The Supreme Lord of the Perfect World

Chapter 101 Shi Hao is Getting Married!

Chapter 101 Shi Hao is Getting Married!

Chapter 101 Shi Hao is Getting Married!
Shangguanfeng walked to the deepest part of Shengu along the road opened by Xiaopan.

He looked at the first spiritual root in front of him with a smile in his eyes.

He reached out and took the first spiritual root into his hand.

Ordinary elixir has its own will, and if it doesn't want to fall into the hands of others, it will run away.

The will of the first spirit root's elixir was suppressed by the counterfeit drug seller, and he had no intention of running away.

"Just follow me for now." Shangguan Feng said.

He looked at the first spiritual root. It bloomed three flowers and sang the sound of the Tao, which could make people fall into enlightenment, which was extremely miraculous.

Shangguan Feng put the other party away, and the other party could help him realize the Dao by his side, although he would be peeped into some secrets by the counterfeit medicine sellers, but Shangguan Feng didn't care.

Now, how to improve strength to deal with the next catastrophe is the most critical thing.


Not Laoshan.

Shi Hao has arrived, he is the emperor of the Demon Court, and now Bulao Mountain has surrendered to the Demon Court, it is as easy for him to come here as to return to his own home.

Of course, most people here can't really regard him as a family member, even if he has the blood of the Qin clan.

"Hao'er! You're here!" Shi Ziling, Qin Yining and his wife looked at the child they had been thinking about day and night, and they were extremely excited.

When the three met, they naturally burst into tears.

The Great Demon God is also very excited, this is the reunion of three generations.

That is to say, Qin Hao's expression is a little subtle. When his parents called Hao'er before, they called him, but now they call him brother.

After some heart-to-heart talk, the excited atmosphere of the family dissipated a little.

Shi Hao wants to bring them back to Stone Country, and now he is the new Stone Emperor, although he doesn't intend to stay in this position for much longer.

Shi Ziling, his wife and the Great Demon God all beamed with joy and nodded repeatedly.

"I don't want to leave." Qin Hao said.

The scene suddenly fell silent, Shi Ziling's husband tried to persuade him again and again, and finally Qin Hao reluctantly agreed to leave with them.

Shi Ziling and his wife have lived with Qin Hao for a long time, thinking that Qin Hao should stay by their side.

However, both Shi Hao and the Great Demon God knew that Qin Hao might leave them sooner or later.

Qin Hao's heart is not with them.

The Great Demon God was thinking about how to win back Qin Hao's heart, while Shi Hao was thinking about himself.

He used to want to see his family wholeheartedly, but he is happy to see him now, but he also understands that he has grown up, and he also has pursuits.

Just like he left Shicun, in order to become stronger, he may not be able to stay with his family for a long time.

On the contrary, he is the one who understands Qin Hao's thoughts better.

When Shi Hao's family left, the people from Bold Mountain certainly wanted to stop them, but they could only let them go.

"I'll be back." Qin Hao said to the people of Bulaoshan.


Among the magic court.

Shangguanfeng is managing the affairs of the Demon Court. Although he is the shopkeeper most of the time, he still handles government affairs from time to time.

In fact, with his ability, not to mention knowing the affairs of the Demon Court like the back of his hand, but he can still know about some important events.

The situation on Shi Hao's side also came, and their family was reunited and returned to the capital of Shi Kingdom.

Moreover, Shi Hao is getting married.

This was hosted by his mother, asking Shi Hao to take Yuechan's second body.

Of course, because of the scruples about the Butian Sect, the marriage was done in secret, and the news was not circulated.

"Will the matter between the emperor and Fairy Yuechan cause dissatisfaction with Butian Sect?" Pan Daorong asked.

He was shocked by the fact that Shi Hao wanted to marry Yuechan by force.

Shangguanfeng smiled and said: "I think this matter is good. Although the Lower Realm Butian Sect has surrendered to us, the higher-ups have fled. It is obviously for small calculations. If Shi Hao marries Yuechan, then we and the Upper Realm Butian Teaching is considered in-laws."

"Give me a secret gift to Shi Hao!"

With a wave of his big hand, Shi Hao's fate was decided.

This matter was actually brought up by Shi Hao, because he wanted Shangguan Feng to stop Qin Yining, he didn't want to marry Yuechan like this.

But Shangguanfeng sold Shi Hao directly!

Anyway, in the original book, she is also married. Although there are some twists and turns, it is not a happy life in the end.

He did this for Shi Hao's good, that's right, that's it.

Just treat it as a good deed!
To Shangguan Feng, this was just a trivial matter, and it was quickly forgotten by him.

Arranging the upper bound is just a matter of doing it casually.

The current Shangguan Peak naturally focuses on cultivation.

In order to cope with the catastrophe in the future, Shangguanfeng frantically tried to improve himself.

When Shi Hao was carrying out major events in his life, and being with Yuechan for the second time, Shangguanfeng was silently cultivating.

With such efforts, the results are naturally remarkable.

Shangguan Peak sat cross-legged on the temple, not far from the first spiritual root.

Accompanied by bursts of Daoist voices, Shangguanfeng fell into enlightenment, and the Daoist traveled thousands of miles with each passing day.

In the lower realm, countless treasures and elixir were looted by the demon court.

The elixir refined by the girl with double pupils also greatly increased Shangguan Peak's cultivation speed.

Obviously in the lower realm, the cultivation environment here is not suitable for cultivators in the Void Dao Realm at all, and it will become extremely difficult to make progress.

But Shangguan Feng had reached an astonishing speed of cultivation, which made everyone who knew about it silently speechless.

But on this day, Shangguanfeng felt that he was finally about to break through.


Shangguan Peak's aura suddenly soared, and his cultivation had entered the middle stage of the Void Dao Realm.

Although it was only a small realm promotion, it was done in the Void Dao Realm, and it was done in the Lower Realm.

The most important time, it didn't take long.


Shangguanfeng looked up to the sky and laughed, he could feel the change in himself, he was too strong.

At his level, every step of advancement is a leap in strength.

"Relying on so many resources to break through, how long can you last? If you can break through quickly this time, will it be okay next time?" the girl with double pupils said.

Shangguanfeng smiled and said: "Who knows! Anyway, if there is a problem, it will be solved."

As he said this, holy light bloomed on his body, healing the girl with double pupils.

After he was promoted to the Void Dao Realm before, he healed her injuries, and his strength improved, and the effect was much better.

But now, her injury has improved again, but the Void Dao Realm is obviously still almost meaningless, and the effect is still a bit worse.

"Thank you!" The girl with double pupils felt that her injury had improved, and expressed her gratitude.

She is aware of her injuries, and it is not easy to truly recover, especially in the early stages.

However, as she gradually recovers, the speed of recovery will also accelerate.

It's just that her recovery speed doesn't seem to be as fast as Shangguan Peak's cultivation.

This is outrageous!
It has to be said that the speed at which Shangguan Feng's cultivation base increases is indeed terrifying.

After practicing for more than ten years, he has already stepped into the virtual realm.

Moreover, it seems that in the near future, it may go one step further and achieve the Slashing Realm.

In fact, in terms of combat power, Shangguan Feng would not be his opponent in the general Zhanwo realm.

This is still ignoring the external force of small stocks, it is purely based on its own strength.

It's no wonder that many bigwigs have doubts about Shangguanfeng's origin.

(End of this chapter)

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