The Supreme Lord of the Perfect World

Chapter 262 Desire to Destroy the World

Chapter 262 Desire to Destroy the World
The old man Mieshi is very strong, far stronger than Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu, but it's a pity that he didn't take that step, he just didn't.

Compared with the real immortal emperor, the peak quasi-immortal emperor is like a cloud and mud.

And such an existence is not a big threat to Shangguanfeng.

Therefore, even if Mieshi old man came, he still seemed very calm, suppressing Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu to fight.

These two people were under great pressure, especially Hongdi, who was blown up by Shangguan Feng once again, blood spattering.

If Emperor Yu hadn't acted to protect him, Emperor Hong might really have been robbed.

After the old man Mieshi arrived, the two were obviously relieved.

Mieshi old man became enlightened earlier than them. Except for the unrecorded existence of Emperor Gu Ge, Mieshi old man can be said to be the first emperor who created the world.

Hongdi and Yudi both called Mieshi old man senior, which was a recognition of Mieshi's identity and strength.

The two of them, as well as the dead Emperor Cang, had competed with each other, and they had never taken advantage of the old man Mie Shi.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to expect them to respect just relying on seniority.

Strong people like them value strength more. If strength is insufficient, everything is useless, and they will not even take a look at it.

"Senior, please act!"

"That's right, we will join forces to kill this beast!"

Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu spoke one after another, hoping that the old man Mieshi would also join the battle.

Going up to Guanfeng directly was too much pressure, even for them it was hard to bear.

The old man Mieshi didn't make a move immediately, but looked at Shangguanfeng and exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, there will be such an anomaly like you in this life. It is not easy for us to practice, and it is too difficult to reach this level. Why do we have to fight to the death!"

"Why don't you join us and comprehend the Immortal Emperor's law together!"

Hongdi and Yudi's expressions changed slightly, they never expected that old man Mieshi would win over Shangguanfeng.

They were also recruited in the same way back then, but Shangguanfeng was different. He killed Emperor Cang, so let's forget it?
But thinking of Shangguan Feng's terrifying strength, they didn't speak.

Although they have friendship with Emperor Cang, they have fallen into darkness, their feelings have become extremely indifferent, and they don't care much about revenge for Emperor Cang.

If Shangguan Feng is willing to accept the solicitation, it is not a bad idea to avoid a deadly battle.

It's just that Shangguanfeng would not accept it, he laughed and said, "Degenerate into darkness like you? Don't even think about it!"

These quasi-immortal emperors want to become immortal emperors, Shangguan Feng is not incomprehensible, he came this time because he also wanted to become immortal emperors.

But for the sake of improving himself, falling into darkness is unacceptable to him.

What is the weirdness, Shangguanfeng is very clear.

While gaining strength, he also lost his rationality.

Don't look at these quasi-immortal emperors, who seem to be rational, but their hearts have changed, becoming ruthless and indifferent.

Are they like this, or are they?
Maybe they think so, thinking they just see it all.

But Shangguan Feng felt that it was because they were infected and they were no longer themselves.

"Do you still have concerns? Then I will cut them off for you." The old man Mieshi said slowly.

He was not in a hurry to make a move. If he didn't save Emperor Cang before, he just wanted to consume Shangguan Peak.

Shangguan Feng's strength was recognized by him.

Mieshi old man felt that Shangguanfeng was strong enough to threaten him, so he needed to be treated with caution.

The prosperous Shangguan Peak is not suitable for a strong enemy, so it should be weakened first.

Cangdi and the others are very good pawns. As for the safety of Cangdi and the others, they are not in the old man's consideration.

If you die, you will die, and there will be other emperors born in the future.

This is true of Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, Emperor Yu, and Emperor Footprint who came here to quell the chaos.

There has never been a shortage of outstanding people in the heavens and myriad worlds, and such outstanding people will appear every once in a while.

After these people arrived, it would be best if they were willing to join his camp. If they couldn't, then get rid of them, like the Emperor of Footprints.

At that time, the old man Mieshi didn't even need to make a move, but this time he knew that he couldn't stay out of it.

He raised his eyes, and two beams of brilliance shot out, shattering the void and shaking the world.

One after another, ancient and mysterious palaces appeared, which were ancient palaces of guidance, hidden in the void.

Inside, there were statues of masters sitting in the town. They looked at Mieshi old man with indifferent expressions, without the slightest expression.

These are creatures that have fallen into darkness, each of them is extremely powerful, and there are many masters at the level of fairy kings.

There is no way, the weak creature has long since died, so it cannot come here.

"Go, destroy the heavens, I think this fellow Taoist will finally understand." The old man Mieshi ordered, his tone was not the slightest waver, as if destroying the heavens was a common thing in his eyes.

This is actually the truth, this is not the first time Mieshi old man has done that, and this is also the origin of his name.

The world was destroyed again and again, and an unknown number of souls died under his hands.

The creatures of the heavens and the world are like ants in his eyes, they are just the targets of harvesting again and again.

Each time he leaves seeds, waits for them to grow, and then reaps.

The cycle goes on and on, never ending.

After the Mie Shi old man became an emperor, he came here and learned the "truth", and exchanged the spirit energy of all heavenly beings for the immortal emperor's scriptures.

Of course, this is not the whole of his plan, being subject to Brother Digu is unacceptable to him.

He also cultivates masters in the heavens and worlds, launching dark turmoil again and again, so that those arrogances can grow in difficult situations, so that they can become stronger and give birth to truly strong people.

What is a real strong person is naturally an existence that has entered the quasi-immortal emperor series!
It can be said that Emperor Cang and all other quasi-immortal emperors are the masterpieces of the old man Mieshi. If it weren't for his "hard" cultivation and not enough suffering, how could they grow up?
In the eyes of Mieshi old man, Shangguanfeng is also the same. As for whether he can really recruit, we will know how Shangguanfeng performs after the destruction of the heavens and worlds.

Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu became partners, but Emperor Zuji didn't want to, so he died.

Countless dark masters set off, walked out of the dark ancient land, and advanced along the road connected by the ancient temples.

Shangguan Feng squinted his eyes. He knew the goal of these dark masters. They wanted to cross the boundary sea, kill the heavens and all worlds, and destroy the only real world now.

"If you want to destroy the heavens and worlds, you might have succeeded in the past, but now! Hey!" Shangguan Feng sneered, with Shi Hao and Xiao Miao as rivals, and many masters helping him, Shangguan Feng really didn't think They can do it.

The old man Mie Shi raised his eyebrows, and said: "It seems that you have a backup, it's really not easy!"

The stars in his eyes are disillusioned, the universe is born and died, and he looks in the direction of the heavens and worlds, as if he is deducing something.

What kind of characters Shangguanfeng and the others are, one can naturally see the clues.

Fragments of time flicker around Old Man Mieshi's body, and he is deducing the future of the heavens and worlds.

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