Chapter 297 The End and Strangeness

The time quickly regressed back to the previous realm where the god had not released this terrifying thunderstorm.

Shen Shan looked at the god hidden in the layer of thunder, and couldn't help but sneered.

"Are you going to release the Thunder Fire Domain and merge with this world?"

The god hidden in the layer of thunder looked at Shen Shan with an expression of disbelief.

He didn't understand how this damn human being knew his next move.

This couldn't help causing the gods to feel a sense of fear in Shen Shan's heart.

But so what if you guessed it?

Could this stupid human being be able to stop him?
This powerful move integrated into the world, no one can break it.

The huge flame brought by the terrifying crimson thunder is quickly preparing to attack the world.

Shen Shan looked at the green water and green mountains in the distance, and the corners of his mouth pulled upwards slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the Platinum Star, who was in a weak state, once again erupted an incomparably terrifying golden radiance from his body.

In just an instant, the golden radiance enveloped the entire world again.

The gods standing above the sky were naturally and completely imprisoned.

Shen Shan's eyes were gloomy, and in the next instant, the Platinum Star had leapt into the air.

He raised his golden iron fist, and quickly began to attack the god's giant face with one punch after another.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola."

In just a few breaths of time, the entire thunder layer was completely torn apart by the powerful shock wave of the punch.

The true face of the god was also thoroughly revealed.

The so-called gods are just more sacred in front of outsiders.

After getting a glimpse of its true face, it is nothing more than a weird person spliced ​​together with various ugly limbs.

Golden radiance spread across the entire sky.

In the sky, there are still a large number of extremely terrifying fist winds and fist marks, whistling wantonly in it.

A large number of places with gods were quickly dismantled.

The disintegrated position overflowed with a large amount of the original power of heaven and earth.

The emerald green radiance was completely absorbed by the Platinum Star just after it was forcibly disintegrated and overflowed.

In a state where time is still, only nearly 3 minutes have passed.

At this time, the terrifying god that appeared above the sky has completely disappeared in the entire world.

After this terrifying god was forcibly killed by the fist seal, the will of heaven and earth contained in it as the main body also ended its last moment of life.

They didn't even think about it, they would be wiped out like this.

At the last moment of their lives, both of them were even thinking that they would use the powerful power of assimilating heaven and earth to boil this terrifying human being to death.

As a result, they didn't even do it, they were already dead, and all their original power had already entered Shen Shan's body.

And soon, with the end of the time pause, a powerful attraction quickly enveloped Shen Shan's body.

Immediately afterwards, the platinum star that was still above the sky quickly returned to Shen Shan's body at an extremely fast speed.

The powerful power of recall made even Shen Shan, who had devoured countless original powers, feel helpless to parry.

At this time, Shen Shan did not forget what he wanted to do.

He forcibly resisted the incomparably powerful power of summoning, and pulled on the neck next to him that was in a deep coma.

The powerful power of recall also took advantage of the trend to cover Xiang Zishi, which Shen Shan was currently pulling.

At this time, because of Shen Shan's departure and the fact that the original power was completely absorbed, the world began to collapse rapidly.

The people who were alive in the city before began to stop what they were doing like a machine.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of gray spots began to appear on all of them, and quickly covered their bodies, and a large amount of smoke burst out from their bodies.

Everyone turned into a cloud of dust and began to gradually dissipate together with this world.

Not only these people, but even all the objects in this world, whether man-made or naturally formed, also began to turn into a large amount of fly ash.

They have already turned into the dust of history.

It was just because of the power of the original source that they reappeared from the long river of history and lived a different life.

And the platinum star behind Shen Shan faintly shone golden.

The weak power of time began to pull with the avenue of time that runs through the entire river of time, as if to see if it could pull out the item that should have been turned into a piece of dust, so as to prevent it from turning into a large amount of dust and follow along with it. Dispersed with this world.

Shen Shan was lucky.

If, relying on the power of the Platinum Star alone, it wants to use the power of time to compete against this avenue of time, then the probability of winning is almost non-existent.

But now is the powerful force of recall, it is time to let Shen Shan return to the outside timeline.

Therefore, the two timelines began to invade each other, and began to cancel each other out.

Coupled with the influence of Shen Shan's Platinum Star, this fact was actually pulled back abruptly by Shen Shan.

The power of the time avenue, there is no way to smoothly turn Xiang Zishi back into a piece of dust.

The power of time and space of recall is getting stronger and stronger.

After a few more minutes, the power of the Dao of Time, which was constantly attacking from outside, was also completely eliminated.

Shen Shan began to follow this passage, leading Xiang Zishi quickly towards the location of Fenghai Worm Cave.

However, what was supposed to be a perfectly normal return turned out to be something wrong in the middle.

When Shen Shan was halfway through the leap, the Platinum Star suddenly appeared behind him.

The golden brilliance of time instantly fixed Shen Shan, who was flying towards the sky, in place, and stopped flying at the recalled place.

What's going on here?
Shen Shan's face began to become extremely solemn.

Allow Platinum Star to protect itself independently.

But now he is almost standing at the top of the chaotic ancient world, and there shouldn't be any other dangerous things threatening him.

Especially outside, and the nearly invincible Crow that he evolved with all his wealth.

And Platinum Star obviously has no way to take care of Xiang Zishi at the side, so he can only let the beam of time recalled continue to fly towards the sky.

Otherwise, his ability would not be enough to keep the master in place.

(End of this chapter)

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