Chapter 159 Unification of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths
Chapter 159 Unification of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths
After leaving Qishi Mansion, Shangguanfeng found Liu Shen and Crystal Skull.

He was about to advance to the Supreme Realm, so he naturally wanted to ask, the existence of these Immortal King series could give him a lot of advice.

Naturally, Liu Shen and the others were not stingy, and told Shangguan Feng a lot of their experience, which made Shangguan Feng more confident.

"The unification of the nine heavens and ten lands is not far away, and the interior is finally stable. But the external environment is not good. I heard that the Diguan is not stable, and the movements of foreign lands are becoming more frequent. The terrifying war is not far away." Shangguanfeng said.

The Crystal Skull said: "It's been so long, the foreign land may have recovered its vitality long ago. In our state, we can't help much."

He was a little disappointed. The great war at the end of the Immortal Era, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was too miserable, and no Immortal King-level master was intact.

Liu Shen sighed softly: "When the time comes, I will make a move."

It has recovered a lot, and although it is a bit reluctant to make a shot, it has to be done.

If other people make a move, it is really desperate!

Of course, it knows that there is nothing to be done, and the Crystal Skull will definitely make a move even at the expense of sacrifice.

Shangguan Feng said: "Things are not at this stage yet, the war has not yet started, there is still some time. I will find a way, maybe there will be a turning point."

Others didn't relax when they heard this.

They were indeed looking forward to Shangguan Feng, but they were only looking forward to Shangguan Feng's growth, and they had no confidence in Shangguan Feng's cultivation strength at this time.

Even if Shangguanfeng advances to the Supreme Realm and his strength goes further, he is still useless in front of foreign lands.

In the foreign land, there are too many masters of the fairy king level!

The gap between the Immortal King level and the monks below the Immortal King is too far. No matter how evil Shangguan Peak is, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Immortal King.

It was not difficult for Shangguan Feng to guess what these people were thinking, and he also knew that he was nothing compared to the Immortal King.

But it doesn't mean that he has no way to deal with this catastrophe, it's just that the methods are a bit unconventional and may not be successful, and he needs to be cautious.

He looked in Shi Hao's direction, and in the original book, this guy just cheated and got involved.

Just hang up, who wouldn't!
After chatting with these big guys again, Shangguan Feng took his leave and left.

Afterwards, Shangguanfeng returned directly to the retreat room and practiced silently.

With the development of the Demon Court to this point, there is no need for him to do everything by himself.

He can be a hands-off shopkeeper, practice with peace of mind, refine medicine pills and the power of faith.

He didn't move on Shangguan Peak, but the Demon Court continued to expand.

The ten lands have long been pacified, and now the nine heavens are gradually falling.

"Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are about to be unified!"

"Unexpectedly, I could see this day!"

"The demon court dominates the world, and there is no rival!"

Countless people exclaimed and praised.

Cultivators, long-lived and long-sighted, many people have lived for millions of years, experienced countless years, and witnessed each era.

But there has never been an era when someone outstanding can do this.

Unify the nine heavens and ten lands, and there will be no opponents in the world!
Shangguanfeng, the demon lord of the demon court, did this.

When the last day of the Nine Heavens fell, and the Moting unified the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, the whole world was boiling.

In fact, some people have expected this day long ago. After all, the demon court is too powerful. The supreme beings of the nine heavens and ten places either joined the demon court or remained neutral. There was no master to stop the demon court.

It's strange that we can't unify the nine heavens and ten earths!

But when it really came to this day, the world was still shocked.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are united, a new era has arrived!

In the demon court, Shangguanfeng could feel the endless power of faith pouring in.

He understood that this was the unification of nine heavens and ten earths by the demon court.

The demon court was strong before, but people's hearts were not stable, but now it is different.

Nine heavens and ten earths are under control, such an impact is huge, and the three views of countless people have been refreshed.

No matter what these people's impressions of Shangguan Peak were before, they will now have a layer of awe.

To unify the nine heavens and ten lands, Shangguan Peak is No.1 in this era!
The monstrous power of faith was absorbed and transformed by Shangguanfeng, making his aura stronger and stronger.

However, the barriers of the Supreme Realm have not yet been breached.

One is that this situation is indeed difficult to achieve, and the other is that Shangguanfeng did not deliberately attack, he wanted to break through naturally.

He doesn't want to have too many flaws in his cultivation. Anyway, he is not threatened by enemies now, and he can practice safely.

At this time, under the auspices of Meng Tianzheng, Qishi Mansion and Tianshen Academy were merged together.

Young heroes from nine heavens and ten places gathered together.

Young people are mostly young and vigorous, so naturally there are many fights.

Shi Hao, Ten Crown Kings, etc. all shined brilliantly, and of course the most outstanding person was Xiao Miao.

The name of Water Emperor spread from the Qishi Mansion, and it was well-known in the nine heavens and ten places.

After Shangguanfeng heard the news, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, at this point, Shi Hao was still suppressed, which is a bit unbelievable.

Hearing that it was Xiao Miao's stimulation, many Tianjiao worked hard to make themselves stronger, and many people traveled around looking for opportunities.

Anyway, the nine heavens and ten lands are under the rule of the demon court, and all kinds of treasures are open to them, and there will be no hindrance.

And Shi Hao also went out, and brought back a top Tianjiao, which shocked Qishi Mansion.

Skyhorn ants!
The birth of this family, even though it is the youngest son, is still shocking.

"I thought this family was wiped out, but I didn't expect there to be descendants!"

"Ten fierce parents and children must be cultivated emphatically!"

"I heard that he recognized the emperor as his elder brother, so it seems that he is bound to the Demon Court."

The ten fierce ones are legends in the nine heavens and ten places, and they must be taken seriously as soon as they appear.

You know, the ten evil spirits are all existences of the Immortal King series. As long as their heirs grow up, they will definitely not be bad, and they will definitely be strong.

The current Kunpengzi, even though his mother was seriously injured during pregnancy, causing damage to his origin, is still the supreme achievement.

You are just a beginner, and you will be a strong one in the Supreme Realm!

This is talent!
Shangguanfeng and the others knew that with Kunpengzi's talent, it was certain that he would become a true immortal in the future.

The only worry is that in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it may be restricted.

But now Kunpengzi is still far away from being a true immortal, so he will just have to think of a way at that time.

After Kunpeng's son was born, he was also the son of Tianjiao Ant, and many Tianjiao were born.

Many people think that this will be a great world!
"The golden world is opening, and the talents of all walks of life are vying for supremacy, and the future will surely be like a cloud!"

"It's not just Supreme, I think someone will break the curse and witness the birth of a true immortal!"

"Is it a real fairy? It's not impossible, it's strange that it can't appear!"

Many people discussed and commented on the various talents and masters.

However, many people avoided the Demon Lord, they dare not talk about Shangguan Peak.

But everyone knows that Shangguan Feng, the demon lord of this life, is the real protagonist!
(End of this chapter)

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