Chapter 100 Atrocity
In the dense forest outside Jiangling County.

After Shen Shan took over the D-level task, the group of black crow clones hidden in the dense forest also used their wings to contain the black explosive wings that had molted in the past few days, and flew towards Jiangling County.

The high-voltage wall, which is as high as a hundred meters, can't stop this group of black crow clones at all.

They flew into the high wall very easily.

On the inner side of the high wall, most of the scattered warrior squads did not notice the black crows flying in the sky.

Even if a very small number of fighters from the patrol team noticed the group of black crows flying in the sky, they would not take it to heart.

Even for ordinary people, such small flying beasts are as harmless as ordinary captive pets.

Just like ordinary birds flying in the sky, would normal people still be afraid of this thing?

Generally speaking, the reason why this place is called a dense forest is that most of the creatures in it are land creatures, and there are very few flying beasts.

Even if there are those flying beasts, their flying altitude must be below [-] meters at most.

And once a more powerful flying beast appears in the dense forest, the strong members of the Martial Arts Association will naturally enter it to destroy it, or they will issue a reward for the bounty hunter to deal with it.

The Martial Arts Association will not allow any group of ferocious beasts that can cross the high wall and threaten humans.

The group of black crow clones, carrying a large number of shed black wings, flew over Gao Qiang smoothly and entered the human settlement.

In Jiangling County.

The group of black crow clones are already flying over the Jiangling County.

Through communication with the subject, they also quickly began to find the location of the so-called resident bar.

It's a pity that these black crow clones cannot normally inherit the black crow's ability to share Shen Shan's vision, they can only share the main body's vision.

On the other hand, Shen Shan can still judge everything that these black crow clones do through the sharing of vision.

Several black crows spread out quickly, and the thick black explosive wings on their bodies fluttered with the wind in the high air flow.

These are the clones of the black crows, who have accumulated feathers for about three days.

Every day, they use the ability of the Eye of Backtracking to accumulate a lot of feathers.

And precisely because of carrying so many black explosive feathers.

Therefore, each of these black crows looked a little bloated.

These black crow groups have relatively strong detection capabilities, and the black crow itself also sent photos of the group of intimidating gangs.

In just a short period of time, one of the black crows had officially found the location of one of the intimidators.

This is in a jade shop full of precious emeralds.

A muscular and muscular man, Yu Hang, with a blue scorpion tattooed on his arm, was sitting on the grand master's chair with an arrogant face.

"Brother Yu, I beg you, we are all operating on a small budget, and your actions like this are killing us!"

And the owner of this jade shop is a middle-aged woman with short hair.

She was already kneeling on the ground at this moment, with a begging look on her face, and tears were all over her cheeks.

However, Yu Hang, a muscular man, just sneered disdainfully.

He has seen a lot about this kind of begging civilians.

This is what they do, and if they are softened by the mere tears, then what will they eat, and who will give them their glory and wealth?
The flesh on Yu Hang's face trembled slightly, and he smashed the glass cabinet beside him with a heavy fist, "Shopkeeper, are you here to make a joke?"

The incomparably terrifying crimson aura suddenly burst out from Yu Hang's body, and directly pressed on the middle-aged woman in front of him.

The crimson brilliance is like the embers of a setting sun, and its strength is also equivalent to the peak of a middle-level warrior.

The temperature in the entire store rose rapidly.

In front of him, this middle-aged woman was nothing but an ant that could be easily crushed to death.

At this time, the owner of the jade shop, hearing the sound of broken glass cabinets, made his complexion even paler.

But when I think about the debts I am facing, and the dozens of friends who are willing to lend me money to tide me over, they are now in a predicament of bankruptcy.

In the end, it's all the fault of the damn guy in front of him, who used routines to talk about high income, but was directly taken over by him, and lied about the loss of the goods.

And it is completely useless to protect the signed contract.

At most, he was willing to compensate himself 30% of the amount, and this guy was released after being locked up in the Martial Arts Association for three days.

However, the amount of compensation that has been clearly agreed has been in arrears and has not been returned until now.

The local Martial Arts Association will no longer accept this matter.

It is rumored that the backstage of this group of people is a black market boss, and the backstage of the black market boss is a strong man at the level of King Wu.

And if she wants to report further, she will be intercepted, and at the same time, even her family members may be unlucky.

Today, this guy came over again, even thinking of coming to her store to make some money again, the reason is that he wants to treat the brothers to dinner tonight.

Originally, this guy owed her money, but now he wants to continue to take her money.

"Brother Yu, we really have no money."

"I beg you, we don't ask you to return us 30% of the money, as long as you can come and return us 10% of the money."

"We are really in a difficult situation. If we continue like this, we will really go bankrupt and seek death!"

Yu Hang looked at the shopkeeper with a frightened face, and the mocking expression of disdain on his face was even worse.

The terrifying flames directly made the middle-aged woman shopkeeper shut her mouth.

"Don't push yourself too hard."

"It's your honor that I can remember you."

Just when the shopkeeper was about to continue begging, the fiery red flame power of Yu Hang, wrapped in a piece of glass shards, tore her left cheek.

Some bright red blood spattered from the shopkeeper.

At the same time, Yu Hang stood up and trampled the middle-aged woman in front of him heavily.

"By the way, I think you seem to be secretly looking for some ways to deal with us recently, right?"

"It is said that I found an intranet that can offer rewards, right?"

"I'll tell you very clearly, we are the D-level rewards that have been hung on it, and most people will never come to accept this task."

"Don't try to hide from us, you have no secrets."

After finishing speaking, Yu Hang, who had a face full of flesh, spit straight away, and then took away all the jewelry in the display cabinets in this jade shop, which didn't have many.

The middle-aged woman shopkeeper, after hearing these few words from Yu Hang, she seemed to have aged ten years again.

Facing this kind of scum, if she has nothing to worry about, she will definitely make this scum severely sick even if she loses her own life.

It's a pity that she has a family, she has concerns, and she doesn't dare to burn the boat.

As for the bounty, generally speaking, someone with his strength is enough to list a D-level bounty alone.

Like their small group, everyone has the strength of the peak of the middle warrior.

If it is really necessary to specify according to the reward task, then at least it can be regarded as the difficulty of a C-level reward task.

With a grinning face, Yu Hang stomped heavily on the shopkeeper's head a few times again.

A large amount of blood continued to overflow from the middle-aged woman's head, but she could only grit her teeth and endure it.

She has no martial arts talent and is an ordinary person. Facing this kind of person, she can only choose to give in.

Outside the jade shop, such atrocities happened like this, but no one on the street dared to take a look inside.

The less trouble, the better.

In the sky, the clone of the black crow hovered, sharing the complete vision of this scene with the black crow itself and its owner Shen Shan.

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(End of this chapter)

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