and handed a tender leg like a lotus root to her in front of her.

Fairy Yuechan's eyes widened. This is a section of snow-white legs, shiny and white, extremely soft, one of her legs was pinched by the other party, it really makes people laugh and cry.

Shi Yuan put this magical medicine into his pocket, then looked at her, and said with a smile: "You are so beautiful, I don't know if we can let you be your daughter when we get married?"

"How dare you!" Fairy Yuechan gritted her teeth, but she heard Shi Yuan's words clearly.

"What do you think?" Shi Yuan smiled, stretched out his hand to caress that white jade leg, making Yuechan's pretty face flush, she was extremely ashamed.

With a sound of "哧", a sword light slashed over, it was dazzling, Yuechan showed her power, and used the most fierce move, and slashed forward.

However, Shi Yuan jumped up, and after dodging the blow, he held the spear in his hand, drew an arc, and stabbed towards Yuechan's neck, as fast as lightning, and the spear turned into black light.

Fairy Yuechan was startled, the threat of this spear was too great, she didn't dare to be careless, she urged her magic weapon with all her strength, and a silver mirror rushed up to face the spear.

This is an extremely rare treasure called the Moonlight Mirror, and it is a treasure of Yuechan's lineage, possessing endless divine power.

With a loud bang, the moonlight mirror vibrated violently, and was sent flying by the spear, leaving a gap in it.

"What a treasure!" Shi Yuan praised.

The cracks on the moonlight mirror became more and more obvious, and finally shattered with a clang. This treasure was destroyed, and was pierced by Shi Yuan with his bare hands.

"Bastard, you're looking for death!" Fairy Yuechan was completely furious, her double pupils opened, and the rays of light sprayed towards Shi Yuan's eyes.

Shi Yuan scolded lightly, his eyebrows glowed, and three symbols flew out, lined up, forming a cage to cover him.

"Ah..." Fairy Yuechan cried out miserably. She suffered unspeakable pain, and her soul seemed to be splitting apart. She tried her best to break free, but she still couldn't get rid of the shackles and suffered heavy injuries.


She drew out another slap and hit Shi Yuan on the cheek, the fist came down, with monstrous murderous aura, it staggered him back and almost fell to the ground.

"You dare to hit me?" Shi Yuan covered his cheek, quite surprised and shocked.

"I want your life!" Fairy Yuechan was furious. She had always been aloof and had never met an opponent, but this boy actually slapped her a few times.

"I want to eat your flesh, drink your blood, and tear your skin and bones!" she roared angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful not to cause trouble to your upper body." Shi Yuan reminded, and approached again.

"I'm going to kill you!" Fairy Yuechan gritted her teeth, and Shen Xi burst into a glaring explosion, grabbing Shi Yuan's ankle, ready to shake it hard, exchanging injury for injury.

With Shi Yuan's five fingers close together, it looks like a flowing glow, which is extremely crystal clear!
Although it is a palm, it is sharper than a magic weapon, enough to cut off flesh and blood, and can split many treasures.

Chixia flashed, crystal and bright red blood splashed, dyeing the lake red.

However, there was another ding sound immediately after, and a metallic trill sounded, which made Shi Yuan stunned.

He hugged Fairy Yuechan's slender white body, and he clearly felt the temperature. He was made of flesh and blood. Why is there a metallic trembling sound now?

His right palm cut through the greasy flesh, and blood flowed out, but it was blocked again, only a little fell in, blocked by a layer of runes.

Her hands glowed like two crescent moons, she cut forward, trying to split Shi Yuan into two halves.


With a sound, at this moment Shi Yuan made a sudden move, stepped on her chest, and crushed her under his feet.

Fairy Yuechan was stunned, how could such a thing happen, how could she be subdued?

Shi Yuan looked down at her, and said: "You are so beautiful, I think, you should think about it, marry me, I promise to treat you well."

Fairy Yuechan was angry and impatient, this Dengtuzi flirted with her like this, and even said that he wanted to marry her, it was too much, it was really unreasonable, it made her tremble with anger.

Shi Yuan grinned and said: "Don't be afraid, I will not hurt you, I will only accept you as a concubine."

"Don't you dare, I'm Yuechan!" Fairy Yuechan yelled, at the same time struggling to resist, trying to break free, she couldn't believe it.

Shi Yuan smiled, then turned his eyes, and said: "That's good, let's discuss it, if you become my wife, then your ethnic group will be my relatives in Shi Village, and I will naturally protect you, and this holy medicine belongs to you how?"

"Bah, you want to take advantage of me!" Yuechan cursed.

"Well, since this is the case, then there is no other way, you are my wife." Shi Yuan was serious, as if he was speaking the truth.

Fairy Yuechan was furious, this person was too much, not only wanted the holy medicine, but also wanted to take advantage of her.

She was indeed a little worried, this guy was too cruel, he could even get the holy spring in Kunpeng's lair, would he care about a mere holy medicine?


Shi Yuan's attack was thunderous, suppressing her there.

"What do you want to do?!" Fairy Yuechan was furious. She was the princess of the Yuechan Clan, but she was captured.

"I think my suggestion is very good. Together, the two of us will definitely be able to overthrow all the religions in the North Sea and kill them to death. Then we will fight for the remains of Kunpeng." Shi Yuan said seriously.


Fairy Yuechan spit out a mouthful of blood. What this man said made her love and hate at the same time. It was so irritating. What did he want?

She screamed coquettishly, and opened her mouth to spray out a stream of scarlet clouds. This is a red leaf, one foot long, crystal clear and clear, like a ball of flame, burning the stone abyss.

"You are so ruthless, you can also do this kind of treasure." Shi Yuan was surprised, this kind of flame is so special, it turned out to be Suzaku flame!

This is one of the unique skills of a god king. It is extremely powerful, but it needs the help of the fire essence of the plane tree to practice. Ordinary people have no chance, they can only comprehend its profound meaning, and it is difficult to display it.

Although Shi Yuan has already mastered the element of fire, he has never seen such a strong person use it, because he has been looking for phoenix wood from the beginning to the end, hoping to use it to comprehend the phoenix technique, and now seeing this fire leaf, he is immediately moved.

Fairy Yuechan's head was full of blue hair and her dress fluttered. This kind of fire leaf was her trump card, and she sacrificed it without hesitation at this moment to solve the trouble.


Shi Yuan raised his hand, and a purple-gold mountain peak emerged and fell down to block the fire leaf.


The crimson fire leaf collided with the mountain peak, and a violent collision occurred. The entire void collapsed, and the terrifying waves moved in all directions, and the scene was terrifying.

A series of black cracks appeared here, spreading like spider webs.

This scene was very frightening. Many monks in the distance changed their colors and fled one after another, leaving the castle, not daring to stay here for a long time.

"Eh, yes, there is a divine seed, and you have Suzaku blood flowing in your body. Unfortunately, it is not pure enough, but this is enough." Shi Yuan was delighted.

He felt a surge of vigorous blood vessels, this is a magic medicine.

"You..." Fairy Yuechan was amazed that this guy was able to capture the divinity of Suzaku hidden in her body.

"I'll help you get rid of such distracting thoughts, and you will be mine from now on." Shi Yuan said with a smile, and put his left hand inside.

"Presumptuous!" Fairy Yuechan screamed, desperately resisting, trying to get rid of the restraint.

Shi Yuan was stunned, and said: "I'm treating the stubborn disease in your body, don't get me wrong."

Fairy Yuechan was furious, what kind of treatment was this, it was clearly indecent.

She cursed viciously: "I curse you for giving birth to a son without an ass hole!"

Shi Yuan was stunned for a moment, then he became furious and said, "Say it again?" He was really angry, a woman cursed his heir, it was really deceiving.

Fairy Yuechan's face turned red. Is this guy really treating a disease? He was clearly teasing her. Just now he clearly took advantage of the opportunity. She felt a kind of shame, but there was nothing she could do about it.

She knew that this person was very strong, and she was not an opponent at all.

"Don't force me!" She gritted her teeth.

"I still don't believe in this evil!" Shi Yuan sneered.

Fairy Yuechan was shocked and angry, she had never suffered such humiliation, this man was so arrogant and domineering, he didn't take her seriously at all, it was outrageous, she wished to bite him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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