Chapter 43 Entering the Cave

Gao He glanced at Shen Shan, then at the black crow circling in the sky, and couldn't help but admire:
"As expected of Brother Shen, not only is he powerful, but he has also raised two very good war beasts!"

Shen Shan smiled lightly.

At this time, under his thoughts, the black crow in the sky also quickly flew towards the distance.

Since the black crow has the eyes of retrospect, it is not worried about being killed on the spot.

It has the state of avoiding death twice.

And the time required for rebirth after death can be freely specified.

Looking at the black crow flying away, Gao He was also slightly shocked.

He didn't notice at all how Shen Shan ordered the black crow to fly away freely.

Generally speaking, there are only two types of orders from war beasts.

One is through verbal commands, and the other is through physical and gesture commands.

The war beasts controlled by Jiang Qing before were controlled by verbal orders.

It can be seen that Shen Shan is so unique.

Moreover, Gao He had a faint feeling that these two fierce beasts were extremely dependent on Shen Shan.

It was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary animal trainers.

It seems that Brother Shen's way of raising these two war beasts is extremely unusual!

"Brother Gao, let's go!"

"We are about to reach the base where the blood-eating organization is located."

Shen Shan began to stride forward.

After Gao He was stunned for a moment, he quickly followed.

It's just that on the way forward, Gao He couldn't help but kept looking at the black crow guiding them in mid-air.

This made the black crow, which was constantly flying in front, feel an unprecedented chill.

Soon, they had already arrived outside the group of caves.

The black crow also fell from the sky and stood quietly on Shen Shan's shoulder.

It stared closely at the cave with its agile eyes.

And Gao He kept watching the black crow's actions, and the more he watched, the more miraculous he felt.

At the same time, he also felt more and more that Shen Shan trained this beast, it must be too powerful!

The night is already dark, the sky is full of stars, and the bright moon has risen.

Shen Shan turned on his phone, it was 07:30 in the evening.

It's a good time to plunder all the anonymous bank cards inside.

It was for this reason that he brought Little Herring here.

Small in size, strong in body.

The little herring with the body of a half-dragon can escape in time even if it encounters danger.

Shen Shan who thought so, also took out the little herring from his pocket, and threw it to the side of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, the little herring curled up as much as possible, reduced the brightness of the scales on its body to the weakest, and quickly jumped into the cave.

"Brother Shen, how did you train these beasts?"

"Can you reveal a little bit of your experience?"

When the last sentence was uttered just now, Gao He also knew that he was a little stupid.

This may be Shen Shan's exclusive secret.

I shouldn't have asked so recklessly.

However, he was also looking forward to Shen Shan's answer.

Shen Shan sighed softly, and instead of answering Gao He's question just now, he turned and said:
"Brother Gao, you still have to wait outside for a while, and you can rush in when it's officially past midnight. They should have summoned part of the power of the fierce god."

There is no way, these two beasts are evolved by the system.

After evolution, he is absolutely loyal. How can he have any shit experience to tell Gao He.

While Gao He was listening to Shen Shan's words, he couldn't stop bleeding from his whole body.

Gao He didn't pay any attention to Shen Shan's failure to respond to his previous question, on the contrary, he became even more excited about that fierce god.

Fierce God is the title of some extremely powerful people in the wormhole, he was very happy to ambush Shen Shan who brought him here.

He has never fought against the fierce god in the wormhole!
"Fierce God, I hope you don't disappoint me."

"The members of these blood-eating organizations are really lucky. If they didn't need them to summon the fierce god, I really want to rush in now."

As Gao He spoke, his physique seemed to swell even more.

The terrifying oppressive force that emanated caused the Platinum Star to reappear on its own initiative.

Shen Shan who was at the side couldn't help but twitched his eyes, and the black crow standing on his shoulder couldn't help feeling more chilly towards Gao He.

Gao He gave Shen Shan a feeling like a kind of evil ghost in human skin.

in the cave.

After the little herring hopped through several holes, it was also connected to one small puddle after another everywhere.

These waters are all droplets that condense from the rocks above.

After the little herring found these small puddles, it quickly burrowed into them, flicked its tail, quickly jumped from puddle to puddle, and rushed towards the depths of the cave.

Shen Shan also knew the specific way forward in this cave when he tortured the maniac man before.

Therefore, the little herring swam towards the bottom very smoothly all the way.

During the period, a member of the blood food organization did not see it.

At the same time, Shen Shan also learned everything about the descending ceremony of the fierce god through the mouth of the crazy man.

It is estimated that the ceremony should have been arranged early today.

The next step is to sacrifice the blood food up at twelve o'clock in the morning.

Immediately afterwards, at least six members of the blood-eating organization used extremely devout prayers to locate the fierce god in this ritual position.

In this way, part of the fierce god's power can break through the space barrier and descend into the chaotic ancient world.

When Shen Shan was thinking this way, the little herring in the cave had also successfully broken into the last entrance.

However, at the entrance, a Wang Li, who was covered in black smoke and had an extremely bad face, was guarding outside.

After chasing after Jiang Qing, he not only lost a portion of blood food to Kong Xie, but also lost the ligers and tigers himself.

The little herring slowed down in the darkness, slowly followed the stream of water, pressed its scales tightly, and drifted over without moving.

The little herring that squeezed its scales has already compressed all its strength.

From the surface, the little herring is purely like a newborn baby fish.

Only a strong man of Gaohe's level can see some clues.

Naturally, Wang Li didn't have such high eyesight.

But Wang Li, who was filled with a large amount of black mist at the entrance of the cave, naturally noticed the little herring that floated in along the small current.

However, after he just glanced sideways, he sighed again.

In the detection of the black mist, this little herring did not pose any threat at all.

It is estimated that it drifted down from somewhere in the cave.

In the beginning, Wang Li used black mist to intercept the bodies of these small animals every time.

But as the number of times increased, he was too lazy to do this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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